The Administrator is the Executive Officer of the State Board of Health and shall act as Secretary of the Board. The Administrator shall not be a member of the Board.
[Part 3:199:1911; A 1939, 297; 1931 NCL § 5237] + [Part 5:199:1911; A 1939, 297; 1945, 130; 1943 NCL § 5239]—(NRS A 1983, 832)
Structure Nevada Revised Statutes
Chapter 439 - Administration of Public Health
NRS 439.010 - Administration of chapter.
NRS 439.030 - State Board of Health: Creation; members; qualifications.
NRS 439.040 - State Board of Health: Term of office.
NRS 439.060 - State Board of Health: Meetings; quorum.
NRS 439.070 - State Board of Health: Secretary; Executive Officer.
NRS 439.080 - State Board of Health: Compensation of members and employees.
NRS 439.085 - Chief Medical Officer: Appointment; unclassified service.
NRS 439.095 - Chief Medical Officer: Qualifications.
NRS 439.130 - Chief Medical Officer and Administrator: Duties.
NRS 439.135 - Appointment of Commissioner of Food and Drugs and other agents by Administrator.
NRS 439.140 - Appointment or removal of subordinate officer or employee of Division.
NRS 439.160 - Uniform compliance with provisions of chapter.
NRS 439.180 - Biennial report to Director by Administrator.
NRS 439.190 - Hearings and witnesses.
NRS 439.200 - Regulations of State Board of Health: Adoption; effect; variances; distribution.
NRS 439.249 - Continuing education and information concerning health of veterans; report.
NRS 439.258 - Programs for treatment of persons who commit domestic violence; regulations.
NRS 439.2711 - "Advisory Committee" defined.
NRS 439.2712 - "Program" defined.
NRS 439.2713 - "Provider of oral health care" defined.
NRS 439.2791 - State Program for Oral Health: Establishment; purpose.
NRS 439.2793 - Duties of Division.
NRS 439.290 - County health officer: Appointment; qualifications; term.
NRS 439.300 - County health officer: Compensation.
NRS 439.310 - County health officer: Vacancy; appointment by Chief Medical Officer.
NRS 439.330 - Deputy county health officer: Appointment; compensation; duties.
NRS 439.340 - County board of health: Supervision by Division; reports.
NRS 439.350 - County board of health: Duties.
NRS 439.363 - Health district fund: Creation.
NRS 439.364 - District board of health: Meetings; quorum; duties.
NRS 439.367 - District board of health: Powers.
NRS 439.370 - Health district: Creation.
NRS 439.380 - County or city board of health abolished upon creation of district board of health.
NRS 439.385 - City and town boards of health abolished upon creation of district board of health.
NRS 439.390 - District board of health: Composition; qualifications of members.
NRS 439.420 - City board of health: Creation by ordinance.
NRS 439.440 - Inclusion of city in county or district health department.
NRS 439.460 - City board of health: Duties.
NRS 439.477 - Lien on real property for costs of abating nuisance; action to foreclose lien.
NRS 439.4797 - Powers of boards of health; regulations by State Environmental Commission.
NRS 439.480 - Local health officer: Supervision; jurisdiction.
NRS 439.490 - Abatement or removal of nuisance.
NRS 439.4905 - Payment of assessment; exemption; regulations.
NRS 439.4923 - "Health care facility" defined.
NRS 439.4925 - "Provider of health care" defined.
NRS 439.4927 - "Sickle cell disease and its variants" defined.
NRS 439.4931 - Regulations of State Board of Health.
NRS 439.4935 - Publication of reports; provision of data fee to cover cost of providing data.
NRS 439.4937 - Analysis of information, records and reports; investigation of trends.
NRS 439.4939 - Gifts, grants and donations.
NRS 439.4943 - Limitation on civil and criminal liability.
NRS 439.495 - Establishment; purpose.
NRS 439.4972 - "Health care facility" defined.
NRS 439.4974 - "Lupus and its variants" defined.
NRS 439.4978 - Regulations of State Board of Health.
NRS 439.4982 - Publication of reports; provision of data; fee to cover cost of providing data.
NRS 439.4984 - Analysis of information, records and reports; investigation of trends.
NRS 439.4986 - Gifts, grants and donations.
NRS 439.499 - Limitation on civil and criminal liability.
NRS 439.505 - Duties of Division.
NRS 439.5075 - Creation; membership; vacancies; compensation; Chair; meetings.
