Repeals. — Laws 1993, ch. 193, § 14 repealed 20-5-12 NMSA 1978, as enacted by Laws 1987, ch. 318, § 43, relating to workmen's compensation for members of the state defense force, effective June 18, 1993. For provisions of former section, see the 1992 NMSA 1978 on
Structure New Mexico Statutes
Article 5 - State Defense Force
Section 20-5-1 - New Mexico state defense force established; not in federal service; definitions.
Section 20-5-3 - Composition; enlistment; appointment.
Section 20-5-4 - Administration of oaths.
Section 20-5-5 - Standing cadre; composition of units.
Section 20-5-6 - Uniform; rank precedence and command.
Section 20-5-8 - Discharge; dismissal.
Section 20-5-9 - Arms and equipment; facilities.
Section 20-5-11 - Members not liable for acts in performance of duty.
Section 20-5-13 - Discrimination prohibited; penalty.
Section 20-5-14 - Military leave.
Section 20-5-15 - Exemptions; process; uniforms and equipment.
Section 20-5-16 - State defense force; workers' compensation; cadre duty.