Nevada Revised Statutes
Chapter 424 - Foster Homes for Children
NRS 424.017 - "Provider of foster care" defined.

"Provider of foster care" means a person who is licensed to conduct a foster home pursuant to NRS 424.030.
(Added to NRS by 1995, 1786; A 2001 Special Session, 23; 2013, 1444)

Structure Nevada Revised Statutes

Nevada Revised Statutes

Chapter 424 - Foster Homes for Children

NRS 424.010 - Definitions.

NRS 424.011 - "Agency which provides child welfare services" defined.

NRS 424.0113 - "Child" defined. [Effective January 1, 2024.]

NRS 424.0115 - "Commercially sexually exploited child" defined. [Effective January 1, 2022.]

NRS 424.012 - "Division" defined.

NRS 424.013 - "Family foster home" defined. [Effective through December 31, 2023.] "Family foster home" defined. [Effective January 1, 2024.]

NRS 424.0135 - "Foster care agency" defined.

NRS 424.014 - "Foster home" defined.

NRS 424.0145 - "Gender identity or expression" defined.

NRS 424.015 - "Group foster home" defined. [Effective through December 31, 2021.] "Group foster home" defined. [Effective January 1, 2022, through December 31, 2023.] "Group foster home" defined. [Effective January 1, 2024.]

NRS 424.0153 - "Independent living foster home" defined. [Effective through December 31, 2023.] "Independent living foster home" defined. [Effective January 1, 2024.]

NRS 424.0157 - "Juvenile court" defined.

NRS 424.016 - "Licensing authority" defined.

NRS 424.017 - "Provider of foster care" defined.

NRS 424.0175 - "Receiving center" defined. [Effective January 1, 2022.]

NRS 424.018 - "Specialized foster home" defined. [Effective through December 31, 2023.] "Specialized foster home" defined. [Effective January 1, 2024.]

NRS 424.019 - Regulations relating to foster child who is enrolled in elementary school and receipt of academic plans for foster children by licensing authority.

NRS 424.0195 - Position of coordinator of services for commercially sexually exploited children: Creation; duties.

NRS 424.020 - Regulations concerning licensure; minimum standards and rules for regulation.

NRS 424.030 - Requirements for regular or special license; renewal of such licenses; licensee to accept child placed by juvenile court; insurance required for specialized foster home and group foster home; information on license; regulations regardin...

NRS 424.031 - Investigation of background of applicant for license, licensee, prospective employee and certain adult residents of foster home; investigation of adult who routinely supervises child in foster home; charge for investigation; periodic ad...

NRS 424.033 - Person investigated to supply fingerprints; child abuse and neglect screening; exchange of information; report from Federal Bureau of Investigation; actions of licensing authority upon receipt of report. [Effective through December 31,...

NRS 424.0335 - Termination of employee, removal of resident or prevention of person from being present in home when convicted of certain crimes; correction of information concerning conviction. [Effective through December 31, 2023.] Termination of em...

NRS 424.034 - Maintenance of certain records concerning employees and residents.

NRS 424.036 - Consultation with applicant for license to conduct foster home.

NRS 424.0365 - Licensee of family foster home, specialized foster home, independent living foster home or group foster home to ensure training of employees who have direct contact with children; regulations.

NRS 424.0367 - Licensee to develop and implement plan for care of children during disaster.

NRS 424.037 - Consultation with provider of foster care to explain plan for provision of care for child; addressing concerns of health, safety or care of child.

NRS 424.038 - Consultation with provider of foster care to ensure health and safety of child; release of information to provider of foster care; confidentiality of information obtained; regulations.

NRS 424.0383 - Licensee to obtain explanation of need for and effect of medication prescribed for child; licensing authority to receive copy of explanation.

NRS 424.0385 - Licensee of specialized foster home, independent living foster home or group foster home to adopt certain policies relating to medical care and medications for children; employees to receive copy of policy.

NRS 424.039 - Licensing authority or designee authorized to conduct preliminary Federal Bureau of Investigation name-based check of background of certain adult residents of foster home in which child will be placed in emergency situation; person inve...

NRS 424.040 - Inspection.

NRS 424.041 - Money allocated for specialized foster care not to be used for any other purpose; report of expenditures; data concerning children to be provided to Division upon request. [Effective through December 31, 2021.] Money allocated for speci...

NRS 424.042 - Division to periodically review placement of children in specialized foster homes by agency which provides child welfare services; corrective action when placements are determined not appropriate.

NRS 424.043 - Division to prepare report concerning placement of children in specialized foster homes and provision of services to children placed in such homes.

NRS 424.044 - Concealed firearm and ammunition authorized on premises of family foster home in certain circumstances; storage of firearms and ammunition on such premises; agency which provides child welfare services immune from liability.

NRS 424.0445 - Duties of provider of foster care relating to gender identity or expression of foster child.

NRS 424.045 - Procedure for hearing grievances related to license to conduct foster home: Regulations; representation by legal counsel.

NRS 424.047 - Access by provider of foster care to information maintained by licensing authority concerning provider.

NRS 424.050 - Investigation of unlicensed foster home; action by licensing authority.

NRS 424.060 - Removal of child from undesirable foster home.

