ยง 1-f. Monthly registration docket. It shall be the duty of the
commission to compile a monthly docket of statements of registration
containing all information required by section one-e of this article.
Each such monthly docket shall contain all statements of registration
filed during such month and all amendments to previously filed
statements of registration. Copies shall be made available for public
Structure New York Laws
1-A - Legislative Declaration.
1-D - Lobby-Related Powers of the Commission.
1-E - Statement of Registration.
1-F - Monthly Registration Docket.
1-G - Termination of Retainer, Employment or Designation.
1-H - Bi-Monthly Reports of Certain Lobbyists.
1-I - Bi-Monthly Reports of Public Corporations.
1-L - Reports of Lobbying Involving Disbursement of Public Monies.
1-R - Publication of Statement on Lobbying Regulations.
1-S - Public Access to Records; Format of Records and Reports.
1-T - Advisory Council on Procurement Lobbying.