NRS 439.5081 - "State plan" defined.
NRS 439.5082 - "Task Force" defined.
NRS 439.5102 - "Committee" defined.
NRS 439.5104 - Creation; appointment, qualification and terms of members; vacancies.
NRS 439.5106 - Powers and duties.
NRS 439.513 - Employment of trainer for suicide prevention; qualifications; duties.
NRS 439.5132 - Creation; purpose; interest and income; nonreversion.
NRS 439.5134 - Administration; awards of money; reports.
NRS 439.515 - "Advisory Council" defined.
NRS 439.516 - "Program" defined.
NRS 439.517 - Establishment; purpose.
NRS 439.518 - Advisory Council: Establishment; purpose; appointment of members.
NRS 439.521 - Duties of Division.
NRS 439.522 - Public hearings.
NRS 439.523 - Authority of Division to enter into contracts and award grants.
NRS 439.525 - Gifts, grants and contributions: Accounting; use; administration.
NRS 439.5292 - "Provider of emergency medical services" defined.
NRS 439.5293 - "Provider of health care" defined.
NRS 439.5294 - "Registry" defined.
NRS 439.5297 - Duty of Division to adopt and carry out procedures for using Registry.
NRS 439.550 - Strict enforcement of chapter by local health officer.
NRS 439.560 - Enforcement of chapter by public officers.
NRS 439.565 - Injunctions against violations.
NRS 439.582 - "Electronic health record" defined.
NRS 439.583 - "Health care provider" defined.
NRS 439.584 - "Health information exchange" defined.
NRS 439.585 - "Person" defined.
NRS 439.593 - Immunity from liability for health care provider who uses health information exchange.
NRS 439.600 - Legislative declaration.
NRS 439.640 - "Household income" defined. [Effective through December 31, 2021.]
NRS 439.645 - "Income" defined. [Effective through December 31, 2021.]
NRS 439.648 - "Person with a disability" defined. [Effective January 1, 2022.]
NRS 439.660 - Administration: Cooperation between state and local agencies.
NRS 439.680 - Judicial review of decision to deny request for subsidy.
NRS 439.705 - Definitions. [Effective through December 31, 2021.]
NRS 439.715 - "Household income" defined. [Effective through December 31, 2021.]
NRS 439.725 - "Income" defined. [Effective through December 31, 2021.]
NRS 439.802 - "Facility-acquired infection" defined.
NRS 439.803 - "Health facility" defined.
NRS 439.810 - "Patient" defined.
NRS 439.815 - "Patient safety officer" defined.
NRS 439.820 - "Provider of health care" defined.
NRS 439.830 - "Sentinel event" defined.
NRS 439.835 - Mandatory reporting of sentinel events.
NRS 439.837 - Mandatory investigation of sentinel event by health facility; exceptions.
NRS 439.840 - Reports of sentinel events: Duties of Division; confidentiality.
NRS 439.855 - Notification of patients involved in sentinel events.
NRS 439.856 - Provision of certain information relating to facility-acquired infections to patients.
NRS 439.860 - Inadmissibility of certain information in administrative or legal proceeding.
NRS 439.870 - Patient safety officer: Designation; duties.
NRS 439.880 - Immunity from criminal and civil liability.
NRS 439.890 - Adoption of regulations.
NRS 439.904 - "Commission" defined.
NRS 439.906 - "Provider of health care" defined.
NRS 439.918 - Duties; reports.
NRS 439.943 - Authorized use; inclusion of relevant publicly available information.
NRS 439.944 - Access authorized to enter information and manage information and account.
NRS 439.946 - Authorized collection, maintenance and storage of certain information on website.
NRS 439.947 - Access to information.
NRS 439.948 - Fees; regulations.
NRS 439.955 - "Emergency team" defined.
NRS 439.960 - "Health care facility" defined.
NRS 439.965 - "Provider of health care" defined.
NRS 439.975 - Powers and duties of emergency team.
NRS 439.980 - Duties of chair of emergency team.
NRS 439.985 - Legislative declaration of purpose.
NRS 439.986 - "Sterile hypodermic device program" or "program" defined.
NRS 439.988 - Guidelines governing operation.
NRS 439.990 - Staff and volunteers to complete training; requirements for training.
NRS 439.992 - Immunity from civil liability.
NRS 439.993 - Confidentiality of records; use of information.