New Mexico Statutes
Article 1 - General Provisions Relating to State Educational Institutions
Section 21-1-7.2 - Reporting; commission on higher education [higher education department].

Each board of regents shall file annually a report on the post-tenure review process instituted at the institution.
History: Laws 1995, ch. 150, § 2.
Bracketed material. — The bracketed material was inserted by the compiler and is not part of the law.
For designation of the commission on higher education as the higher education department, see 9-25-4.1 NMSA 1978.
Emergency clauses. — Laws 1995, ch. 150, § 4 contained an emergency clause and was approved April 5, 1995.

Structure New Mexico Statutes

New Mexico Statutes

Chapter 21 - State and Private Education Institutions

Article 1 - General Provisions Relating to State Educational Institutions

Section 21-1-1 - State institutions; admission requirements to be established by boards of regents.

Section 21-1-1.1 - Home school students; admission requirements; public post-secondary educational institutions.

Section 21-1-1.2 - Dual credit for high school and post-secondary classes.

Section 21-1-2 - Matriculation and tuition fees.

Section 21-1-2.1 - Scholarship program established.

Section 21-1-3 - State educational institutions; resident students.

Section 21-1-4 - Tuition and general fee charges; definitions.

Section 21-1-4.1 - Tuition payments; residents conscripted into military service.

Section 21-1-4.2 - Repealed.

Section 21-1-4.3 - Repealed.

Section 21-1-4.4 - Repealed.

Section 21-1-4.5 - Resident tuition for veterans of the armed forces of the United States and families of members of the armed forces.

Section 21-1-4.6 - Nondiscrimination policy for admission to any public post-secondary educational institution; nondiscrimination in eligibility for education benefits.

Section 21-1-4.7 - Foster child tuition and fee waiver eligibility; notification.

Section 21-1-5 - Repealed.

Section 21-1-6 - Waiving of nonresident differential in tuition rates on a reciprocal basis with other states.

Section 21-1-7 - Removal of faculty members; compensation of secretary and treasurer restricted.

Section 21-1-7.1 - Post-tenure review process required.

Section 21-1-7.2 - Reporting; commission on higher education [higher education department].

Section 21-1-7.3 - Temporary provisions; tenure study.

Section 21-1-8 - [Eligibility for retirement pension.]

Section 21-1-9 - [Expenses of members of boards of regents.]

Section 21-1-10 - Delegation of authority.

Section 21-1-11 - [Allocation of funds.]

Section 21-1-12 - [Annual reports; contents.]

Section 21-1-13 - [Ex-officio board memberships of governor and superintendent of public instruction.]

Section 21-1-14 - [Quarterly and special meetings of boards.]

Section 21-1-15 - [One member of board to reside in adjacent municipality.]

Section 21-1-16 - [Public inspection of board records.]

Section 21-1-16.1 - State institutions of higher education; presidential searches.

Section 21-1-17 - Interest in contracts by board members or employees prohibited.

Section 21-1-18 - [No personal liability for official actions.]

Section 21-1-19 - [Oaths of board members; filing.]

Section 21-1-20 - Power to hold property.

Section 21-1-21 - Capital expenditures.

Section 21-1-21.1 - State educational institutions; adequate parking.

Section 21-1-22 - [Nonsectarian operation required.]

Section 21-1-23 - State higher educational institutions; public funds; limitation upon payment for certain purposes.

Section 21-1-24 - Graduate programs.

Section 21-1-25 - Repealed.

Section 21-1-26 - Higher education department; general powers.

Section 21-1-26.1 - Additional duties.

Section 21-1-26.2 - Post-secondary education; adult correctional facilities.

Section 21-1-26.3 - Verification function.

Section 21-1-26.5 - Repealed.

Section 21-1-26.6 - Repealed.

Section 21-1-26.7 - Annual accountability report.

Section 21-1-26.8 - Repealed.

Section 21-1-26.9 - Limitation; higher education department; review of proposed campuses.

Section 21-1-26.10 - Higher education department; plan for funding significant post-secondary educational infrastructure needs.

Section 21-1-26.11 - Higher education department; additional duties.

Section 21-1-26.12 - Educational needs and guidelines; accountability reports.

Section 21-1-27 - Higher education department; distribution of available funds.

Section 21-1-27.1 - Higher education endowment fund created.

Section 21-1-27.2 - Technology enhancement fund created; allocations; application review panels.

Section 21-1-27.3 - Higher education performance fund; created; administration; distributions.

Section 21-1-27.4 - Higher education program development enhancement fund; purpose.

Section 21-1-27.5 - Adult basic education fund created.

Section 21-1-27.6 - Adult basic education; distribution of money; objective formula; higher education department; adoption of formula.

Section 21-1-27.7 - Fund created.

Section 21-1-27.8 - Adult basic education; instructional materials.

Section 21-1-27.9 - Alternative energy and energy efficiency programs; fund created; awards; criteria.

Section 21-1-27.10 - Fund created; tribal college dual credit program fund; administration.

Section 21-1-27.11 - Centers of excellence.

Section 21-1-28 - Repealed.

Section 21-1-29 - Repealed.

Section 21-1-30 - Repealed.

Section 21-1-31 - Repealed.

Section 21-1-32 - Purpose of act.

Section 21-1-33 - System of accounting and reporting; manual.

Section 21-1-34 - Educational television equipment replacement fund; disbursement.

Section 21-1-35 - Sales by boards, officers or employees prohibited; parties to contracts receiving commission or profit; penalty.

Section 21-1-36 - New Mexico cooperative education program; purpose.

Section 21-1-37 - New Mexico cooperative education program created; administration; duties.

Section 21-1-38 - Definition; requirements for adoption of investment policy for investing endowment funds.

Section 21-1-39 - Legislative findings.

Section 21-1-40 - Prepaid higher education tuition program; feasibility study; guidelines.

Section 21-1-41 - Military access to a post-secondary educational institution.

Section 21-1-42 - Public post-secondary educational institutions; student identification number.

Section 21-1-43 - First year of college outcomes of New Mexico public high school graduates; annual reports.

Section 21-1-44 - School leadership institute; created; purpose.

Section 21-1-45 - Sale of student information; marketing credit cards to students; prohibited practices.

Section 21-1-46 - Request for access to social networking account prohibited.

Section 21-1-47 - Statewide advanced placement policy.

Section 21-1-48 - Regional two plus two pilot project; eligibility; evaluation and reporting.

Section 21-1-49 - Medical school licensure requirements.