§ 1-u. Applicability of certain laws. The provisions of this article
including, but not limited to, any proceeding or hearing conducted
pursuant hereto, shall be subject to the applicable provisions of the
state administrative procedure act and section seventy-three of the
civil rights law.
Structure New York Laws
1-A - Legislative Declaration.
1-D - Lobby-Related Powers of the Commission.
1-E - Statement of Registration.
1-F - Monthly Registration Docket.
1-G - Termination of Retainer, Employment or Designation.
1-H - Bi-Monthly Reports of Certain Lobbyists.
1-I - Bi-Monthly Reports of Public Corporations.
1-L - Reports of Lobbying Involving Disbursement of Public Monies.
1-R - Publication of Statement on Lobbying Regulations.
1-S - Public Access to Records; Format of Records and Reports.
1-T - Advisory Council on Procurement Lobbying.
1-U - Applicability of Certain Laws.