New Mexico Statutes
Article 8 - Public School Finance
Section 22-8-24 - Instructional staff training and experience index; definitions; factors; calculations.

A. For the purpose of calculating the instructional staff training and experience index, the following definitions and limitations shall apply:
(1) "instructional staff" means the personnel assigned to the instructional program of the school district, excluding principals, substitute teachers, instructional aides, secretaries and clerks;
(2) the number of instructional staff to be counted in calculating the instructional staff training and experience index is the actual number of full-time equivalent instructional staff on the October payroll;
(3) the number of years of experience to be used in calculating the instructional staff training and experience index is that number of years of experience allowed for salary increment purposes on the salary schedule of the school district; and
(4) the academic degree and additional credit hours to be used in calculating the instructional staff training and experience index is the degree and additional semester credit hours allowed for salary increment purposes on the salary schedule of the school district.
B. The factors for each classification of academic training by years of experience are provided in the following table:
Years of Experience
0 2
3 5
6 8
9 15
Over 15
Bachelor's degree
or less
Bachelor's degree plus
15 credit hours
Master's degree or
bachelor's degree
plus 45 credit hours
Master's degree plus
15 credit hours
Post-master's degree
or master's degree
plus 45 credit hours
C. The instructional staff training and experience index for each school district shall be calculated in accordance with instructions issued by the state superintendent [secretary]. The following calculations shall be computed:
(1) multiply the number of full-time equivalent instructional staff in each academic classification by the numerical factor in the appropriate "years of experience" column provided in the table in Subsection B of this section;
(2) add the products calculated in Paragraph (1) of this subsection; and
(3) divide the total obtained in Paragraph (2) of this subsection by the total number of full-time equivalent instructional staff.
D. In the event that the result of the calculation of the training and experience index is 1.0 or less, the district's factor shall be no less than 1.0.
E. In the event that a new school district is created, the training and experience index for that district is 1.12.
History: 1953 Comp., § 77-6-18.8, enacted by Laws 1974, ch. 8, § 15; 1975, ch. 119, § 2; 1976 (S.S.), ch. 32, § 8; 1993, ch. 91, § 1; 1993, ch. 237, § 3.
Cross references. —For transfer of powers and duties of former state superintendent, see 9-24-15 NMSA 1978.
1993 amendments. — Laws 1993, ch. 91, § 1, effective June 18, 1993, substituted "state superintendent" for "chief" in the first sentence of Subsection C and "1.0" for ".95" in two places in Subsection D, was approved March 31, 1993. Laws 1993, ch. 237, § 3, effective June 18, 1993, substituted "state superintendent" for "chief" in Subsection C, substituted "1.0" for ".95" in two places in Subsection D and added Subsection E. This section was set out as amended by Laws 1993, ch. 237, § 3. See 12-1-8 NMSA 1978.
Superintendent's interpretation of section entitled to deference. — Subsection B is ambiguous; however, the superintendent's interpretation that interim credit hours are lost once a higher degree is conferred would be accorded substantial weight and deference. Board of Educ. v. N.M. State Dep't of Pub. Educ., 1999-NMCA-156, 128 N.M. 398, 993 P.2d 112, cert. denied, 128 N.M. 148, 990 P.2d 822.

Structure New Mexico Statutes

New Mexico Statutes

Chapter 22 - Public Schools

Article 8 - Public School Finance

Section 22-8-1 - Short title.

Section 22-8-2 - Definitions.

Section 22-8-3 - Office of education abolished; functions transferred.

Section 22-8-4 - Department; duties.

Section 22-8-5 - Rules; procedures.

Section 22-8-5.1 - Procurement, travel and gas cards.

Section 22-8-6 - Operating budgets; educational plans; submission; certain reports; failure to submit.

Section 22-8-6.1 - Charter school operating budgets; maximum MEM.

Section 22-8-7 - Manner of budget submission.

Section 22-8-7.1 - Certain school district budgets.

Section 22-8-8 - Budgets; minimum student membership.

Section 22-8-9 - Budgets; minimum requirements.

Section 22-8-10 - Budgets; fixing the operating budget.

