Nevada Revised Statutes
Chapter 389 - Academics and Textbooks
NRS 389.167 - Credit toward graduation from high school for completion of work-based learning program; application to offer work-based learning program; requirements for work-based learning program; report.

1. A pupil enrolled at a public school must be allowed to apply one or more credits toward the total number of credits required for graduation from high school if the pupil successfully completes the number of hours in a work-based learning program required by regulation of the State Board to earn such credits. Any credits earned for successful completion of a work-based learning program must be applied toward the pupil’s elective course credits and not toward a course that is required for graduation from high school.
2. The board of trustees of a school district or the governing body of a charter school may offer a work-based learning program upon application to and with the approval of the State Board. An application to offer a work-based learning program must include, without limitation:
(a) The fields, trades or occupations in which a work-based learning program will be offered.
(b) The qualifications of a pupil to participate in the work-based learning program. Such qualifications must allow a majority of pupils to be eligible to participate in the work-based learning program.
(c) A description of the process that will be used by pupils to apply to participate in a work-based learning program.
(d) A description of the manner in which participation in a work-based learning program and completion of the requirements of a work-based learning program will be verified.
(e) A description of the manner in which the performance of a pupil who participates in the work-based learning program will be evaluated, which must include, without limitation, an on-site evaluation of the performance of the pupil.
3. Upon approval by the State Board of an application to offer a work-based learning program submitted pursuant to subsection 2, the board of trustees or the governing body shall:
(a) Designate an employee of the school district or charter school, as applicable, to serve as a work-based learning coordinator to coordinate and oversee work-based learning programs. Such an employee must ensure that each business, agency or organization that will offer employment and supervision of a pupil as part of the work-based learning program is suitable for participation in a work-based learning program.
(b) Establish and maintain a list of businesses, agencies and organizations that have been found suitable by the work-based learning coordinator pursuant to paragraph (a).
4. To receive approval from the State Board to offer a work-based learning program, the work-based learning program must include, without limitation, requirements that:
(a) A detailed training agreement and training plan be completed for each pupil participating in the work-based training program for credit that identifies the specific tasks in which the pupil will participate that will develop competency of the pupil in the workplace;
(b) A pupil participating in the work-based learning program be allowed to leave the public school in which he or she is enrolled during the school day to participate in such a program; and
(c) Participation by a pupil in the work-based learning program will develop a broad range of skills and will allow a pupil to focus on his or her chosen career pathway.
5. A school district or charter school may allow a pupil who successfully completes a work-based learning program to earn dual credit for participation in the work-based learning program.
6. On or before January 15 of each odd-numbered year, the board of trustees of a school district and the governing body of a charter school that offers a work-based learning program shall prepare a report concerning the manner in which the work-based learning program has been carried out and submit the report to the State Board and the Legislature. The report must include, without limitation:
(a) The number of pupils participating in the work-based learning program; and
(b) The types of work-based learning offered through the work-based learning program.
7. The number of pupils participating in the work-based learning program reported pursuant to paragraph (a) of subsection 6 must be disaggregated on the basis of the following characteristics:
(a) Pupils who are American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian, Black or African American, Hispanic or Latino, Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander, white or two or more races;
(b) Gender of pupils;
(c) Pupils who are migrants; and
(d) Pupils who are members of special populations, as defined in 20 U.S.C. § 2302(48).
(Added to NRS by 2013, 1006; A 2017, 4334; 2021, 303)

Structure Nevada Revised Statutes

Nevada Revised Statutes

Chapter 389 - Academics and Textbooks

NRS 389.003 - Enforcement of standards and courses of study by trustees.

NRS 389.007 - Uniform grading scale for high schools. [Effective through June 30, 2022.] Uniform grading scale for high schools. [Effective July 1, 2022.]

NRS 389.009 - Public high school to administer certain examination concerning civics; requirements for administration of examination; pupil required to take examination as condition for graduation; waiver from examination; reports.

NRS 389.0095 - Establishment of plan to identify pupils for placement in more rigorous courses; notification of parent or guardian; establishment of more rigorous courses.

NRS 389.014 - Patriotic observance.

NRS 389.018 - Designation of core academic subjects; minimum units of credit required in high school; exception; additional subjects to be taught. [Effective through June 30, 2022.] Designation of core academic subjects; minimum units of credit requi...

NRS 389.0186 - Public high schools to allow pupils to receive certain credit for completion of certain computer science courses; requirements for receipt of such credit.

NRS 389.021 - Establishment of courses of study; provisions governing cardiopulmonary resuscitation and automated external defibrillator for health course in middle school, junior high school and high school.

