New Mexico Statutes
Article 8B - Charter Schools
Section 22-8B-4.1 - Charter schools' enrollment procedures.

A. Start-up schools and conversion schools are subject to the following enrollment procedures:
(1) a start-up school may either enroll students on a first-come, first-served basis or through a lottery selection process if the total number of applicants exceeds the number of spaces available at the start-up school; and
(2) a conversion school shall give enrollment preference to students who are enrolled in the public school at the time it is converted into a charter school and to siblings of students admitted to or attending the charter school. The conversion school may either enroll all other students on a first-come, first-served basis or through a lottery selection process if the total number of applicants exceeds the number of spaces available at the conversion school.
B. In subsequent years of its operation, a charter school shall give enrollment preference to:
(1) students who have been admitted to the charter school through an appropriate admission process and remain in attendance through subsequent grades;
(2) children of employees employed by the charter school; and
(3) siblings of students already admitted to or attending the same charter school.
History: 1978 Comp., § 22-8B-4.1, enacted by Laws 2000, ch. 82, § 3; 2021, ch. 28, § 1.
The 2021 amendment, effective July 1, 2021, provided an enrollment preference for students whose parents are employees of the charter school; and in Subsection B, added new Paragraph B(2) and redesignated former Paragraph B(2) as Paragraph B(3).
Applicability. — Laws 2021, ch. 28, § 2 provided that the provisions of Laws 2021, ch. 28, § 1 apply to the 2021-2022 school year and subsequent school years.

Structure New Mexico Statutes

New Mexico Statutes

Chapter 22 - Public Schools

Article 8B - Charter Schools

Section 22-8B-1 - Short title.

Section 22-8B-2 - Definitions.

Section 22-8B-3 - Purpose.

Section 22-8B-4 - Charter schools' rights and responsibilities; operation.

Section 22-8B-4.1 - Charter schools' enrollment procedures.

Section 22-8B-4.2 - Charter school facilities; standards.

Section 22-8B-5 - Charter schools; status; local school board authority.

Section 22-8B-5.1 - Governing body training.

Section 22-8B-5.2 - Governing body conflicts of interest.

Section 22-8B-5.3 - Chartering authority; powers; duties; liability.

Section 22-8B-5.4 - Governing body authority over who may carry a firearm on charter school property.

Section 22-8B-6 - Charter school requirements; application process; authorization; state board of finance designation required; public hearings; subcommittees.

Section 22-8B-7 - Appeal of denial, nonrenewal, suspension or revocation; procedures.

Section 22-8B-8 - Charter application; contents.

Section 22-8B-9 - Charter school contract; contents; rules.

Section 22-8B-9.1 - Performance framework.

Section 22-8B-10 - Charter schools; employees.

Section 22-8B-11 - Charter schools; maximum number established.

Section 22-8B-12 - Charter schools; term; oversight and corrective actions; site visits; renewal of charter; grounds for nonrenewal or revocation.

Section 22-8B-12.1 - Charter school closure; chartering authority protocols; chartering authority duties; distribution of assets.

Section 22-8B-12.2 - Charter schools; proposals to open or close a public school on tribal land; consultation with tribal leaders and members and families of students.

Section 22-8B-13 - Charter school financing.

Section 22-8B-14 - Charter schools stimulus fund created.

Section 22-8B-14.1 - Repealed.

Section 22-8B-15 - Repealed.

Section 22-8B-16 - Public education commission; powers and duties.

Section 22-8B-17 - Charter schools division; duties.

Section 22-8B-17.1 - Division; annual report.