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Section 72-5-1 - Application for permit; rules; surveys, etc. - Any person, association or corporation, public or private, the state...
Section 72-5-2 - Existing community ditches. - None of the provisions of the preceding section [72-5-1 NMSA...
Section 72-5-3 - Application; amendment; refiling. - The date of receipt of such formal application in the...
Section 72-5-4 - Notice; publication. - Upon the filing of an application that complies with the...
Section 72-5-5 - Objections to applications; filing of protests; definition of standing. - A. If objection or protest to the application is timely...
Section 72-5-5.1 - Purposes. - The state of New Mexico recognizes the importance of public...
Section 72-5-6 - Hearing; approval; permit. - Upon the receipt of the proofs of publication, accompanied by...
Section 72-5-7 - Application; rejection; noncompliance with rules; conservation and public welfare. - If, in the opinion of the state engineer, there is...
Section 72-5-8 - Construction of works; additional time. - Construction of works shall be diligently prosecuted in order that...
Section 72-5-9 - Supervision; inspection; completion of works; alterations. - For the supervision of the construction of works for the...
Section 72-5-10 - [State engineer's certificate of construction.] - When the works are found in satisfactory condition, after inspection,...
Section 72-5-11 - Inspection and correction of unsafe works. - If the state engineer shall in the course of his...
Section 72-5-12 - Failure to comply with state engineer order; penalty. - Any owner of works for the diversion, storage, carriage or...
Section 72-5-13 - [Issuance of license to appropriate water.] - On or before the date set for the application of...
Section 72-5-14 - Time for construction; extension. - The state engineer shall have the power to grant extensions...
Section 72-5-15 - [Common use; enlargement and maintenance of works; lien for costs.] - Whenever in accordance with the provisions of this article, any...
Section 72-5-16 - [Priority of liens.] - All liens on land, provided for in this article shall...
Section 72-5-17 - Excess waters; sale. - The owner or owners of any works for the storage,...
Section 72-5-18 - Water allowance. - A. In the issuance of permits to appropriate water for...
Section 72-5-19 - [Standards for measuring flow and volume of water.] - The standard of measurement of the flow of water shall...
Section 72-5-20 - Headgates and measuring devices. - Every ditch owner shall, when requested to do so by...
Section 72-5-21 - [Recording of permits, decrees and documents; certified copies.] - All permits, decrees and documents granting, defining or limiting water...
Section 72-5-22 - [Transfer of water rights.] - Any permit or license to appropriate water may be assigned,...
Section 72-5-23 - Water appurtenant to land; change of place of use. - All water used in this state for irrigation purposes, except...
Section 72-5-24 - Change of purpose; change of point of diversion. - An appropriator of water may, with the approval of the...
Section 72-5-24.1 - Acequias and community ditches; changes in point of diversion or place or purpose of use. - A. The state engineer shall not approve an application for...
Section 72-5-25 - Emergency; change of point of diversion; procedure. - A. An appropriator of water may change the place of...
Section 72-5-26 - [Diversion from watershed or into another stream.] - Whenever the owner of a ditch, canal, pipeline, reservoir or...
Section 72-5-27 - Artificial water; no right of continuance of supply. - Artificial surface waters, as distinguished from natural surface waters, are...
Section 72-5-28 - Failure to use water; forfeiture. - A. When the party entitled to the use of water...
Section 72-5-29 - [Rights of residents of upper valleys of stream systems.] - To the end that the waters of the several stream...
Section 72-5-30 - [Effect of return flow above diversion or storage works of other appropriators.] - In cases of applications for permits to impound and utilize...
Section 72-5-31 - [Appeal; prior rights not impaired.] - There shall be the same right of appeal from the...
Section 72-5-32 - Construction and operation of dams; state engineer authority. - A. Except as provided in Subsection D of this section,...
Section 72-5-33 - Federal reclamation projects; appropriation for. - A. Whenever the proper officers of the United States, authorized...
Section 72-5-34 - State transportation commission; change of water use; application, notice and hearing. - Whenever the state transportation commission makes application to the state...
Section 72-5-35 - State transportation commission; advance water withdrawal. - The state engineer may authorize the state transportation commission, holding...
Section 72-5-36 - State transportation commission; unused water accrual; withdrawal rate; accounting. - The state engineer may permit the state transportation commission, when...
Section 72-5-37 - State transportation commission; transfer of water rights to unused water; reversion. - If the state transportation commission, holding any water rights to...
Section 72-5-38 - [State water rights for highway purposes and airports; nonforfeiture for failure to use.] - Neither the state nor any agency, department, bureau or commission...
Section 72-5-39 - Illegal application of water; injunction or other relief. - No person shall use the public waters of the state...