Section 22-8-11 - Budgets; approval of operating budget.

Section 22-8-12 - Operating budgets; amendments.

Section 22-8-12.1 - Membership projections and budget requests.

Section 22-8-12.2 - Repealed.

Section 22-8-12.3 - Local school board finance subcommittee; audit committee; membership; duties.

Section 22-8-13 - Reports.

Section 22-8-13.1 - School district and charter school audits; sanctions for not submitting timely audit reports.

Section 22-8-13.2 - Financial reporting.

Section 22-8-13.3 - Reporting system; reporting requirements.

Section 22-8-14 - Public school fund.

Section 22-8-15 - Allocation limitation.

Section 22-8-16 - Payment to school districts.

Section 22-8-17 - Program cost determination; required information.

Section 22-8-18 - Program cost calculation; local responsibility.

Section 22-8-19 - Early childhood education program units.

Section 22-8-19.1 - Preschool programs; selected districts.

Section 22-8-20 - Basic program units.

Section 22-8-21 - Special education program units.

Section 22-8-22 - Bilingual multicultural education program units.

Section 22-8-23 - Size adjustment program units.

Section 22-8-23.1 - Enrollment growth program units.

Section 22-8-23.2 - New district adjustment; additional program units.

Section 22-8-23.3 - At-risk program units.

Section 22-8-23.4 - National board for professional teaching standards; certified teachers program units.

Section 22-8-23.5 - Fine arts education program units.

Section 22-8-23.6 - Charter school student activities program unit.

Section 22-8-23.7 - Elementary physical education program units.

Section 22-8-23.8 - Home school student activities program unit.

Section 22-8-23.9 - Home school student program units.

Section 22-8-23.10 - Extended learning time program.

Section 22-8-23.11 - K-5 plus program units.

Section 22-8-23.12 - New program funding.

Section 22-8-23.13 - Public education reform fund created.

Section 22-8-24 - Instructional staff training and experience index; definitions; factors; calculations.

Section 22-8-25 - State equalization guarantee distribution; determination of amount.

Section 22-8-25.1 - Additional per unit distribution from public school fund.

Section 22-8-26 - Transportation distribution.

Section 22-8-27 - Transportation equipment.

Section 22-8-28 - Repealed.

Section 22-8-29 - Transportation distributions; reports; payments.

Section 22-8-29.1 - Calculation of transportation allocation.

Section 22-8-29.2 - Repealed.

Section 22-8-29.3 - Repealed.

Section 22-8-29.4 - Transportation distribution adjustment factor.

Section 22-8-29.5 - Repealed.

Section 22-8-29.6 - Transportation emergency fund.

Section 22-8-30 - Supplemental distributions.

Section 22-8-30.1 - Recompiled.

Section 22-8-30.2 - Recompiled.

Section 22-8-31 - State-support reserve fund.

Section 22-8-32 - Current school fund; receipts; disposition.

Section 22-8-33 - Distribution of certain revenue.

Section 22-8-34 - Federal mineral leasing funds.

Section 22-8-35 - Tax anticipation certificates.

Section 22-8-36 - Certification of allocations; fund accounts.

Section 22-8-37 - Public school funds.

Section 22-8-38 - Boards of finance; designation.

Section 22-8-39 - Boards of finance; suspension.

Section 22-8-40 - Deposit of public school funds; distribution; interest.

Section 22-8-40.1 - Deposit of public school funds; providing exception on interest rate limitation for "NOW" accounts.

Section 22-8-41 - Restriction on operational funds; emergency accounts; cash balances.

Section 22-8-42 - Violation of act; penalties.

Section 22-8-43 - Public school reading proficiency fund; created.

Section 22-8-44 - Educator licensure fund; distribution; appropriation.

Section 22-8-45 - Teacher professional development fund.

Section 22-8-45.1 - Beginning teacher mentorship fund; created.

Section 22-8-46 - Repealed.

Section 22-8-47 - New Mexico government education fund.

Section 22-8-48 - New school development fund; distribution.

Section 22-8-49 - Teacher cost index; licensure-experience factor; report.