The Commission may issue an emergency order for suspension, limitation or conditioning of a license, registration, finding of suitability, pari-mutuel license or prior approval, or may issue an emergency order requiring a licensed gaming establishment to keep an individual licensee from the premises of the licensed gaming establishment or not to pay such licensee any remuneration for services or any profits, income or accruals on the investment of the licensee in the licensed gaming establishment in the following manner:
1. An emergency order may be issued only when the Commission believes that:
(a) There has been a violation of subsection 2 of NRS 463.360 or NRS 465.083;
(b) Such action is necessary to prevent a violation of NRS 465.083;
(c) There has been a violation of subsection 1 of NRS 463.160; or
(d) Such action is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, safety, morals, good order or general welfare.
2. The emergency order must set forth the grounds upon which it is issued, including a statement of facts constituting the alleged emergency necessitating such action.
3. An emergency order may be issued only with the approval of and upon signature by not less than three members of the Commission.
4. The emergency order is effective immediately upon issuance and service upon the licensee or registered agent of the licensee or, in cases involving registrations, findings of suitability, pari-mutuel licenses or any prior approval, upon issuance and service upon the person or entity involved or registered agent of the entity involved. The emergency order may suspend, limit, condition or take other action in relation to the license of one or more persons in an operation without affecting other individual licensees or the licensed gaming establishment. The emergency order remains effective until further order of the Commission or final disposition of the case.
5. Within 5 days after issuance of an emergency order, the Commission shall cause a complaint to be filed and served upon the person or entity involved in accordance with the provisions of NRS 463.312.
6. Thereafter, the person or entity against whom the emergency order has been issued and served is entitled to a hearing before the Commission in accordance with NRS 463.312 to 463.3145, inclusive, and to judicial review of the decision and order of the Commission thereon in accordance with NRS 463.315 to 463.318, inclusive.
(Added to NRS by 1983, 1568; A 2007, 2719)
Structure Nevada Revised Statutes
Chapter 463 - Licensing and Control of Gaming
NRS 463.0129 - Public policy of state concerning gaming; license or approval revocable privilege.
NRS 463.0133 - "Affiliate" defined.
NRS 463.0134 - "Applicant" defined.
NRS 463.0135 - "Application" defined.
NRS 463.0136 - "Associated equipment" defined.
NRS 463.01365 - "Banking game" defined.
NRS 463.0137 - "Board" defined.
NRS 463.0139 - "Capital lease" defined.
NRS 463.01395 - "Cash access and wagering instrument service provider" defined.
NRS 463.014 - "Cashless wagering system" defined.
NRS 463.0141 - "Chair" defined.
NRS 463.0142 - "Charitable lottery" defined.
NRS 463.0143 - "City" defined.
NRS 463.0144 - "Club venue" defined.
NRS 463.01443 - "Club venue employee" defined.
NRS 463.01447 - "Club venue operator" defined.
NRS 463.0145 - "Commission" defined.
NRS 463.0146 - "Commissioner" defined.
NRS 463.01463 - "Contest" defined.
NRS 463.01464 - "Covered asset" defined.
NRS 463.014645 - "Covered person" defined.
NRS 463.01465 - "Credit card" defined.
NRS 463.01467 - "Credit instrument" defined.
NRS 463.01469 - "Debit instrument" defined.
NRS 463.0147 - "Disseminator" defined.
NRS 463.01473 - "Electronic transfer of money" defined.
NRS 463.0148 - "Establishment" defined.
NRS 463.015 - "Executive Director" defined.
NRS 463.0152 - "Game" and "gambling game" defined.
NRS 463.0153 - "Gaming" and "gambling" defined.
NRS 463.0155 - "Gaming device" defined.
NRS 463.0157 - "Gaming employee" defined.
NRS 463.0158 - "Gaming enterprise district" defined.
NRS 463.0159 - "Gaming license" defined.
