Nevada Revised Statutes
Chapter 451 - Dead Bodies
NRS 451.150 - Notice to cemetery authority by friend or relative.

At any time before the date fixed for the removal of remains by the cemetery authority, any relative or friend of any person whose remains are interred in the cemetery from which removals are to be made may give the cemetery authority written notice that the relative or friend desires to be present when the remains are disinterred or are reinterred.
(Added to NRS by 1961, 460)

Structure Nevada Revised Statutes

Nevada Revised Statutes

Chapter 451 - Dead Bodies

NRS 451.005 - "Human remains" and "remains" defined.

NRS 451.007 - Requirements for determination.

NRS 451.008 - Consent not required for determination; prohibition on withholding or withdrawal of organ-sustaining treatment in certain circumstances; notice.

NRS 451.010 - Dissection of dead human bodies: Limitations; penalty.

NRS 451.015 - Commercial use of aborted embryo or fetus prohibited; penalty.

NRS 451.020 - Burial or cremation within reasonable time after death; transportation and disposal of residue of cremated body.

NRS 451.023 - Responsibility of surviving spouse or parent for burial or cremation of deceased spouse or child.

NRS 451.024 - Persons authorized to order burial or cremation; order of priority of such persons; acceptance of legal and financial responsibility does not give rise to claim against estate or other person; transfer of authority to another person; un...

NRS 451.025 - Reimbursement for burial expenses paid with public money.

NRS 451.027 - Duty of county agency responsible for remains of indigent person believed to be veteran to report name of person to Department of Veterans Services; Department to determine eligibility for interment at national or veterans’ cemetery; di...

NRS 451.030 - Removal of remains for sale or dissection; purchases; punishment.

NRS 451.040 - Seizure of remains for debt; interference with dead body; penalty.

NRS 451.045 - Permit for disinterment or removal of human remains within State.

NRS 451.050 - Permit for disinterment or removal of human remains out of State.

NRS 451.060 - Penalties for noncompliance of common carrier.

NRS 451.065 - Unlawful to require remains to be embalmed or otherwise prepared before disposition; exceptions; penalty.

NRS 451.067 - Designation of family cemetery; notification of Division of Public and Behavioral Health of designation.

NRS 451.069 - "Cemetery authority" defined.

NRS 451.070 - Authority to order disinterment and removal of human remains.

NRS 451.075 - Prohibition on certain acts by cemetery authority concerning burial plot owned in fee simple.

NRS 451.080 - Regulations governing manner of removal and reinterment; time for removal and reinterment.

NRS 451.110 - Notice of determination to remove human remains.

NRS 451.130 - Posting of copies of notice in cemetery.

NRS 451.140 - Mailing of copy of notice to owner of plot or heir of person interred.

NRS 451.150 - Notice to cemetery authority by friend or relative.

NRS 451.160 - Notice to cemetery authority by friend or relative: Contents.

NRS 451.170 - Notice to cemetery authority by friend or relative: Manner of delivery.

NRS 451.180 - Notice by cemetery authority; manner of service on friend or relative.

NRS 451.190 - Notice to cemetery authority by friend or relative: Effect.

NRS 451.260 - Removal of human remains.

NRS 451.270 - Manner and time of reinterment.

NRS 451.280 - Disposal of land by cemetery authority; authority to sell and encumber.

NRS 451.290 - Sale or encumbrance of land; confirmation by district court of sale by cemetery corporation or association.

NRS 451.300 - Petition for confirmation; notice of hearing.

NRS 451.310 - Confirmation of sale agreed upon before receipt of notice of determination that further maintenance of cemetery is not in accordance with health, safety, comfort or welfare of public.

NRS 451.320 - Declaration of removal by cemetery authority: Filing; acknowledgment; effect of subsequent conveyance.

NRS 451.330 - Removal of dedication; notice of hearing and proof.

NRS 451.340 - Disinterment by heir or relative must comply with requirements of religious denomination, society or church; authority of officer, representative or agent of church or religious society.

NRS 451.350 - "Committee" defined.

NRS 451.360 - Establishment and composition of Committee; election and terms of Chair and Secretary.

NRS 451.370 - Meetings, records and budget of Committee.

NRS 451.380 - Compensation of members of Committee.

NRS 451.390 - Regulations of Committee.

NRS 451.400 - Notification of Committee or its designee concerning dead human body which is unclaimed or required to be buried at public expense; delivery of body as designated by Committee.

NRS 451.410 - Retention of bodies received by Committee; referral of excess or unfit bodies to board of county commissioners for burial or cremation.

NRS 451.420 - Committee to receive notice of death for unclaimed indigent person; limitations on delivery of bodies to Committee.

NRS 451.430 - Delivery of body by Committee to friend or other claimant; payment of expenses; military funeral required by veterans’ organization that claims body.

NRS 451.440 - Contract for delivery of body to Committee prohibited; Committee authorized to accept body left by will.

NRS 451.450 - Distribution of bodies among schools, teaching hospitals and other persons or entities; fees; penalty.

NRS 451.460 - Recipient of body received from Committee required to give bond; approval, amount and conditions of bond.

NRS 451.470 - Disposal of remains after use.

NRS 451.500 - Short title.

NRS 451.503 - Applicability of Act.

