1. The Rare Disease Advisory Council created by NRS 439.5075 shall:
(a) Perform a statistical and qualitative examination of the incidence, causes and economic burden of rare diseases in this State;
(b) Receive and consider reports and testimony concerning rare diseases from persons, the Division, community-based organizations, providers of health care and other local and national organizations whose work relates to rare diseases;
(c) Increase awareness of the burden caused by rare diseases in this State;
(d) Identify evidence-based strategies to prevent and control rare diseases;
(e) Determine the effect of delayed or inappropriate treatment on the quality of life for patients suffering from rare diseases and the economy of this State;
(f) Study the effect of early treatment for rare diseases on the quality of life for patients suffering from rare diseases, the provision of services to such patients and reimbursement for such services;
(g) Increase awareness among providers of health care of the symptoms of and care for patients with rare diseases;
(h) Evaluate the systems for delivery of treatment for rare diseases in place in this State and develop recommendations to increase the survival rates and quality of life of patients with rare diseases;
(i) Determine effective methods of collecting data concerning cases of rare diseases in this State for the purpose of conducting epidemiological studies of rare diseases in this State;
(j) Establish a comprehensive plan for the management of rare diseases in this State, which must include, without limitation, recommendations for the Department, the Division, local health districts, public and private organizations, businesses and potential sources of funding, and update the comprehensive plan as necessary; and
(k) Develop a registry of rare diseases diagnosed in this State to determine the genetic and environmental factors that contribute to such rare diseases.
2. The Council shall compile an annual report which must include, without limitation, a summary of the activities of the Council and any recommendations of the Council for legislation or other policies. The Council shall:
(a) Post the report on an Internet website maintained by the Department; and
(b) Submit the report to the Department, the Governor and the Director of the Legislative Counsel Bureau for transmittal to:
(1) In even-numbered years, the next regular session of the Legislature; and
(2) In odd-numbered years, the Joint Interim Standing Committee on Health and Human Services.
3. As used in this section, "provider of health care" has the meaning ascribed to it in NRS 629.031.
(Added to NRS by 2019, 1477)
Structure Nevada Revised Statutes
Chapter 439 - Administration of Public Health
NRS 439.010 - Administration of chapter.
NRS 439.030 - State Board of Health: Creation; members; qualifications.
NRS 439.040 - State Board of Health: Term of office.
NRS 439.060 - State Board of Health: Meetings; quorum.
NRS 439.070 - State Board of Health: Secretary; Executive Officer.
NRS 439.080 - State Board of Health: Compensation of members and employees.
NRS 439.085 - Chief Medical Officer: Appointment; unclassified service.
NRS 439.095 - Chief Medical Officer: Qualifications.
NRS 439.130 - Chief Medical Officer and Administrator: Duties.
NRS 439.135 - Appointment of Commissioner of Food and Drugs and other agents by Administrator.
NRS 439.140 - Appointment or removal of subordinate officer or employee of Division.
NRS 439.160 - Uniform compliance with provisions of chapter.
NRS 439.180 - Biennial report to Director by Administrator.
NRS 439.190 - Hearings and witnesses.
NRS 439.200 - Regulations of State Board of Health: Adoption; effect; variances; distribution.
NRS 439.249 - Continuing education and information concerning health of veterans; report.
NRS 439.258 - Programs for treatment of persons who commit domestic violence; regulations.
NRS 439.2711 - "Advisory Committee" defined.
NRS 439.2712 - "Program" defined.
NRS 439.2713 - "Provider of oral health care" defined.
NRS 439.2791 - State Program for Oral Health: Establishment; purpose.
NRS 439.2793 - Duties of Division.
NRS 439.290 - County health officer: Appointment; qualifications; term.
NRS 439.300 - County health officer: Compensation.
NRS 439.310 - County health officer: Vacancy; appointment by Chief Medical Officer.
NRS 439.330 - Deputy county health officer: Appointment; compensation; duties.
NRS 439.340 - County board of health: Supervision by Division; reports.
NRS 439.350 - County board of health: Duties.
NRS 439.363 - Health district fund: Creation.
NRS 439.364 - District board of health: Meetings; quorum; duties.
NRS 439.367 - District board of health: Powers.
NRS 439.370 - Health district: Creation.
NRS 439.380 - County or city board of health abolished upon creation of district board of health.
NRS 439.385 - City and town boards of health abolished upon creation of district board of health.
NRS 439.390 - District board of health: Composition; qualifications of members.
NRS 439.420 - City board of health: Creation by ordinance.
NRS 439.440 - Inclusion of city in county or district health department.
NRS 439.460 - City board of health: Duties.
NRS 439.477 - Lien on real property for costs of abating nuisance; action to foreclose lien.
NRS 439.4797 - Powers of boards of health; regulations by State Environmental Commission.
NRS 439.480 - Local health officer: Supervision; jurisdiction.
NRS 439.490 - Abatement or removal of nuisance.
NRS 439.4905 - Payment of assessment; exemption; regulations.
NRS 439.4923 - "Health care facility" defined.
NRS 439.4925 - "Provider of health care" defined.
NRS 439.4927 - "Sickle cell disease and its variants" defined.
NRS 439.4931 - Regulations of State Board of Health.
