A power, other than a power of appointment, is irrevocable unless an
authority to revoke it is granted or reserved in the instrument creating
the power.
Structure New York Laws
EPT - Estates, Powers and Trusts
Part 10 - Provisions Affecting Powers Other Than Powers of Appointment
10-10.1 - Power to Distribute Principal or Allocate Income; Restriction on Exercise.
10-10.2 - Power to Lease in Tenant for Life; Scope
10-10.3 - Power to Lease in Tenant for Life; Transfer and Extinguishment
10-10.4 - Power to Lease in Tenant for Life; Effect of Mortgage
10-10.5 - Power to Sell in a Mortgage
10-10.6 - Effect of Reserved Unqualified Power to Revoke
10-10.7 - Exercise of Powers by Multiple Fiduciaries; Joint and Several Powers
10-10.8 - Irrevocability of Powers Other Than Powers of Appointment