There is created the "New Mexico cooperative education program" which shall be administered by the commission on higher education [higher education department]. The New Mexico cooperative education program shall supplement existing cooperative education programs to allow cooperative education to incorporate employment experience in rural areas, small businesses and fields not included in traditional campus-based programs. The commission [department] shall establish procedures to identify employment opportunities for cooperative education throughout New Mexico in private, governmental and nonprofit sectors and shall work with the public post-secondary institutions to encourage involvement of students in the cooperative education program. The commission [department] shall identify those groups of students and fields of study or employment for which the most severe underrepresentation exists and for which cooperative education shall be encouraged. The program shall include:
A. parallel cooperative education, in which students who are enrolled full-time in public post-secondary institutions may be employed a maximum of twenty hours in a career-related work assignment;
B. alternating cooperative education, in which students who are enrolled full-time in public post-secondary institutions may alternate employment in a career-related field with academic study; and
C. summer cooperative education, in which students who are enrolled full-time in public post-secondary institutions may be employed in a career-related work assignment during the summer months.
History: Laws 1988, ch. 117, § 2; 1993, ch. 236, § 2.
Bracketed material. — The bracketed material was inserted by the compiler and is not part of the law.
For designation of the commission on higher education as the higher education department, see 9-25-4.1 NMSA 1978.
The 1993 amendment, effective June 18, 1993, added the present fourth sentence.
Structure New Mexico Statutes
Chapter 21 - State and Private Education Institutions
Article 1 - General Provisions Relating to State Educational Institutions
Section 21-1-1 - State institutions; admission requirements to be established by boards of regents.
Section 21-1-1.2 - Dual credit for high school and post-secondary classes.
Section 21-1-2 - Matriculation and tuition fees.
Section 21-1-2.1 - Scholarship program established.
Section 21-1-3 - State educational institutions; resident students.
Section 21-1-4 - Tuition and general fee charges; definitions.
Section 21-1-4.1 - Tuition payments; residents conscripted into military service.
Section 21-1-4.7 - Foster child tuition and fee waiver eligibility; notification.
Section 21-1-7 - Removal of faculty members; compensation of secretary and treasurer restricted.
Section 21-1-7.1 - Post-tenure review process required.
Section 21-1-7.2 - Reporting; commission on higher education [higher education department].
Section 21-1-7.3 - Temporary provisions; tenure study.
Section 21-1-8 - [Eligibility for retirement pension.]
Section 21-1-9 - [Expenses of members of boards of regents.]
Section 21-1-10 - Delegation of authority.
Section 21-1-11 - [Allocation of funds.]
Section 21-1-12 - [Annual reports; contents.]
Section 21-1-14 - [Quarterly and special meetings of boards.]
Section 21-1-15 - [One member of board to reside in adjacent municipality.]
Section 21-1-16 - [Public inspection of board records.]
Section 21-1-16.1 - State institutions of higher education; presidential searches.
Section 21-1-17 - Interest in contracts by board members or employees prohibited.
Section 21-1-18 - [No personal liability for official actions.]
Section 21-1-19 - [Oaths of board members; filing.]
Section 21-1-20 - Power to hold property.
Section 21-1-21 - Capital expenditures.
Section 21-1-21.1 - State educational institutions; adequate parking.
Section 21-1-22 - [Nonsectarian operation required.]
Section 21-1-24 - Graduate programs.
Section 21-1-26 - Higher education department; general powers.
Section 21-1-26.1 - Additional duties.
Section 21-1-26.2 - Post-secondary education; adult correctional facilities.
Section 21-1-26.3 - Verification function.
Section 21-1-26.7 - Annual accountability report.
Section 21-1-26.9 - Limitation; higher education department; review of proposed campuses.
Section 21-1-26.11 - Higher education department; additional duties.
Section 21-1-26.12 - Educational needs and guidelines; accountability reports.
Section 21-1-27 - Higher education department; distribution of available funds.
Section 21-1-27.1 - Higher education endowment fund created.
Section 21-1-27.2 - Technology enhancement fund created; allocations; application review panels.
Section 21-1-27.3 - Higher education performance fund; created; administration; distributions.
Section 21-1-27.4 - Higher education program development enhancement fund; purpose.
Section 21-1-27.5 - Adult basic education fund created.
Section 21-1-27.7 - Fund created.
Section 21-1-27.8 - Adult basic education; instructional materials.
Section 21-1-27.10 - Fund created; tribal college dual credit program fund; administration.
Section 21-1-27.11 - Centers of excellence.
Section 21-1-32 - Purpose of act.
Section 21-1-33 - System of accounting and reporting; manual.
Section 21-1-34 - Educational television equipment replacement fund; disbursement.
Section 21-1-36 - New Mexico cooperative education program; purpose.
Section 21-1-37 - New Mexico cooperative education program created; administration; duties.
Section 21-1-39 - Legislative findings.
Section 21-1-40 - Prepaid higher education tuition program; feasibility study; guidelines.
Section 21-1-41 - Military access to a post-secondary educational institution.
Section 21-1-42 - Public post-secondary educational institutions; student identification number.
Section 21-1-44 - School leadership institute; created; purpose.
Section 21-1-46 - Request for access to social networking account prohibited.
Section 21-1-47 - Statewide advanced placement policy.
Section 21-1-48 - Regional two plus two pilot project; eligibility; evaluation and reporting.