NRS 439.4935 - Publication of reports; provision of data fee to cover cost of providing data.
NRS 439.4937 - Analysis of information, records and reports; investigation of trends.
NRS 439.4939 - Gifts, grants and donations.
NRS 439.4943 - Limitation on civil and criminal liability.
NRS 439.495 - Establishment; purpose.
NRS 439.4972 - "Health care facility" defined.
NRS 439.4974 - "Lupus and its variants" defined.
NRS 439.4978 - Regulations of State Board of Health.
NRS 439.4982 - Publication of reports; provision of data; fee to cover cost of providing data.
NRS 439.4984 - Analysis of information, records and reports; investigation of trends.
NRS 439.4986 - Gifts, grants and donations.
NRS 439.499 - Limitation on civil and criminal liability.
NRS 439.505 - Duties of Division.
NRS 439.5075 - Creation; membership; vacancies; compensation; Chair; meetings.
NRS 439.5081 - "State plan" defined.
NRS 439.5082 - "Task Force" defined.
NRS 439.5102 - "Committee" defined.
NRS 439.5104 - Creation; appointment, qualification and terms of members; vacancies.
NRS 439.5106 - Powers and duties.
NRS 439.513 - Employment of trainer for suicide prevention; qualifications; duties.
NRS 439.5132 - Creation; purpose; interest and income; nonreversion.
NRS 439.5134 - Administration; awards of money; reports.
NRS 439.515 - "Advisory Council" defined.
NRS 439.516 - "Program" defined.
NRS 439.517 - Establishment; purpose.
NRS 439.518 - Advisory Council: Establishment; purpose; appointment of members.
NRS 439.521 - Duties of Division.
NRS 439.522 - Public hearings.
NRS 439.523 - Authority of Division to enter into contracts and award grants.
NRS 439.525 - Gifts, grants and contributions: Accounting; use; administration.
NRS 439.5292 - "Provider of emergency medical services" defined.
NRS 439.5293 - "Provider of health care" defined.
NRS 439.5294 - "Registry" defined.
NRS 439.5297 - Duty of Division to adopt and carry out procedures for using Registry.
NRS 439.550 - Strict enforcement of chapter by local health officer.
NRS 439.560 - Enforcement of chapter by public officers.
NRS 439.565 - Injunctions against violations.
NRS 439.582 - "Electronic health record" defined.
NRS 439.583 - "Health care provider" defined.
NRS 439.584 - "Health information exchange" defined.
NRS 439.585 - "Person" defined.
NRS 439.593 - Immunity from liability for health care provider who uses health information exchange.
NRS 439.600 - Legislative declaration.
NRS 439.640 - "Household income" defined. [Effective through December 31, 2021.]
NRS 439.645 - "Income" defined. [Effective through December 31, 2021.]
NRS 439.648 - "Person with a disability" defined. [Effective January 1, 2022.]
NRS 439.660 - Administration: Cooperation between state and local agencies.
NRS 439.680 - Judicial review of decision to deny request for subsidy.
NRS 439.705 - Definitions. [Effective through December 31, 2021.]
NRS 439.715 - "Household income" defined. [Effective through December 31, 2021.]
NRS 439.725 - "Income" defined. [Effective through December 31, 2021.]
NRS 439.802 - "Facility-acquired infection" defined.
NRS 439.803 - "Health facility" defined.
NRS 439.810 - "Patient" defined.
NRS 439.815 - "Patient safety officer" defined.
NRS 439.820 - "Provider of health care" defined.
NRS 439.830 - "Sentinel event" defined.
NRS 439.835 - Mandatory reporting of sentinel events.
NRS 439.837 - Mandatory investigation of sentinel event by health facility; exceptions.
NRS 439.840 - Reports of sentinel events: Duties of Division; confidentiality.
NRS 439.855 - Notification of patients involved in sentinel events.
NRS 439.856 - Provision of certain information relating to facility-acquired infections to patients.
NRS 439.860 - Inadmissibility of certain information in administrative or legal proceeding.
NRS 439.870 - Patient safety officer: Designation; duties.
NRS 439.880 - Immunity from criminal and civil liability.
NRS 439.890 - Adoption of regulations.
NRS 439.904 - "Commission" defined.
NRS 439.906 - "Provider of health care" defined.
NRS 439.918 - Duties; reports.
NRS 439.943 - Authorized use; inclusion of relevant publicly available information.
NRS 439.944 - Access authorized to enter information and manage information and account.
NRS 439.946 - Authorized collection, maintenance and storage of certain information on website.
NRS 439.947 - Access to information.
NRS 439.948 - Fees; regulations.
NRS 439.955 - "Emergency team" defined.
NRS 439.960 - "Health care facility" defined.
NRS 439.965 - "Provider of health care" defined.
NRS 439.975 - Powers and duties of emergency team.
NRS 439.980 - Duties of chair of emergency team.
NRS 439.985 - Legislative declaration of purpose.
NRS 439.986 - "Sterile hypodermic device program" or "program" defined.
NRS 439.988 - Guidelines governing operation.
NRS 439.990 - Staff and volunteers to complete training; requirements for training.
NRS 439.992 - Immunity from civil liability.
NRS 439.993 - Confidentiality of records; use of information.