NRS 463.01595 - "Gaming salon" defined.
NRS 463.0161 - "Gross revenue" defined.
NRS 463.0163 - "Hearing examiner" defined.
NRS 463.0164 - "Independent agent" defined.
NRS 463.01642 - "Information service" defined.
NRS 463.016425 - "Interactive gaming" defined.
NRS 463.016427 - "Interactive gaming facility" defined.
NRS 463.01643 - "Inter-casino linked system" defined.
NRS 463.0165 - "License" defined.
NRS 463.0167 - "License fees" defined.
NRS 463.0169 - "Licensed gaming establishment" defined.
NRS 463.0171 - "Licensee" defined.
NRS 463.01715 - "Manufacture" defined.
NRS 463.0172 - "Manufacturer" defined.
NRS 463.0173 - "Manufacturer’s, seller’s or distributor’s license" defined.
NRS 463.0175 - "Member," "Board member" and "Commission member" defined.
NRS 463.0177 - "Nonrestricted license" and "nonrestricted operation" defined.
NRS 463.0178 - "Operate interactive gaming" defined.
NRS 463.0179 - "Operation" defined.
NRS 463.018 - "Operator of a slot machine route" defined.
NRS 463.01805 - "Operator of an inter-casino linked system" defined.
NRS 463.0181 - "Party" defined.
NRS 463.0182 - "Periodic payments" defined.
NRS 463.0185 - "Quarter" and "calendar quarter" defined.
NRS 463.01855 - "Race book" defined.
NRS 463.01858 - "Registered as a gaming employee" defined.
NRS 463.0186 - "Regulation" defined.
NRS 463.01862 - "Representative of value" defined.
NRS 463.01865 - "Resort hotel" defined.
NRS 463.0187 - "Respondent" defined.
NRS 463.0189 - "Restricted license" and "restricted operation" defined.
NRS 463.0191 - "Slot machine" defined.
NRS 463.0193 - "Sports pool" defined.
NRS 463.01955 - "Temporarily registered as a gaming employee" defined.
NRS 463.0196 - "Tournament" defined.
NRS 463.01962 - "Wager" defined.
NRS 463.01963 - "Wagering credit" defined.
NRS 463.01967 - "Wagering instrument" defined.
NRS 463.0199 - Attorney General is legal adviser for Board and Commission.
NRS 463.022 - Creation; number of members.
NRS 463.023 - Members: Qualifications and eligibility.
NRS 463.024 - Members: Appointment; Chair; terms; removal.
NRS 463.025 - Members: Discharge of duties; certain political activities prohibited; oaths.
NRS 463.026 - Members: Salaries.
NRS 463.029 - Meetings; quorum.
NRS 463.030 - Creation; number of members.
NRS 463.040 - Members: Qualifications and eligibility.
NRS 463.050 - Members: Appointment; terms; Chair and Executive Director; removal.
NRS 463.070 - Members: Compensation.
NRS 463.080 - Organization; administrative expenses; employees; plan concerning employees.
NRS 463.095 - Employment of consultants.
NRS 463.110 - Meetings; quorum; investigative hearings.
NRS 463.140 - General powers and duties of Board and Commission.
NRS 463.141 - Initiation of proceedings and actions to enforce chapters.
NRS 463.143 - Exercise of other necessary powers by Commission.
NRS 463.145 - Adoption, amendment and repeal: Procedure.
NRS 463.150 - Required provisions.
NRS 463.156 - Regulations concerning financial practices of licensees: Adoption.
NRS 463.1596 - Regulations concerning recovery of gaming debts by patrons.
NRS 463.1597 - Regulations concerning licensing of corporations and limited partnerships.
NRS 463.1598 - Regulations governing sale or offering for sale of securities.
NRS 463.1599 - Regulations governing operation of slot machine routes.
NRS 463.15993 - Regulations governing approval and operation of inter-casino linked systems.
