Where a power to sell real property is given to a mortgagee or to the
transferee in any other conveyance intended to secure the payment of
money, the power is deemed a part of the security, and passes to and may
be exercised by any person, who by assignment or otherwise, becomes
entitled to the money so secured to be paid.
Structure New York Laws
EPT - Estates, Powers and Trusts
Part 10 - Provisions Affecting Powers Other Than Powers of Appointment
10-10.1 - Power to Distribute Principal or Allocate Income; Restriction on Exercise.
10-10.2 - Power to Lease in Tenant for Life; Scope
10-10.3 - Power to Lease in Tenant for Life; Transfer and Extinguishment
10-10.4 - Power to Lease in Tenant for Life; Effect of Mortgage
10-10.5 - Power to Sell in a Mortgage
10-10.6 - Effect of Reserved Unqualified Power to Revoke
10-10.7 - Exercise of Powers by Multiple Fiduciaries; Joint and Several Powers
10-10.8 - Irrevocability of Powers Other Than Powers of Appointment