New Mexico Statutes
Article 12 - Code of Military Justice
Section 20-12-4 - Convening authorities; nonjudicial punishment authorities.

A. A general, special or summary court-martial may be convened by the governor or by the adjutant general.
B. A special or summary court-martial may be convened by the assistant adjutant general of the army national guard, as to all members of the army national guard; by the land component commander, as to members of the land component commander's command; by the commanding officer of any brigade-level headquarters, as to members of the commanding officer's command; by the assistant adjutant general of the air national guard, as to all members of the air national guard; by the assistant adjutant general of the state defense force, as to all members of the state defense force; and to the commanders of such equivalent level commands as may be organized in the future.
C. A summary court-martial may be convened by a battalion commander, group commander or equivalent, as to all members of the commander's command.
D. Nonjudicial punishment authority is conferred upon all general, special or summary court-martial convening authorities and upon company, battery and squadron commanders or equivalent, as to members of their command.
History: 1978 Comp., § 20-12-4, enacted by Laws 1987, ch. 318, § 89; 2018, ch. 6, § 3; 2021, ch. 55, § 9.
The 2021 amendment, effective June 18, 2021, authorized the land component commander to convene a special or summary court-martial as to members of the state defense force under the command of the land component commander; and in Subsection B, after "army national guard", added "by the land component commander, as to members of the land component commander's command", after the first occurrence of "commanding", deleted "general" and added "officer", and after the second occurrence of "commanding", deleted "general's" and added "officer's".
The 2018 amendment, effective July 1, 2018, updated the designation of special or summary court-martial convening authorities; in Subsection B, after "by the commanding general of", deleted "the 111th air defense artillery brigade" and added "any brigade-level headquarters", after "as to members of", deleted "his" and added "the commanding general's", and after "command", deleted "by the commanding officer of troop command, as to all members of his command"; and in Subsection C, after "all members of", deleted "his" and added "the commander's".
Am. Jur. 2d, A.L.R. and C.J.S. references. — 53A Am. Jur. 2d Military, and Civil Defense § 260 et seq.
6 C.J.S. Armed Services §§ 295, 298.

Structure New Mexico Statutes

New Mexico Statutes

Chapter 20 - Military Affairs

Article 12 - Code of Military Justice

Section 20-12-1 - Short title.

Section 20-12-2 - Adoption of Uniform Code of Military Justice; Manual for Courts-Martial, United States, 1984; United States military regulations and directives; decisions of United States court of military appeals and courts of military review; lim...

Section 20-12-3 - Persons subject to the code; applicability of the code.

Section 20-12-4 - Convening authorities; nonjudicial punishment authorities.

Section 20-12-5 - Judge advocates.

Section 20-12-6 - Limitation on punishments.

Section 20-12-7 - Advice; reviews and appeals; extraordinary writs.

Section 20-12-8 - Confinement.

Section 20-12-9 - Reductions in grade.

Section 20-12-10 - Forfeitures or fines.

Section 20-12-11 - Nonjudicial punishment.

Section 20-12-12 - Absence without leave; confinement during period of duty.

Section 20-12-13 - Accessory after the fact.

Section 20-12-14 - Conviction of lesser included offense.

Section 20-12-15 - Attempts.

Section 20-12-16 - Conspiracy.

Section 20-12-17 - Solicitation.

Section 20-12-18 - Fraudulent enlistment, appointment or separation.

Section 20-12-19 - Unlawful enlistment, appointment or separation.

Section 20-12-20 - Desertion.

Section 20-12-21 - Absence without leave.

Section 20-12-22 - Missing movement.

Section 20-12-23 - Contempt toward officials.

Section 20-12-24 - Disrespect toward superior commissioned officer.

Section 20-12-25 - Assaulting or willfully disobeying superior commissioned officer.

Section 20-12-26 - Insubordinate conduct toward warrant officer, noncommissioned officer or petty officer.

Section 20-12-27 - Failure to obey order or regulation.

Section 20-12-28 - Cruelty and maltreatment.

Section 20-12-29 - Mutiny or sedition.

Section 20-12-30 - Resistance, breach of arrest and escape.

Section 20-12-31 - Releasing prisoner without proper authority.

Section 20-12-32 - Unlawful detention.

Section 20-12-33 - Noncompliance with procedural rules.

Section 20-12-34 - Misbehavior before the enemy.

Section 20-12-35 - Subordinate compelling surrender.

Section 20-12-36 - Improper use of countersign.

Section 20-12-37 - Forcing a safeguard.

Section 20-12-38 - Captured or abandoned property.

Section 20-12-39 - Aiding the enemy.

Section 20-12-40 - Misconduct as prisoner.

Section 20-12-41 - Spies.

Section 20-12-42 - Espionage.

Section 20-12-43 - False official statements.

Section 20-12-44 - Military property of the United States; loss, damage, destruction or wrongful disposition.

Section 20-12-45 - Property other than military property of United States; waste, spoilage or destruction.

Section 20-12-46 - Improper hazarding of vessel.

Section 20-12-47 - Drunken or reckless driving.

Section 20-12-48 - Drunk on duty.

Section 20-12-49 - Murder.

Section 20-12-50 - Manslaughter.

Section 20-12-51 - Rape and other sex crimes.

Section 20-12-52 - Larceny and wrongful appropriation.

Section 20-12-53 - Robbery.

Section 20-12-54 - Forgery.

Section 20-12-55 - Making, drawing or uttering check, draft or order without sufficient funds.

Section 20-12-56 - Maiming.

Section 20-12-57 - Repealed.

Section 20-12-58 - Arson.

Section 20-12-59 - Assault.

Section 20-12-60 - Extortion.

Section 20-12-61 - Burglary.

Section 20-12-62 - Housebreaking.

Section 20-12-63 - Perjury.

Section 20-12-64 - Frauds against the United States.

Section 20-12-65 - Conduct unbecoming an officer and a gentleman.

Section 20-12-66 - Wrongful use and possession of controlled substances.

Section 20-12-67 - Misbehavior of sentinel.

Section 20-12-68 - Repealed.

Section 20-12-69 - Malingering.

Section 20-12-70 - Riot or breach of peace.

Section 20-12-71 - Provoking speeches or gestures.

Section 20-12-72 - Principals.

Section 20-12-73 - General article.

Section 20-12-74 - Prohibited activities with military recruit or trainee by person in position of special trust; consent not a defense.

Section 20-12-75 - Wearing unauthorized insignia, decoration, badge, ribbon, device or lapel button.