New Mexico Statutes
Article 4 - State Rules
Section 14-4-4 - Publication filing and distribution; official depository.

Each agency issuing any publication, pamphlet, report, notice, proclamation or similar instrument shall immediately file five copies thereof with the records center. The records center shall deliver three copies to the state library, which shall keep one copy available for public inspection during office hours. All other copies may be circulated. The state library is designated to be an official depository of all such publications, pamphlets, reports, notices, proclamations and similar instruments.
History: 1953 Comp., § 71-7-5, enacted by Laws 1967, ch. 275, § 5; 1969, ch. 92, § 3; 1995, ch. 110, § 3.
The 1995 amendment, effective July 1, 1995, added the section heading.
No fundamental right to notice and hearing. — There is no fundamental right to notice and hearing before the adoption of a rule. Such a right is statutory only. Livingston v. Ewing, 1982-NMSC-110, 98 N.M. 685, 652 P.2d 235.
Actual notice of rule does not dispel necessity of compliance with State Rules Act. State v. Joyce, 1980-NMCA-086, 94 N.M. 618, 614 P.2d 30.
What and with whom matters to be filed. — Formerly, all official reports, pamphlets, publications, regulations, rules, codes of fair competition, proclamations and orders issued, prescribed or promulgated by the state corporation commission (now public regulation commission) of general application were to be filed, in accordance with statute, with the supreme court librarian of the state of New Mexico, with the exception of any rule or regulation or order or other document of the corporation commission (now public regulation commission), wherein it is exercising its duty of fixing, determining, supervising, regulating and controlling all charges and rates of railway, express, telephone, telegraph, sleeping car or similar company and common carrier within the state. 1953 Op. Att'y Gen. No. 53-5814.
Law reviews. — For article, "Survey of New Mexico Law, 1979-80: Administrative Law," see 11 N.M. L. Rev. 1 (1981).

Structure New Mexico Statutes

New Mexico Statutes

Chapter 14 - Records, Rules, Legal Notices, Oaths

Article 4 - State Rules

Section 14-4-1 - Short title.

Section 14-4-2 - Definitions.

Section 14-4-3 - Format of rules; filing; distribution.

Section 14-4-4 - Publication filing and distribution; official depository.

Section 14-4-5 - Time limit on adoption of a proposed rule; filing and compliance required for validity.

Section 14-4-5.1 - Temporary provision.

Section 14-4-5.2 - Notice of proposed rulemaking.

Section 14-4-5.3 - Public participation, comments and rule hearings.

Section 14-4-5.4 - Agency record in rulemaking proceeding.

Section 14-4-5.5 - Concise explanatory statement.

Section 14-4-5.6 - Emergency rule.

Section 14-4-5.7 - Conflicts between rule and statute; variance between proposed and final action.

Section 14-4-5.8 - Procedural rules.

Section 14-4-6 - [Trade, sale and exchange of agency rules, publications and reports by records center.]

Section 14-4-7 - Current listing of rules; rule repeals.

Section 14-4-7.1 - New Mexico register.

Section 14-4-7.2 - New Mexico Administrative Code.

Section 14-4-8 - Documents not required to be filed with state library.

Section 14-4-9 - [Law governing filing of agency rules, documents and publications.]

Section 14-4-10 - State publications for sale or issue by state agencies; listing by state records administrator.

Section 14-4-11 - [Personal files, records and documents of elected state officials; placing in state archives by the state records administrator.]