New Mexico Statutes
Article 1 - Organization and Management of Railroads
Section 63-1-38 - [Change of principal place of business.]

Every railroad corporation may change its principal place of business from one place to another in the same county, or from one city or county to another city or county within this state. Before such change is made, the assent, in writing, of the holders of two-thirds of the subscribed capital stock must be obtained and filed in the office of the secretary of the corporation. When such consent is obtained and filed, notice of the intended removal or change must be published at least once a week for three successive weeks, in some newspaper published in the county wherein said principal place of business is situated, if there is one published therein; if not, in a newspaper published in an adjoning [adjoining] county, gving [giving] the name of the county or city or town where it is situated, and that to which it is intended to remove it.
History: Laws 1878, ch. 1, ch. [tit.] 3, § 17; C.L. 1884, § 2649; C.L. 1897, § 3831; Code 1915, § 4689; C.S. 1929, § 116-137; 1941 Comp., § 74-140; 1953 Comp., § 69-1-40.
Bracketed material. — The bracketed material was inserted by the compiler and is not part of the law.
Cross references. — For legal newspapers, see 14-11-2 NMSA 1978.

Structure New Mexico Statutes

New Mexico Statutes

Chapter 63 - Railroads and Communications

Article 1 - Organization and Management of Railroads

Section 63-1-1 - [Formation of corporations.]

Section 63-1-2 - [Articles of incorporation.]

Section 63-1-3 - [Execution of articles of incorporation.]

Section 63-1-4 - [Subscriptions to capital stock; minimum amount paid in.]

Section 63-1-5 - [Affidavit stating amount of stock subscribed and amount paid.]

Section 63-1-6 - Filing; effect.

Section 63-1-7 - Articles of incorporation; certified copies.

Section 63-1-8 - [Owners of capital stock are stockholders.]

Section 63-1-9 - [Bylaws; adoption.]

Section 63-1-10 - [Contents of bylaws.]

Section 63-1-11 - [Book of bylaws; public inspection; amendment and repeal of bylaws.]

Section 63-1-12 - [Management by board of directors; number; quorum; vacancies.]

Section 63-1-13 - [Election and term of directors.]

Section 63-1-14 - [Ballots; majority required; voting rights.]

Section 63-1-15 - [Directors' organization meeting; officers; majority.]

Section 63-1-16 - [Meetings of directors; call; notice.]

Section 63-1-17 - [Removal of directors; call and notice of meetings; filling vacancy.]

Section 63-1-18 - [Declaring dividends; restrictions; liability of directors.]

Section 63-1-19 - [Calls for installment payment of subscriptions; notice of assessment; publication; form; default; suit or sale of shares.]

Section 63-1-20 - [Assessment remaining unpaid; requirements for new levy.]

Section 63-1-21 - [Transfer of shares sold for assessment.]

Section 63-1-22 - [Purchase by corporation of stock sold for assessments; procedure.]

Section 63-1-23 - [Effect of corporation purchase.]

Section 63-1-24 - [Extension of time for assessment payment or stock sale; restrictions.]

Section 63-1-25 - [Errors in proceedings; effect.]

Section 63-1-26 - [Actions to recover stock sold for assessments; restrictions.]

Section 63-1-27 - [Proof of publication of assessment or stock sale for default in payment.]

Section 63-1-28 - [Stock shares; nature; transfer; restrictions.]

Section 63-1-29 - [Issuance of stock certificates.]

Section 63-1-30 - [Transfer of nonresident's shares of stock.]

Section 63-1-31 - [Call for stockholders' meeting when authority is lacking; warrant of magistrate.]

Section 63-1-32 - [Quorum for stockholders' meeting; adjournment; record.]

Section 63-1-33 - [Postponement of election.]

Section 63-1-34 - [Court review of elections; notice.]

Section 63-1-35 - [Waiver of notice of stockholders' meeting.]

Section 63-1-36 - [Validity of proceedings where notice of meeting is waived.]

Section 63-1-37 - [Place for stockholders' meeting.]

Section 63-1-38 - [Change of principal place of business.]

Section 63-1-39 - [Corporate records; debts of corporation; minutes of all meetings; list of stockholders; stock transfer book.]

Section 63-1-40 - [False entries or reports; liability.]

Section 63-1-41 - [Annual report to public regulation commission.]

Section 63-1-42 - Change of name.