"Executive Director" means the Chair and Executive Director of the Nevada Gaming Control Board.
(Added to NRS by 1971, 764)
Structure Nevada Revised Statutes
Chapter 463 - Licensing and Control of Gaming
NRS 463.0129 - Public policy of state concerning gaming; license or approval revocable privilege.
NRS 463.0133 - "Affiliate" defined.
NRS 463.0134 - "Applicant" defined.
NRS 463.0135 - "Application" defined.
NRS 463.0136 - "Associated equipment" defined.
NRS 463.01365 - "Banking game" defined.
NRS 463.0137 - "Board" defined.
NRS 463.0139 - "Capital lease" defined.
NRS 463.01395 - "Cash access and wagering instrument service provider" defined.
NRS 463.014 - "Cashless wagering system" defined.
NRS 463.0141 - "Chair" defined.
NRS 463.0142 - "Charitable lottery" defined.
NRS 463.0143 - "City" defined.
NRS 463.0144 - "Club venue" defined.
NRS 463.01443 - "Club venue employee" defined.
NRS 463.01447 - "Club venue operator" defined.
NRS 463.0145 - "Commission" defined.
NRS 463.0146 - "Commissioner" defined.
NRS 463.01463 - "Contest" defined.
NRS 463.01464 - "Covered asset" defined.
NRS 463.014645 - "Covered person" defined.
NRS 463.01465 - "Credit card" defined.
NRS 463.01467 - "Credit instrument" defined.
NRS 463.01469 - "Debit instrument" defined.
NRS 463.0147 - "Disseminator" defined.
NRS 463.01473 - "Electronic transfer of money" defined.
NRS 463.0148 - "Establishment" defined.
NRS 463.015 - "Executive Director" defined.
NRS 463.0152 - "Game" and "gambling game" defined.
NRS 463.0153 - "Gaming" and "gambling" defined.
NRS 463.0155 - "Gaming device" defined.
NRS 463.0157 - "Gaming employee" defined.
NRS 463.0158 - "Gaming enterprise district" defined.
NRS 463.0159 - "Gaming license" defined.
NRS 463.01595 - "Gaming salon" defined.
NRS 463.0161 - "Gross revenue" defined.
NRS 463.0163 - "Hearing examiner" defined.
NRS 463.0164 - "Independent agent" defined.
NRS 463.01642 - "Information service" defined.
NRS 463.016425 - "Interactive gaming" defined.
NRS 463.016427 - "Interactive gaming facility" defined.
NRS 463.01643 - "Inter-casino linked system" defined.
NRS 463.0165 - "License" defined.
NRS 463.0167 - "License fees" defined.
NRS 463.0169 - "Licensed gaming establishment" defined.
NRS 463.0171 - "Licensee" defined.
NRS 463.01715 - "Manufacture" defined.
NRS 463.0172 - "Manufacturer" defined.
NRS 463.0173 - "Manufacturer’s, seller’s or distributor’s license" defined.
NRS 463.0175 - "Member," "Board member" and "Commission member" defined.
NRS 463.0177 - "Nonrestricted license" and "nonrestricted operation" defined.
NRS 463.0178 - "Operate interactive gaming" defined.
NRS 463.0179 - "Operation" defined.
NRS 463.018 - "Operator of a slot machine route" defined.
NRS 463.01805 - "Operator of an inter-casino linked system" defined.
NRS 463.0181 - "Party" defined.
NRS 463.0182 - "Periodic payments" defined.
NRS 463.0185 - "Quarter" and "calendar quarter" defined.
NRS 463.01855 - "Race book" defined.
NRS 463.01858 - "Registered as a gaming employee" defined.
NRS 463.0186 - "Regulation" defined.
NRS 463.01862 - "Representative of value" defined.
NRS 463.01865 - "Resort hotel" defined.
NRS 463.0187 - "Respondent" defined.
NRS 463.0189 - "Restricted license" and "restricted operation" defined.
NRS 463.0191 - "Slot machine" defined.
NRS 463.0193 - "Sports pool" defined.
NRS 463.01955 - "Temporarily registered as a gaming employee" defined.
NRS 463.0196 - "Tournament" defined.
NRS 463.01962 - "Wager" defined.
NRS 463.01963 - "Wagering credit" defined.
NRS 463.01967 - "Wagering instrument" defined.
NRS 463.0199 - Attorney General is legal adviser for Board and Commission.
NRS 463.022 - Creation; number of members.
NRS 463.023 - Members: Qualifications and eligibility.
NRS 463.024 - Members: Appointment; Chair; terms; removal.
