Repeals. — Laws 1979, ch. 194, § 9, repealed 77-1-11 NMSA 1978, as enacted by Laws 1901, ch. 105, § 4, relating to the killing of any animal the keeping of which is unlawful.
Structure New Mexico Statutes
Chapter 77 - Animals and Livestock
Article 1 - Dogs and Domesticated Animals
Section 77-1-1 - [Dogs, cats, domesticated fowls and birds are personal property.]
Section 77-1-2 - Dog killing or injuring livestock; damages; dog to be killed.
Section 77-1-3 - Vaccination of dogs and cats required.
Section 77-1-5 - Vaccination of dogs and cats brought into state.
Section 77-1-9 - Dogs; destruction.
Section 77-1-10 - Vicious animals; rabid or unvaccinated dogs and cats; failure to destroy.
Section 77-1-11 - Repealed.
Section 77-1-12 - Local control by ordinance; dogs and cats running at large.
Section 77-1-17 - Abandoned dogs and cats; notice to owner; disposal without liability.
Section 77-1-18 - Short title.
Section 77-1-19 - Definitions.
Section 77-1-20 - Sterilization agreement and sterilization deposit required.