Nevada Revised Statutes
Chapter 391A - Training, Professional Development and Incentives
NRS 391A.555 - "Account" defined.

"Account" means the Teach Nevada Scholarship Program Account created pursuant to NRS 391A.575.
(Added to NRS by 2015, 2193)

Structure Nevada Revised Statutes

Nevada Revised Statutes

Chapter 391A - Training, Professional Development and Incentives

NRS 391A.100 - Definitions.

NRS 391A.105 - "Regional training program" defined.

NRS 391A.110 - "Statewide Council" defined.

NRS 391A.120 - Creation of regional training programs and Nevada Early Literacy Intervention Programs; provision of services to teachers and administrators in certain geographical areas; designation of certain school districts as fiscal agents.

NRS 391A.125 - Provision of training to teachers, other licensed educational personnel and administrators; maintenance and distribution of training list; authority of regional training program to contract with board of trustees to provide additional...

NRS 391A.130 - Statewide Council for the Coordination of the Regional Training Programs: Creation; membership; terms; vacancy; compensation; cost of employing substitute teacher while member who teaches attends meeting; administrative support.

NRS 391A.135 - Statewide Council for the Coordination of the Regional Training Programs: Duties; acceptance of gifts and grants authorized; compliance with federal laws and regulations.

NRS 391A.140 - Superintendent of Public Instruction required to ensure Statewide Council and regional training programs carry out duties successfully.

NRS 391A.150 - Membership; terms; vacancy.

NRS 391A.155 - Meetings; no salary or compensation for expenses.

NRS 391A.160 - Employment and salary of coordinator; duties of coordinator.

NRS 391A.165 - Submission of proposed biennial budget to Statewide Council; approval or denial of proposed budget by Statewide Council; inclusion of approved budget in Department’s biennial budget; acceptance of gifts and grants authorized.

NRS 391A.170 - Request for revision of budget; form and submission; approval or disapproval by Statewide Council; determination whether work program revision is necessary.

NRS 391A.175 - Adoption of training model; assessment of training needs; preparation and review of 5-year plan; request by another entity for regional training program to perform additional services or duties.

NRS 391A.180 - Establishment of evaluation system for teachers and other personnel participating in regional training program.

NRS 391A.185 - Facilitation and coordination of access to information related to suicide authorized; receipt of information by teachers and administrators does not create additional duty.

NRS 391A.190 - Evaluation of regional training program by governing body; submission of annual report.

NRS 391A.200 - Payment of certain costs and expenses by regional training program.

NRS 391A.205 - Submission of annual report concerning professional development training by board of trustees.

NRS 391A.210 - Annual Financial Literacy Month summit.

NRS 391A.250 - Definitions.

NRS 391A.255 - Grant Fund: Creation; administration; acceptance of gifts, grants and donations; uses of money; school districts and charter schools authorized to apply for grant.

NRS 391A.260 - Training for certain personnel to be provided to extent money is available; school districts and charter schools authorized to contract for provision of training.

NRS 391A.265 - Training for certain personnel to assist parents and guardians of pupils with autism spectrum disorders to be provided to extent money is available.

NRS 391A.270 - Training for certain paraprofessionals to be provided to extent money is available; school districts and charter schools authorized to contract for provision of training.

NRS 391A.300 - Program to train employees who operate boiler or other pressure vessel.

NRS 391A.345 - "Professional development training" defined.

NRS 391A.350 - Attendance of licensed employees at educational conference.

NRS 391A.355 - Suspension of licensed employee for unexcused absence from educational conference.

NRS 391A.360 - Payment of expenses of travel and living for administrators and teachers attending educational conference.

NRS 391A.365 - Transportation of personnel to and from educational conference.

NRS 391A.370 - Teachers and administrators to have access to professional development training; standards and minimum requirements of training; professional development training concerning computer science and computer education and technology.

NRS 391A.375 - Focus and structure of scheduled professional development.

NRS 391A.380 - Certain school districts to establish professional development program to provide training regarding working collaboratively; certain teachers and principals to receive such training.

NRS 391A.383 - Certain school district to conduct investigation concerning parent and family engagement and school culture in certain circumstances; certain training regarding parent and family engagement and school culture to be provided; applicabil...

NRS 391A.385 - Professional development training regarding financial literacy to be provided to certain teachers.

NRS 391A.400 - Creation of Grant Fund for Incentives for Licensed Educational Personnel; establishment of program of incentive pay by school district; application for and provision of grants from Grant Fund; limitation on individual incentive; evalua...

NRS 391A.450 - Establishment of program.

NRS 391A.455 - School district required to reserve certain amount of money for program; written notice of reservation of money; requirements for accounting and use of money reserved.

NRS 391A.500 - Creation of Fund; administration; acceptance of gifts and grants; uses of money in Fund.

NRS 391A.505 - Distribution of grants of money from Fund; award of grants by State Board; priorities of programs; Superintendent of Public Instruction to post on Internet website and transmit to Legislature list of gifts and grants received.

NRS 391A.510 - Application for grant of money from Fund; use of grant; report by grant recipient.

NRS 391A.515 - Independent evaluation of effectiveness of grants; submittal of results of evaluation to Legislature.

NRS 391A.550 - Definitions.

NRS 391A.555 - "Account" defined.

NRS 391A.560 - "Other provider of an alternative licensure program" defined.

NRS 391A.565 - "Scholarship recipient" defined.

NRS 391A.570 - "Teach Nevada Scholarship" defined.

NRS 391A.575 - Teach Nevada Scholarship Program Account: Creation; administration; gifts, grants and donations; use of money in Account.

NRS 391A.580 - Eligibility to apply for grant from Account to be used to award scholarships to students; State Board to review applications and award grants; retention of certain percentage of grant money by State Board; eligibility of students to ap...

NRS 391A.585 - Use of grant money to award scholarships; limitation on amount of scholarship; certain amount of scholarship retained by State Board until certain conditions are met.

NRS 391A.590 - Return of certain amount of grant money if scholarship recipient does not complete program; additional money paid to grant recipient if scholarship recipient completes program.

NRS 391A.600 - Establishment of program; applications.