NRS 389.026 - Development of model curriculum for English language arts and mathematics; distribution; authorized use by teachers and regional training programs for professional development.

NRS 389.031 - Development of standards for teaching personal safety of children.

NRS 389.033 - Development of list of curricula and programs concerning prevention of substance misuse and substance use disorders.

NRS 389.036 - Establishment of course or unit of course of instruction concerning human immunodeficiency virus, human reproductive system, related communicable diseases and sexual responsibility; appointment of advisory committee; notice to parent or...

NRS 389.037 - Availability of course in computer science; efforts to be made to increase enrollment in such course by certain pupils. [Effective July 1, 2022.]

NRS 389.0375 - Internet repository of resources for providing instruction in computer science; assistance to school districts and schools to establish programs of instruction in computer science. [Effective through June 30, 2022.] Internet repository...

NRS 389.038 - Review of instruction in computer education and technology; recommendations to State Board regarding approval. [Effective through June 30, 2022.] Review of course and instruction in computer education; recommendations to State Board reg...

NRS 389.041 - Establishment of course of study in occupational guidance and counseling.

NRS 389.046 - Programs and curricula for American Indians.

NRS 389.054 - Instruction in American government; exception.

NRS 389.057 - Instruction in American history; exception.

NRS 389.061 - Instruction in history and contributions of certain groups of persons. [Effective July 1, 2022.]

NRS 389.064 - Instruction in personal safety of children; exception; report; required background checks of volunteers; acceptance of grants, gifts and donations.

NRS 389.072 - Instruction in computer education and technology; regulations.

NRS 389.074 - Instruction in financial literacy.

NRS 389.077 - Satisfactory completion of courses in American government and American history required for graduation; exception for certain pupils.

NRS 389.090 - Regulations by State Board; purposes; liability insurance required; content of courses; restrictions on age of pupils.

NRS 389.100 - Legislative findings; authorization for school districts and charter schools to charge fee.

NRS 389.155 - Program of independent study for certain pupils; regulations; requirements.

NRS 389.160 - Credit toward graduation from high school for courses taken at community college, state college or university.

NRS 389.165 - Credit toward graduation from high school for certain community service projects.

NRS 389.167 - Credit toward graduation from high school for completion of work-based learning program; application to offer work-based learning program; requirements for work-based learning program; report.

NRS 389.169 - Grants of money from Department to develop and implement work-based learning programs; State Board to prescribe fields, trades or occupations for which grant may be awarded.

NRS 389.171 - Credit granted for performance on examination in lieu of course attendance; regulations.

NRS 389.200 - "Competency-based education" defined.

NRS 389.210 - Establishment of pilot program to provide competency-based education; regulations; requirements for schools selected to participate in program.

NRS 389.220 - Competency-Based Education Network: Establishment; composition; duties; meetings; Chair; quorum; members serve without compensation.

NRS 389.230 - Public campaign to raise awareness; meetings to inform superintendents of school districts; distribution of available money to carry out program.

NRS 389.300 - Application to enroll in dual credit course; approval or disapproval of application; prerequisites for dual credit course to be completed before enrollment in course.

NRS 389.310 - Programs for dual credit courses; reports.

NRS 389.320 - Requirements to receive full or partial credit for specific course of study.

NRS 389.330 - Requirements for award of high school diploma to certain pupils who transfer schools; modified course of study for certain pupils who transfer schools.

NRS 389.500 - "Council" defined.

NRS 389.505 - Superintendent of Public Instruction required to ensure Council carries out duties successfully.

NRS 389.510 - Creation; membership; terms; compensation.

NRS 389.520 - Establishment of standards; periodic review of standards; adoption of standards by State Board; establishment of policy for ethical, safe and secure use of computers.

NRS 389.525 - Establishment of standards of content and performance for ethnic and diversity studies for pupils enrolled in high school; provision of instruction in ethnic and diversity studies; regulations.

NRS 389.530 - Duty of Department to provide support; assistance from other state agencies.

NRS 389.540 - Review of courses of study to determine compliance with standards.

NRS 389.840 - Definitions.

NRS 389.850 - Final selection by State Board; exception for charter schools; accurate portrayal of cultural and racial diversity of society. [Effective through June 30, 2022.] Final selection by State Board; exception for charter schools; accurate po...

NRS 389.860 - Contracts by State Board for purchase; provisions of contracts.

NRS 389.870 - Enforcement by board of trustees of use of prescribed textbooks; exception for charter schools.

NRS 389.880 - Use of prescribed textbooks; exceptions; penalty.