New Mexico Statutes
Article 8B - Charter Schools
Section 22-8B-14 - Charter schools stimulus fund created.

A. The "charter schools stimulus fund" is created in the state treasury. Money in the fund is appropriated to the department of education [public education department] to provide financial support to charter schools, whether start-up or conversion, for initial start-up costs and initial costs associated with renovating or remodeling existing buildings and structures for expenditure in fiscal year 2000 and subsequent fiscal years. The fund shall consist of money appropriated by the legislature and grants, gifts, devises and donations from any public or private source. The department of education [public education department] shall administer the fund in accordance with rules adopted by the state board [department]. The department of education [public education department] may use up to three percent of the fund for administrative costs. Money in the fund shall not revert to the general fund at the end of a fiscal year.
B. If the charter school receives an initial grant and fails to begin operating a charter school within the next eighteen months, the charter school shall immediately reimburse the fund.
History: Laws 1999, ch. 281, § 14.
Bracketed material. — The bracketed material was inserted by the compiler and is not part of the law.
Laws 2004, ch. 25, § 27, provided that all references to the superintendent of public instruction shall be deemed references to the secretary of public education and all references to the former state board of education or state department of education shall be deemed references to the public education department. See 9-24-15 NMSA 1978.

Structure New Mexico Statutes

New Mexico Statutes

Chapter 22 - Public Schools

Article 8B - Charter Schools

Section 22-8B-1 - Short title.

Section 22-8B-2 - Definitions.

Section 22-8B-3 - Purpose.

Section 22-8B-4 - Charter schools' rights and responsibilities; operation.

Section 22-8B-4.1 - Charter schools' enrollment procedures.

Section 22-8B-4.2 - Charter school facilities; standards.

Section 22-8B-5 - Charter schools; status; local school board authority.

Section 22-8B-5.1 - Governing body training.

Section 22-8B-5.2 - Governing body conflicts of interest.

Section 22-8B-5.3 - Chartering authority; powers; duties; liability.

Section 22-8B-5.4 - Governing body authority over who may carry a firearm on charter school property.

Section 22-8B-6 - Charter school requirements; application process; authorization; state board of finance designation required; public hearings; subcommittees.

Section 22-8B-7 - Appeal of denial, nonrenewal, suspension or revocation; procedures.

Section 22-8B-8 - Charter application; contents.

Section 22-8B-9 - Charter school contract; contents; rules.

Section 22-8B-9.1 - Performance framework.

Section 22-8B-10 - Charter schools; employees.

Section 22-8B-11 - Charter schools; maximum number established.

Section 22-8B-12 - Charter schools; term; oversight and corrective actions; site visits; renewal of charter; grounds for nonrenewal or revocation.

Section 22-8B-12.1 - Charter school closure; chartering authority protocols; chartering authority duties; distribution of assets.

Section 22-8B-12.2 - Charter schools; proposals to open or close a public school on tribal land; consultation with tribal leaders and members and families of students.

Section 22-8B-13 - Charter school financing.

Section 22-8B-14 - Charter schools stimulus fund created.

Section 22-8B-14.1 - Repealed.

Section 22-8B-15 - Repealed.

Section 22-8B-16 - Public education commission; powers and duties.

Section 22-8B-17 - Charter schools division; duties.

Section 22-8B-17.1 - Division; annual report.