NRS 424.070 - Placement of child for care or adoption; approval by Division or its designee.

NRS 424.075 - Right of provider of foster care to refuse to accept placement of child and to request removal of child.

NRS 424.077 - Regulations for establishment of program to provide respite to provider of foster care; program to provide respite, training and support to provider of foster care.

NRS 424.079 - Visitation of child by provider of foster care after child leaves care of provider.

NRS 424.080 - Transfer of parental rights and duties prohibited; exception for termination by order of district court.

NRS 424.085 - Person licensed to conduct foster home immune from liability for certain acts of child in care of person.

NRS 424.087 - Plan for the recruitment and retention of foster homes.

NRS 424.088 - Individual development account: Establishment by provider of foster care for child placed in care of provider upon receipt of approval of licensing authority; access to and use of money in account. [Effective January 1, 2022.]

NRS 424.089 - Individual development account: Provision of instruction in financial literacy to child for whom account is established. [Effective January 1, 2022.]

NRS 424.090 - Exemption from certain provisions of chapter.

NRS 424.093 - Regulations concerning licensure; minimum standards for regulation of foster care agencies.

NRS 424.094 - Licensing; fees.

NRS 424.095 - Application for license; period of licensure; renewal of license.

NRS 424.096 - Notice of hearing regarding license; actions authorized after notice and hearing; procedure upon appeal to district court.

NRS 424.097 - Licensed foster care agency authorized to provide certain assistance to agency which provides child welfare services or juvenile court.

NRS 424.099 - Organization of foster care agency; governing body; appointment of person to provide oversight; requirements when organized out of state.

NRS 424.103 - Duties of governing body.

NRS 424.107 - Submission of information concerning foster care agency to licensing authority or designee.

NRS 424.115 - Qualifications and duties of person appointed to oversee foster care agency; employment of staff; qualifications of certain staff.

NRS 424.125 - Volunteers: Acceptance; plan for selection, training, supervision and assignment.

NRS 424.135 - Orientation, training, supervision and evaluation of staff; written policies and procedures for personnel, services and programs required; maintenance of personnel records.

NRS 424.145 - Licensing authority or designee to investigate background of certain persons; periodic additional investigations.

NRS 424.155 - Person investigated to supply fingerprints; child abuse and neglect screening; exchange of information; report from Federal Bureau of Investigation; actions of licensing authority upon receipt of report.

NRS 424.165 - Termination of person arrested for, charged with or convicted of certain crimes; correction of information.

NRS 424.170 - Persons associated with foster care agency prohibited from engaging in certain activities with foster care agency.

NRS 424.180 - Annual report; contents.

NRS 424.190 - Recruitment of potential foster homes by foster care agency; training of providers of foster homes.

NRS 424.200 - Coordination of licensing of prospective foster homes; fair and impartial investigation of such homes; licensing authority to review applications of foster homes and provide necessary training.

NRS 424.205 - Contract between foster care agency and provider of foster care required in certain circumstances; contents.

NRS 424.210 - Foster care agency which places children in specialized foster homes: Policies and procedures relating to such children; duties with respect to providers of foster care, child and biological family of child; written plan for alternative...

NRS 424.220 - Foster care agency which places children in independent living foster homes: Policies and procedures relating to such children; coordination with provider of foster care; orientation and training provided to child admitted to program fo...

NRS 424.230 - Support to foster homes; duty to ensure that child receives appropriate treatment and adequate clothing; duty to periodically review foster homes without children for compliance with chapter and regulations; review of foster homes upon...

NRS 424.235 - Duty of foster care agency to ensure that staff receives certain training; duties of agency relating to gender identity or expression of foster child.

NRS 424.240 - Duty to provide crisis intervention and assistance to foster homes; duty to train employees to handle crisis situations; duty to train providers to use certain techniques with children.

NRS 424.250 - Providers prohibited from using physical restraints; exception; foster care agency to notify and provide report to licensing authority of serious incident, accident, motor vehicle crash or injury; reports of possible violations; investi...

NRS 424.260 - Notification to licensing authority of certain placements; placements to comply with Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children or Interstate Compact for Juveniles; priority in assistance with placement.

NRS 424.270 - Written plan to monitor and evaluate programs and services of foster care agency.

NRS 424.272 - "Child" defined. [Effective January 1, 2022.]

NRS 424.273 - Position of coordinator of services for commercially sexually exploited children: Creation; duties. [Effective through December 31, 2021.] Position of coordinator of services for commercially sexually exploited children: Creation; dutie...

NRS 424.274 - Application for license; regulations; acceptance of gifts, grants and donations. [Effective January 1, 2022.]

NRS 424.275 - Receiving center required to ensure the receipt of certain services by commercially sexually exploited children. [Effective January 1, 2022.]

NRS 424.276 - Treatment of child in accordance with gender identity or expression; regulations concerning appropriate placement of child. [Effective January 1, 2022.]

NRS 424.277 - Certification of facilities or organizations other than receiving centers that provide services to commercially sexually exploited children; regulations. [Effective January 1, 2022.]

NRS 424.278 - Penalty for operating receiving center, facility or other entity without valid license or certificate; authority of Division to bring action. [Effective January 1, 2022.]

NRS 424.300 - Penalty.