NRS 463.025 - Members: Discharge of duties; certain political activities prohibited; oaths.
NRS 463.026 - Members: Salaries.
NRS 463.029 - Meetings; quorum.
NRS 463.030 - Creation; number of members.
NRS 463.040 - Members: Qualifications and eligibility.
NRS 463.050 - Members: Appointment; terms; Chair and Executive Director; removal.
NRS 463.070 - Members: Compensation.
NRS 463.080 - Organization; administrative expenses; employees; plan concerning employees.
NRS 463.095 - Employment of consultants.
NRS 463.110 - Meetings; quorum; investigative hearings.
NRS 463.140 - General powers and duties of Board and Commission.
NRS 463.141 - Initiation of proceedings and actions to enforce chapters.
NRS 463.143 - Exercise of other necessary powers by Commission.
NRS 463.145 - Adoption, amendment and repeal: Procedure.
NRS 463.150 - Required provisions.
NRS 463.156 - Regulations concerning financial practices of licensees: Adoption.
NRS 463.1596 - Regulations concerning recovery of gaming debts by patrons.
NRS 463.1597 - Regulations concerning licensing of corporations and limited partnerships.
NRS 463.1598 - Regulations governing sale or offering for sale of securities.
NRS 463.1599 - Regulations governing operation of slot machine routes.
NRS 463.15993 - Regulations governing approval and operation of inter-casino linked systems.
NRS 463.15999 - Regulations requiring registration of club venue employees.
NRS 463.161 - License to operate 15 or fewer slot machines: Conditions.
NRS 463.1625 - Preliminary finding of suitability; regulations.
NRS 463.170 - Qualifications for license, finding of suitability or approval; regulations.
NRS 463.173 - Restrictions on person denied license or found unsuitable.
NRS 463.180 - Qualifications for county license.
NRS 463.190 - Qualifications for municipal license.
NRS 463.200 - Application for state license: Contents; supplemental forms.
NRS 463.210 - Investigation of applicant; order of Board recommending approval or denial of license.
NRS 463.220 - Action by Commission on application; further investigation; hearing.
NRS 463.230 - Issuance of county license.
NRS 463.250 - Taxing powers preserved.
NRS 463.260 - Posting and inspection of licenses.
NRS 463.270 - Renewal of state license; voluntary surrender of state license; penalties.
NRS 463.280 - Renewal of county license.
NRS 463.290 - Report furnished by licensee.
NRS 463.300 - Unlawful transfer of ownership.
NRS 463.306 - Availability of inter-casino linked system to certain nonrestricted licensees.
NRS 463.307 - Permissible wagering instrumentalities.
NRS 463.3072 - Legislative findings and declarations.
NRS 463.3074 - Applicability of NRS 463.3072 to 463.3094, inclusive.
NRS 463.3076 - Location of proposed establishment within Las Vegas Boulevard gaming corridor.
NRS 463.3078 - Location of proposed establishment within rural Clark County gaming zone.
NRS 463.3094 - Description of Las Vegas urban growth zone.
NRS 463.311 - Emergency order of Commission.
NRS 463.313 - Hearings: Procedure; use of affidavit.
NRS 463.3133 - Hearings other than investigative hearings: Procedure.
NRS 463.3136 - Amended or supplemental pleadings.
NRS 463.3145 - Written decision and order of Commission; rehearing.
NRS 463.316 - Judicial review: Record on review.
NRS 463.320 - Collection and disposition of state fees for licenses and penalties.
NRS 463.331 - Investigative Fund.
NRS 463.334 - Credit reports of persons seeking employment with licensee.
NRS 463.341 - Order of court for release of confidential information: Procedure.
NRS 463.342 - Person with disability entitled to services of interpreter at hearing.
NRS 463.343 - Declaratory judgment; limitations on injunctive relief.
NRS 463.344 - Enforcement of certain security interests against licensees.
NRS 463.345 - Early closing dates in certain transfers of gaming property prohibited.
NRS 463.3465 - Prosecution by Attorney General of violations of gaming laws.
NRS 463.350 - Gaming or employment in gaming prohibited for persons under 21; exception.
NRS 463.3558 - Approval of debit instrument required.
NRS 463.361 - Enforceability and resolution of gaming debts.
NRS 463.362 - Resolution of disputes.
NRS 463.363 - Petition for hearing by Board; notice and conduct of hearing.
NRS 463.3662 - Judicial review: Petition; intervention; stay of enforcement.
NRS 463.3664 - Judicial review: Record on review.
NRS 463.368 - Credit instruments: Validity; enforcement; redemption; penalties; regulations.
