A. No person shall rent a motor vehicle to any other person unless the latter person is then duly licensed hereunder or, in the case of a nonresident, then duly licensed under the laws of the state or country of his residence except a nonresident whose home state or country does not require that a driver be licensed.
B. No person shall rent a motor vehicle to another until he has inspected the driver's license of the person to whom the vehicle is to be rented, and has compared and verified the signature thereon with the signature of such person written in his presence.
C. Every person renting a motor vehicle to another shall keep a record of the registration number of the motor vehicle so rented, the name and address of the person to whom the vehicle is rented, the number of the license of said latter person and the date and place when and where said license was issued. Such record shall be open to inspection by any police officer or officer or employee of the division.
D. It is unlawful to rent a motor vehicle to any person who is under the age of eighteen years unless such person shall furnish and leave with the person renting out the motor veicle [vehicle] a statement in writing showing the consent of the parent or guardian to the rent [rental] of a motor vehicle by the said owner [minor].
History: 1953 Comp., § 64-5-43, enacted by Laws 1978, ch. 35, § 265.
Cross references. — For the general police authority of the division of motor vehicles, see 66-2-12 NMSA 1978.
Bracketed material. — The bracketed material was inserted by the compiler and it is not part of the law.
Am. Jur. 2d, A.L.R. and C.J.S. references. — Criminal liability in connection with rental of motor vehicles, 38 A.L.R.3d 949.
Construction and application of statute imposing liability expressly upon motor vehicle lessor for damages caused by operation of vehicle, 41 A.L.R.4th 993.
State regulation of motor vehicle rental ("you-drive") business, 60 A.L.R.4th 784.
Structure New Mexico Statutes
Section 66-5-1.1 - Definition.
Section 66-5-1.2 - Definition; tribe.
Section 66-5-2 - Drivers must be licensed.
Section 66-5-2.1 - Consent to registration with the selective service system; applicability.
Section 66-5-4 - Persons exempt from licensure.
Section 66-5-5 - Persons not to be licensed.
Section 66-5-6 - Health standards advisory board.
Section 66-5-7 - Driver's license; classification; examinations.
Section 66-5-9 - Application for license or renewal.
Section 66-5-10 - Application for license; information; transfer to license.
Section 66-5-11 - Application of minors.
Section 66-5-12 - Release from liability.
Section 66-5-13 - Cancellation of license upon death of person signing minor's application.
Section 66-5-14 - Examination of applicants.
Section 66-5-15 - Licenses issued to applicants.
Section 66-5-15.1 - Notification by licensee.
Section 66-5-15.4 - Driver's licenses and identification cards; acceptance.
Section 66-5-15.5 - Validity; driving authorization cards. (Repealed effective July 1, 2022.)
Section 66-5-16 - License to be carried and exhibited on demand.
Section 66-5-17 - Use of license for identification.
Section 66-5-18 - Altered, forged or fictitious license; penalty.
Section 66-5-19 - Restricted licenses.
Section 66-5-20 - Replacement licenses.
Section 66-5-21.1 - Effect of military service on driver's license.
Section 66-5-22 - Notice of change of address or name.
Section 66-5-23 - Records to be kept by the division.
Section 66-5-24 - Authority of division to cancel license.
Section 66-5-29 - Mandatory revocation of license by division.
Section 66-5-30 - Authority of division to suspend or revoke license.
Section 66-5-31 - Division may require reexamination.
Section 66-5-32 - Period of suspension or revocation.
Section 66-5-33.1 - Reinstatement of driver's license or registration; ignition interlock; fee.
Section 66-5-34 - No operation under foreign license during suspension or revocation in this state.
Section 66-5-35 - Limited driving privilege upon suspension or revocation.
Section 66-5-36 - Right of appeal to court.
Section 66-5-37 - Unlawful use of license.
Section 66-5-38 - Making false affidavit perjury.
Section 66-5-39 - Driving while license suspended; penalties.
Section 66-5-39.1 - Driving while license revoked; penalties.
Section 66-5-39.2 - Driving while license administratively suspended.
Section 66-5-40 - Permitting unauthorized minor to drive.
Section 66-5-41 - Permitting unauthorized person to drive.
Section 66-5-42 - Employing unlicensed driver.
Section 66-5-43 - Renting motor vehicles to unlicensed drivers and minors; exception; record.
Section 66-5-44 - Licenses and permits; duration and fee; appropriation.
Section 66-5-44.1 - Provisional licenses; duration and fee; appropriation.
Section 66-5-47 - Photographs.
Section 66-5-48 - Uniformity of interpretation.
Section 66-5-49 - Driver License Compact enacted.
Section 66-5-50 - Driver License Compact; definitions; cooperation.