New Mexico Statutes
Article 19 - Campaign Practices
Section 1-19-26.5 - Political committees; acknowledgment of responsibilities; penalty.

A. Beginning on July 1, 2021, for all new political committees registering with the secretary of state, the treasurer for the political committee shall submit an electronically signed statement acknowledging the political committee's responsibilities on a form prescribed by the secretary of state within ten days of registering the political committee. The signed acknowledgment statement serves as notification of the responsibilities of the political committee to comply with the financial reporting prescribed in the Campaign Reporting Act and the potential personal liability of the treasurer for penalties assessed against the political committee.
B. The secretary of state shall notify the political committee of any individual who has failed to submit the acknowledgment statement. Failure to return the acknowledgment statement is a violation of this section for which a fine of one hundred dollars ($100) may be assessed against the political committee. This section also applies to individuals named in an updated or amended registration who have not previously submitted an acknowledgment statement for the political committee.
C. For all political committees already registered with the secretary of state prior to July 1, 2021, the secretary of state shall notify the principal officer and treasurer of record requiring the treasurer to submit an acknowledgment form required in Subsection A of this section. If the political committee does not respond to the request made by the secretary of state or disputes current responsibility for the political committee, the political committee shall not raise or spend any funds until the registration is amended and the acknowledgment form has been signed.
D. If there are already fines accrued against a political committee previously registered with the secretary of state, the treasurer of record shall sign the acknowledgment statement accepting personal liability from that date forward. Outstanding fines are still due unless the secretary of state is compelled to file a petition in court to have the fines dissolved.
History: Laws 2021, ch. 109, § 18.
Effective dates. — Laws 2021, ch. 109, § 23 made Laws 2021, ch. 109, § 18 effective July 1, 2021.

Structure New Mexico Statutes

New Mexico Statutes

Chapter 1 - Elections

Article 19 - Campaign Practices

Section 1-19-1 - Repealed.

Section 1-19-2 to 1-19-15 - Repealed.

Section 1-19-16 - Repealed.

Section 1-19-17 - Repealed.

Section 1-19-18 to 1-19-24 - Repealed.

Section 1-19-25 - Short title.

Section 1-19-26 - Definitions.

Section 1-19-26.1 - Political committees; registration; disclosures; penalties.

Section 1-19-26.2 - Rules and regulations.

Section 1-19-26.3 - Campaign committee and political committee expenditures; disclosure; telephone calls; records.

Section 1-19-26.4 - Disclaimers in advertisements.

Section 1-19-26.5 - Political committees; acknowledgment of responsibilities; penalty.

Section 1-19-26.6 - Political committees; notice of resignation or removal of treasurer.

Section 1-19-27 - Reports required; electronic reporting system; campaign reporting system fund.

Section 1-19-27.2 - Repealed.

Section 1-19-27.3 - Independent expenditures; reporting requirements.

Section 1-19-28 - Furnishing report forms; political committees; candidates.

Section 1-19-29 - Time and place of filing reports.

Section 1-19-29.1 - Campaign funds; limitation on use.

Section 1-19-30 - Repealed.

Section 1-19-31 - Contents of report.

Section 1-19-32 - Inspection of public records.

Section 1-19-32.1 - Reports examination; forwarding of reports.

Section 1-19-33 - Repealed.

Section 1-19-34 - Candidates; political or campaign committees; treasurer; bank account; anonymous contributions; contributions from special events; credit and debit card contributions.

Section 1-19-34.1 - Legislative session fundraising prohibition.

Section 1-19-34.2 - Regulated industry solicitations prohibited.

Section 1-19-34.3 - Contributions in one name given for another prohibited; concealing source of contributions used for independent expenditures.

Section 1-19-34.4 - Education and voluntary compliance; investigations; referrals for enforcement.

Section 1-19-34.5 - Presumptions; civil action.

Section 1-19-34.6 - Civil penalties.

Section 1-19-34.7 - Contribution limitations; candidates; political committees.

Section 1-19-34.8 - State ethics commission; jurisdiction.

Section 1-19-35 - Reports and statements; late filing penalty; failure to file.

Section 1-19-36 - Criminal penalties.

Section 1-19-37 - Applicability.