NRS 463.15999 - Regulations requiring registration of club venue employees.
NRS 463.161 - License to operate 15 or fewer slot machines: Conditions.
NRS 463.1625 - Preliminary finding of suitability; regulations.
NRS 463.170 - Qualifications for license, finding of suitability or approval; regulations.
NRS 463.173 - Restrictions on person denied license or found unsuitable.
NRS 463.180 - Qualifications for county license.
NRS 463.190 - Qualifications for municipal license.
NRS 463.200 - Application for state license: Contents; supplemental forms.
NRS 463.210 - Investigation of applicant; order of Board recommending approval or denial of license.
NRS 463.220 - Action by Commission on application; further investigation; hearing.
NRS 463.230 - Issuance of county license.
NRS 463.250 - Taxing powers preserved.
NRS 463.260 - Posting and inspection of licenses.
NRS 463.270 - Renewal of state license; voluntary surrender of state license; penalties.
NRS 463.280 - Renewal of county license.
NRS 463.290 - Report furnished by licensee.
NRS 463.300 - Unlawful transfer of ownership.
NRS 463.306 - Availability of inter-casino linked system to certain nonrestricted licensees.
NRS 463.307 - Permissible wagering instrumentalities.
NRS 463.3072 - Legislative findings and declarations.
NRS 463.3074 - Applicability of NRS 463.3072 to 463.3094, inclusive.
NRS 463.3076 - Location of proposed establishment within Las Vegas Boulevard gaming corridor.
NRS 463.3078 - Location of proposed establishment within rural Clark County gaming zone.
NRS 463.3094 - Description of Las Vegas urban growth zone.
NRS 463.311 - Emergency order of Commission.
NRS 463.313 - Hearings: Procedure; use of affidavit.
NRS 463.3133 - Hearings other than investigative hearings: Procedure.
NRS 463.3136 - Amended or supplemental pleadings.
NRS 463.3145 - Written decision and order of Commission; rehearing.
NRS 463.316 - Judicial review: Record on review.
NRS 463.320 - Collection and disposition of state fees for licenses and penalties.
NRS 463.331 - Investigative Fund.
NRS 463.334 - Credit reports of persons seeking employment with licensee.
NRS 463.341 - Order of court for release of confidential information: Procedure.
NRS 463.342 - Person with disability entitled to services of interpreter at hearing.
NRS 463.343 - Declaratory judgment; limitations on injunctive relief.
NRS 463.344 - Enforcement of certain security interests against licensees.
NRS 463.345 - Early closing dates in certain transfers of gaming property prohibited.
NRS 463.3465 - Prosecution by Attorney General of violations of gaming laws.
NRS 463.350 - Gaming or employment in gaming prohibited for persons under 21; exception.
NRS 463.3558 - Approval of debit instrument required.
NRS 463.361 - Enforceability and resolution of gaming debts.
NRS 463.362 - Resolution of disputes.
NRS 463.363 - Petition for hearing by Board; notice and conduct of hearing.
NRS 463.3662 - Judicial review: Petition; intervention; stay of enforcement.
NRS 463.3664 - Judicial review: Record on review.
NRS 463.368 - Credit instruments: Validity; enforcement; redemption; penalties; regulations.
NRS 463.371 - Computation of gross revenue: Credit instruments; cash and its equivalents.
NRS 463.3715 - Computation of gross revenue: Items which may be deducted.
NRS 463.373 - Quarterly fee for state license for restricted operation.
NRS 463.380 - Annual fee for state license based on number of games operated.
NRS 463.383 - Quarterly fee for state license based on number of games operated.
NRS 463.3855 - Annual fee for license for operator of slot machine route.
NRS 463.3856 - Annual fee for license for operator of information service; collection.
NRS 463.3881 - Determination of deficiency: Notice.
NRS 463.3882 - Determination of deficiency: Lien.
NRS 463.389 - Remedies of State are cumulative.
