New Mexico Statutes
Section 66-5-23 - Records to be kept by the division.

A. The division shall file every application for a driver's license or a commercial driver's license pursuant to the provisions of the New Mexico Commercial Driver's License Act [66-5-52 to 66-5-72 NMSA 1978] received by it and shall maintain suitable indexes containing:
(1) all applications denied and, on each, note the reasons for denial;
(2) all applications granted;
(3) the name of every licensee whose license has been suspended or revoked by the division and, after each, note the reasons for the action; and
(4) the name of every licensee who has violated his written promise to appear in court.
B. The division shall also file all abstracts of court records of conviction or reports that it receives from the trial courts of this state or from a tribal court, which show either that a driver is a first offender or a subsequent offender and whether that offender was represented by counsel or waived the right to counsel, with attention to Article III of the Driver License Compact [66-5-49 NMSA 1978], and in connection therewith maintain convenient records or make suitable notations in order that the individual record of each licensee showing the convictions of the licensee in which he has been involved shall be readily ascertainable and available for the consideration of the division upon any application for renewal of license and at other suitable times.
History: 1953 Comp., § 64-5-23, enacted by Laws 1978, ch. 35, § 245; 1979, ch. 71, § 3; 1981, ch. 360, § 2; 1988, ch. 56, § 3; 1989, ch. 14, § 20; 2003, ch. 164, § 5.
The 2003 amendment, effective July 1, 2003, in Subsection B, inserted "that it receives" following "conviction or reports", substituted "or from a tribal court" for "received by it" following "of this state", deleted "received by it under the laws of this state" following "right to counsel".
The 1989 amendment, effective July 1, 1989, in Subsection A substituted "driver's license or a commercial driver's license pursuant to the provisions of the New Mexico Commercial Driver's License Act" for "license" in the introductory paragraph, and substituted "received by it, which show either" for "which show" near the beginning of Subsection B.
The 1988 amendment, effective January 1, 1989, in Subsection B, inserted "or a subsequent offender and whether that offender was represented by counsel or waived the right to counsel" and "Article III of" near the middle of the subsection, and deleted "of 1963, Section 66-5-49, Article III, NMSA 1978" following "Driver License Compact"; and made minor stylistic changes.

Structure New Mexico Statutes

New Mexico Statutes

Chapter 66 - Motor Vehicles

Article 5 - Licensing of Operators and Chauffeurs; Financial Responsibility; Uninsured Motorists' Insurance; Identification Cards


Section 66-5-1 - Repealed.

Section 66-5-1.1 - Definition.

Section 66-5-1.2 - Definition; tribe.

Section 66-5-2 - Drivers must be licensed.

Section 66-5-2.1 - Consent to registration with the selective service system; applicability.

Section 66-5-3 - Repealed.

Section 66-5-4 - Persons exempt from licensure.

Section 66-5-5 - Persons not to be licensed.

Section 66-5-6 - Health standards advisory board.

Section 66-5-7 - Driver's license; classification; examinations.

Section 66-5-8 - Provisional licenses; instruction permits; driver education students; temporary licenses.

Section 66-5-9 - Application for license or renewal.

Section 66-5-10 - Application for license; information; transfer to license.

Section 66-5-11 - Application of minors.

Section 66-5-12 - Release from liability.

Section 66-5-13 - Cancellation of license upon death of person signing minor's application.

Section 66-5-14 - Examination of applicants.

Section 66-5-15 - Licenses issued to applicants.

Section 66-5-15.1 - Notification by licensee.

Section 66-5-15.2 - Repealed.

Section 66-5-15.3 - Issuance of documents that meet federal requirements to be accepted by federal agencies for official federal purposes; reimbursement.

Section 66-5-15.4 - Driver's licenses and identification cards; acceptance.

Section 66-5-15.5 - Validity; driving authorization cards. (Repealed effective July 1, 2022.)

Section 66-5-16 - License to be carried and exhibited on demand.

Section 66-5-17 - Use of license for identification.

Section 66-5-18 - Altered, forged or fictitious license; penalty.

Section 66-5-19 - Restricted licenses.

Section 66-5-20 - Replacement licenses.

Section 66-5-21 - Expiration of license; limited issuance period; four-year issuance period; eight-year issuance period; renewal.

Section 66-5-21.1 - Effect of military service on driver's license.

Section 66-5-22 - Notice of change of address or name.

Section 66-5-23 - Records to be kept by the division.

Section 66-5-24 - Authority of division to cancel license.

Section 66-5-25 - Suspending privileges of nonresidents; reporting convictions; failures to appear; failures to pay.

Section 66-5-26 - Suspending resident's license; conviction failure to appear, failure to pay in another state or tribal jurisdiction.

Section 66-5-27 - Recognition of convictions for motor vehicle offenses committed on military installations; suspension or revocation.

Section 66-5-27.1 - Recognition of convictions for motor vehicle offenses committed on tribal land; intergovernmental agreements; information sharing with tribal courts.

Section 66-5-28 - Repealed.

Section 66-5-29 - Mandatory revocation of license by division.

Section 66-5-30 - Authority of division to suspend or revoke license.

Section 66-5-31 - Division may require reexamination.

Section 66-5-32 - Period of suspension or revocation.

Section 66-5-33 - Repealed.

Section 66-5-33.1 - Reinstatement of driver's license or registration; ignition interlock; fee.

Section 66-5-34 - No operation under foreign license during suspension or revocation in this state.

Section 66-5-35 - Limited driving privilege upon suspension or revocation.

Section 66-5-36 - Right of appeal to court.

Section 66-5-37 - Unlawful use of license.

Section 66-5-38 - Making false affidavit perjury.

Section 66-5-39 - Driving while license suspended; penalties.

Section 66-5-39.1 - Driving while license revoked; penalties.

Section 66-5-39.2 - Driving while license administratively suspended.

Section 66-5-40 - Permitting unauthorized minor to drive.

Section 66-5-41 - Permitting unauthorized person to drive.

Section 66-5-42 - Employing unlicensed driver.

Section 66-5-43 - Renting motor vehicles to unlicensed drivers and minors; exception; record.

Section 66-5-44 - Licenses and permits; duration and fee; appropriation.

Section 66-5-44.1 - Provisional licenses; duration and fee; appropriation.

Section 66-5-45 - Repealed.

Section 66-5-46 - Repealed.

Section 66-5-47 - Photographs.

Section 66-5-48 - Uniformity of interpretation.

Section 66-5-49 - Driver License Compact enacted.

Section 66-5-50 - Driver License Compact; definitions; cooperation.

Section 66-5-51 - Compensation of compact administrator.