Nevada Revised Statutes
Chapter 405 - Control and Preservation of Public Highways
NRS 405.170 - Penalty for failure to construct bridge or culvert.

1. All persons, corporations or associations conducting water across any public road or highway, or across any street or alley in any unincorporated town in this state, for domestic, mining, agricultural or manufacturing purposes shall construct, at their own expense, good and substantial culverts or bridges over such crossing, and shall in no case allow any stream of water, diverted from its natural channel for such purposes by them, to flood or wash any public road or any street or alley in any unincorporated town of this state.
2. Any person, corporation or association violating any of the provisions of subsection 1 shall be punished by a fine of not more than $500.
[1:78:1911; A 1915, 373; 1919 RL § 3045; NCL § 5426] + [2:78:1911; A 1915, 373; 1919 RL § 3046; NCL § 5427]—(NRS A 1967, 570)

Structure Nevada Revised Statutes

Nevada Revised Statutes

Chapter 405 - Control and Preservation of Public Highways

NRS 405.010 - Limiting maximum load upon or closing road damaged by heavy loads; procedure; penalties.

NRS 405.020 - Billboard, sign or other outdoor advertising as public nuisance.

NRS 405.030 - Unlawful placement of certain outdoor advertisements; exceptions; restriction on use of revenue from certain lawfully placed advertisements.

NRS 405.040 - Permit for erection or use of outdoor advertisement; fee; exceptions.

NRS 405.050 - No permit to be granted if natural beauty of scenery destroyed or view of highway obstructed; removal of sign as traffic hazard.

NRS 405.060 - Assignment of number for permit.

NRS 405.070 - Duration of permit; destruction of advertisement if permit not renewed.

NRS 405.080 - Apportionment of fees to road funds of county.

NRS 405.090 - Report of violation.

NRS 405.100 - Penalty.

NRS 405.110 - Unlawful advertising on or near highway or on bridge; exceptions; removal; penalty; liability; restriction on use of revenue from certain lawfully placed advertisements.

NRS 405.120 - Installation of bridge or culvert if water conducted across highway; construction and repair performed according to specifications of county commissioners.

NRS 405.130 - Notice of violation by chair of county commissioners; repair by county if violator fails or refuses to repair.

NRS 405.140 - Recovery of expenses from violator by civil action.

NRS 405.150 - District attorney to commence action for recovery of expenses.

NRS 405.160 - Disposition of money collected by civil action.

NRS 405.170 - Penalty for failure to construct bridge or culvert.

NRS 405.180 - Penalty for willfully or negligently allowing water to flow on highway; failure to act upon notice prima facie evidence of negligence.

NRS 405.191 - "Public road" defined; county roads and highways may be established on rights-of-way over certain public lands.

NRS 405.193 - Public agency not required to maintain or accept road made public by prescriptive use; immunity of county from liability arising from use of certain public roads.

NRS 405.195 - Petition to open, reopen, close, relocate or abandon road; hearings and orders by board of county commissioners regarding petition; legal actions authorized.

NRS 405.201 - Definitions.

NRS 405.202 - Accessory roads: Use and maintenance; fee prohibited; immunity of state and local governments from liability arising from use.

NRS 405.203 - Accessory roads: Closure or restriction of use.

NRS 405.204 - Legislative findings and declaration; action by Attorney General authorized; duty to develop, maintain and assist in implementation of legal protocol.

NRS 405.205 - Erection and maintenance of power lines by rural electric cooperative.

NRS 405.210 - Damage to public or private road, bridge or guidepost unlawful; penalty.

NRS 405.230 - Penalty for obstruction or damage to highway; abatement of nuisance; removal of certain obstacles or encroachments.

NRS 405.240 - Repair of damage to highway from driving livestock.

NRS 405.250 - Construction and maintenance of sidewalks; penalty for riding or driving on sidewalk.

NRS 405.270 - Standards of safety for electronic gates that provide access for vehicular traffic.

NRS 405.280 - Erection and maintenance of gates across public roads in certain counties.