NRS 463.371 - Computation of gross revenue: Credit instruments; cash and its equivalents.
NRS 463.3715 - Computation of gross revenue: Items which may be deducted.
NRS 463.373 - Quarterly fee for state license for restricted operation.
NRS 463.380 - Annual fee for state license based on number of games operated.
NRS 463.383 - Quarterly fee for state license based on number of games operated.
NRS 463.3855 - Annual fee for license for operator of slot machine route.
NRS 463.3856 - Annual fee for license for operator of information service; collection.
NRS 463.3881 - Determination of deficiency: Notice.
NRS 463.3882 - Determination of deficiency: Lien.
NRS 463.389 - Remedies of State are cumulative.
NRS 463.390 - Quarterly fee for county license; penalty for late payment.
NRS 463.395 - Limitations on amount of fee for license or rate of tax imposed by local government.
NRS 463.4071 - Application for license to operate gaming salon; fee; costs for investigation.
NRS 463.408 - Application; fee; conditions and limitations.
NRS 463.410 - Exemption of State from operation of 15 U.S.C. § 1172.
NRS 463.420 - Legal shipments of gambling devices into State.
NRS 463.4212 - "Live broadcast" defined.
NRS 463.4214 - "Racing meet" defined.
NRS 463.4216 - "Track" defined.
NRS 463.4218 - "User" defined.
NRS 463.425 - Administrative review of decision of Board.
NRS 463.426 - Powers of Board.
NRS 463.427 - Unauthorized use or dissemination of live broadcast prohibited.
NRS 463.430 - Unlawful to disseminate information without license; exceptions.
NRS 463.445 - Control of rates charged by disseminator; report of financial information.
NRS 463.450 - Fees: Amount; collection; overpayment or underpayment; deposit in State General Fund.
NRS 463.460 - Licensee to furnish information without discrimination.
NRS 463.4825 - "Affiliated company" defined.
NRS 463.483 - "Director" defined.
NRS 463.484 - "Equity security" defined.
NRS 463.4845 - "General partner" defined.
NRS 463.485 - "Holding company" defined.
NRS 463.4855 - "Interest in a limited-liability company" defined.
NRS 463.486 - "Intermediary company" defined.
NRS 463.4862 - "Limited-liability company" defined.
NRS 463.4863 - "Limited partner" defined.
NRS 463.4864 - "Limited partnership" defined.
NRS 463.4865 - "Limited partnership interest" defined.
NRS 463.4866 - "Manager" defined.
NRS 463.4867 - "Member" defined.
NRS 463.4868 - "Pension or employee benefit plan" defined.
NRS 463.4869 - Proscribed activity" defined.
NRS 463.487 - "Publicly traded corporation" defined.
NRS 463.488 - "Subsidiary" defined.
NRS 463.489 - Policy of State; waiver of requirements.
NRS 463.550 - Required reports and statements; income tax return.
NRS 463.563 - Policy of State; waiver of requirements.
NRS 463.564 - Qualifications for state gaming license.
NRS 463.568 - Registration with Board; required information.
NRS 463.569 - Individual licensing and registration of partners and other persons; regulations.
NRS 463.571 - Required reports and statements; income tax return.
NRS 463.573 - Policy of State; waiver of requirements.
NRS 463.5731 - Qualifications for state gaming license.
NRS 463.5734 - Registration with Board; required information.
NRS 463.5736 - Required reports and statements; income tax returns.
NRS 463.615 - Penalties for noncompliance with laws and regulations.
NRS 463.621 - Legislative declaration.
NRS 463.622 - Policy of State.
NRS 463.639 - Required reports and statements; income tax return; documents filed with Commission.
NRS 463.641 - Penalties for noncompliance with laws and regulations.
NRS 463.660 - Amount and disposition of fees for licenses.
NRS 463.673 - Legislative findings; regulations.
NRS 463.677 - Legislative findings; regulations.
NRS 463.710 - Documents, reports and other information required to be filed with Board.
NRS 463.715 - Finding of suitability of certain activities or associations of licensee.
NRS 463.720 - Prohibited practices.
NRS 463.745 - Legislative findings and declarations.
NRS 463.760 - Initial license fee for manufacturers; renewal fee.
NRS 463.775 - Exemptions from certain fees and taxes.
NRS 463.780 - Enforceability of interactive gaming debts.
NRS 463.785 - Commission may authorize promotional schemes; regulations.
NRS 463.790 - Resort hotel required to maintain plan; contents; annual review; confidentiality.
NRS 463.800 - Requirements; records of business entity; prohibited acts; regulations.