NRS 463.390 - Quarterly fee for county license; penalty for late payment.
NRS 463.395 - Limitations on amount of fee for license or rate of tax imposed by local government.
NRS 463.4071 - Application for license to operate gaming salon; fee; costs for investigation.
NRS 463.408 - Application; fee; conditions and limitations.
NRS 463.410 - Exemption of State from operation of 15 U.S.C. § 1172.
NRS 463.420 - Legal shipments of gambling devices into State.
NRS 463.4212 - "Live broadcast" defined.
NRS 463.4214 - "Racing meet" defined.
NRS 463.4216 - "Track" defined.
NRS 463.4218 - "User" defined.
NRS 463.425 - Administrative review of decision of Board.
NRS 463.426 - Powers of Board.
NRS 463.427 - Unauthorized use or dissemination of live broadcast prohibited.
NRS 463.430 - Unlawful to disseminate information without license; exceptions.
NRS 463.445 - Control of rates charged by disseminator; report of financial information.
NRS 463.450 - Fees: Amount; collection; overpayment or underpayment; deposit in State General Fund.
NRS 463.460 - Licensee to furnish information without discrimination.
NRS 463.4825 - "Affiliated company" defined.
NRS 463.483 - "Director" defined.
NRS 463.484 - "Equity security" defined.
NRS 463.4845 - "General partner" defined.
NRS 463.485 - "Holding company" defined.
NRS 463.4855 - "Interest in a limited-liability company" defined.
NRS 463.486 - "Intermediary company" defined.
NRS 463.4862 - "Limited-liability company" defined.
NRS 463.4863 - "Limited partner" defined.
NRS 463.4864 - "Limited partnership" defined.
NRS 463.4865 - "Limited partnership interest" defined.
NRS 463.4866 - "Manager" defined.
NRS 463.4867 - "Member" defined.
NRS 463.4868 - "Pension or employee benefit plan" defined.
NRS 463.4869 - Proscribed activity" defined.
NRS 463.487 - "Publicly traded corporation" defined.
NRS 463.488 - "Subsidiary" defined.
NRS 463.489 - Policy of State; waiver of requirements.
NRS 463.550 - Required reports and statements; income tax return.
NRS 463.563 - Policy of State; waiver of requirements.
NRS 463.564 - Qualifications for state gaming license.
NRS 463.568 - Registration with Board; required information.
NRS 463.569 - Individual licensing and registration of partners and other persons; regulations.
NRS 463.571 - Required reports and statements; income tax return.
NRS 463.573 - Policy of State; waiver of requirements.
NRS 463.5731 - Qualifications for state gaming license.
NRS 463.5734 - Registration with Board; required information.
NRS 463.5736 - Required reports and statements; income tax returns.
NRS 463.615 - Penalties for noncompliance with laws and regulations.
NRS 463.621 - Legislative declaration.
NRS 463.622 - Policy of State.
NRS 463.639 - Required reports and statements; income tax return; documents filed with Commission.
NRS 463.641 - Penalties for noncompliance with laws and regulations.
NRS 463.660 - Amount and disposition of fees for licenses.
NRS 463.673 - Legislative findings; regulations.
NRS 463.677 - Legislative findings; regulations.
NRS 463.710 - Documents, reports and other information required to be filed with Board.
NRS 463.715 - Finding of suitability of certain activities or associations of licensee.
NRS 463.720 - Prohibited practices.
NRS 463.745 - Legislative findings and declarations.
NRS 463.760 - Initial license fee for manufacturers; renewal fee.
NRS 463.775 - Exemptions from certain fees and taxes.
NRS 463.780 - Enforceability of interactive gaming debts.
NRS 463.785 - Commission may authorize promotional schemes; regulations.
NRS 463.790 - Resort hotel required to maintain plan; contents; annual review; confidentiality.
NRS 463.800 - Requirements; records of business entity; prohibited acts; regulations.