NRS 451.505 - Uniformity of application and construction.

NRS 451.510 - Definitions.

NRS 451.511 - "Adult" defined.

NRS 451.512 - "Agent" defined.

NRS 451.513 - "Anatomical gift" defined.

NRS 451.520 - "Decedent" defined.

NRS 451.522 - "Disinterested witness" defined.

NRS 451.523 - "Document of gift" defined.

NRS 451.525 - "Donor" defined.

NRS 451.526 - "Donor registry" defined.

NRS 451.528 - "Driver’s license" defined.

NRS 451.5285 - "Eye bank" defined.

NRS 451.529 - "Guardian" defined.

NRS 451.530 - "Hospital" defined.

NRS 451.532 - "Identification card" defined.

NRS 451.533 - "Know" defined.

NRS 451.5335 - "Minor" defined.

NRS 451.534 - "Organ procurement organization" defined.

NRS 451.5345 - "Parent" defined.

NRS 451.535 - "Part" defined.

NRS 451.540 - "Person" defined.

NRS 451.545 - "Physician" defined.

NRS 451.547 - "Procurement organization" defined.

NRS 451.5475 - "Prospective donor" defined.

NRS 451.548 - "Reasonably available" defined.

NRS 451.5485 - "Recipient" defined.

NRS 451.549 - "Record" defined.

NRS 451.5493 - "Refusal" defined.

NRS 451.5497 - "Sign" defined.

NRS 451.550 - "State" defined.

NRS 451.553 - "Technician" defined.

NRS 451.5535 - "Tissue" defined.

NRS 451.554 - "Tissue bank" defined.

NRS 451.5545 - "Transplant hospital" defined.

NRS 451.556 - Persons authorized to make anatomical gift before death of donor.

NRS 451.558 - Manner of making anatomical gift before death of donor.

NRS 451.559 - Amending or revoking anatomical gift before death of donor.

NRS 451.561 - Refusal to make anatomical gift; effect of refusal.

NRS 451.562 - Preclusive effect of anatomical gift, amendment or revocation.

NRS 451.566 - Persons authorized to make anatomical gift of body or part of decedent.

NRS 451.568 - Manner of making, amending or revoking anatomical gift of body or part of decedent.

NRS 451.571 - Persons who may receive anatomical gift; purpose of anatomical gift.

NRS 451.572 - Search and notification.

NRS 451.578 - Delivery of document of gift not required; right to examine.

NRS 451.579 - Rights and duties of procurement organization and others.

NRS 451.584 - Coordination of procurement and use.

NRS 451.587 - Nontransplant anatomical donation organizations: Certification; standards and guidelines; fee for application for issuance or renewal of certificate; duties of Division; penalty.

NRS 451.590 - Sale or purchase of parts prohibited; penalties.

NRS 451.591 - Other prohibited acts; penalties.

NRS 451.592 - Immunity.

NRS 451.593 - Law governing validity; choice of law as to execution of document of gift; presumption of validity.

NRS 451.594 - Donor registry.

NRS 451.595 - Effect of anatomical gift on advance health-care directive.

NRS 451.596 - Cooperation between coroner and procurement organization.

NRS 451.597 - Facilitation of anatomical gift from decedent whose body is under jurisdiction of coroner.

NRS 451.598 - Relation to Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act.

NRS 451.600 - Definitions.

NRS 451.605 - "Agent" defined.

NRS 451.607 - "Alkaline hydrolysis" defined.

NRS 451.610 - "Communicable disease" defined.

NRS 451.615 - "Container" defined.

NRS 451.617 - "Cremation" defined.

NRS 451.620 - "Human remains" defined.

NRS 451.625 - "Operator" defined.

NRS 451.630 - "Urn" defined.

NRS 451.635 - Requirements for licensing of crematories and certification of persons operating crematory equipment.

NRS 451.637 - Operator of crematory to provide notice to certain entities concerning equipment for alkaline hydrolysis; entity that receives notice to ensure compliance with state and local requirements.

NRS 451.640 - Adoption of regulations; injunctive relief.

NRS 451.645 - Authority of cemetery or funeral home to erect and conduct crematory; placement.

NRS 451.655 - Order of person for cremation and disposition of remains.

NRS 451.660 - Requirements for death certificate and written authorization; delegation of authority of authorized agent; unavailability of authorized agent.

NRS 451.665 - Maintenance of records; identification of remains.

NRS 451.670 - Prohibition against requiring placement of remains in casket; construction and incineration or dissolution of container.

NRS 451.675 - Holding of remains awaiting cremation.

NRS 451.680 - Procedure and space for cremation.

NRS 451.685 - Allowance of persons near remains awaiting cremation; simultaneous cremation of remains of more than one person.

NRS 451.690 - Delivery and transportation of cremated remains.

NRS 451.695 - Disposition of cremated remains: Responsibility; operator of crematory.

NRS 451.700 - Disposition of cremated remains: Restrictions on manner and location.

NRS 451.705 - Effect of execution of order for cremation; liability for article of value delivered with remains.

NRS 451.710 - Refusal to accept or cremate remains or to release cremated remains pending resolution of dispute.

NRS 451.715 - Unlawful acts; abatement of unlawful crematory as public nuisance.