1. The principal of each school, including, without limitation, each charter school, shall, in consultation with the employees of the school, prepare a plan to improve the achievement of the pupils enrolled in the school.
2. The plan developed pursuant to subsection 1 must:
(a) Include any information prescribed by regulation of the State Board;
(b) Be developed in accordance with the provisions of NRS 388.885;
(c) Include, without limitation, methods for evaluating and improving the school climate in the school; and
(d) Comply with the provisions of 20 U.S.C. § 6311(d).
3. The principal of each school shall, in consultation with the employees of the school:
(a) Review the plan prepared pursuant to this section annually to evaluate the effectiveness of the plan; and
(b) Based upon the evaluation of the plan, make revisions, as necessary, to ensure that the plan is designed to improve the academic achievement of pupils enrolled in the school.
4. On or before the date prescribed by the Department, the principal of each school shall submit the plan or the revised plan, as applicable, to the:
(a) Department;
(b) Committee;
(c) Bureau; and
(d) Board of trustees of the school district in which the school is located or, if the school is a charter school, the sponsor of the charter school and the governing body of the charter school.
5. As used in this section, "school climate" means the basis of which to measure the relationships between pupils and the parents or legal guardians of pupils and educational personnel, the cultural and linguistic competence of instructional materials and educational personnel, the emotional and physical safety of pupils and educational personnel and the social, emotional and academic development of pupils and educational personnel.
(Added to NRS by 2003, 19th Special Session, 11; A 2005, 710, 1651, 1978; 2007, 1946; 2009, 2304; 2011, 562, 1974, 2328; 2013, 1912, 3251; 2015, 215; 2017, 3227; 2019, 3231; 2021, 921)
Structure Nevada Revised Statutes
Chapter 385A - Accountability of Public Schools
NRS 385A.020 - "Bureau" defined.
NRS 385A.030 - "Committee" defined.
NRS 385A.040 - "Title I school" defined.
NRS 385A.050 - "Title I school district" defined.
NRS 385A.060 - Applicability; scope.
NRS 385A.200 - Pupil achievement and school performance.
NRS 385A.220 - Personnel employed by school district; designation of categories of personnel.
NRS 385A.230 - Information on teachers, other licensed educational personnel and paraprofessionals.
NRS 385A.240 - Attendance, truancy and transiency of pupils.
NRS 385A.250 - Discipline of pupils.
NRS 385A.280 - Pupils who are English learners.
NRS 385A.290 - Career and technical education.
NRS 385A.300 - Curriculum; remedial and special programs.
NRS 385A.310 - Fiscal information; technological facilities and equipment.
NRS 385A.315 - Access to menstrual products.
NRS 385A.320 - District communication; parental involvement.
NRS 385A.400 - Requirements for report; public dissemination of report.
NRS 385A.410 - Pupil achievement and school performance.
NRS 385A.430 - Personnel employed by each school district; designation of categories of personnel.
NRS 385A.440 - Information on teachers, other licensed educational personnel and paraprofessionals.
NRS 385A.450 - Attendance, truancy and transiency of pupils.
NRS 385A.460 - Discipline of pupils.
NRS 385A.480 - Pupils who are eligible for or receive free or reduced-price breakfasts or lunches.
NRS 385A.490 - Pupils who are English learners.
NRS 385A.500 - Career and technical education.
NRS 385A.510 - Remedial and special programs.
NRS 385A.520 - Fiscal information; technological facilities and equipment.
NRS 385A.605 - Inclusion of data relating to school discipline. [Effective July 1, 2022.]
NRS 385A.610 - Establishment of monitoring system for statewide system; annual summary of findings.
NRS 385A.650 - Preparation and requirements for plan; annual review; submission of plan.
NRS 385A.730 - Regulations governing alternative performance framework.
NRS 385A.750 - Form for notice to parents concerning rating of school as underperforming.
NRS 385A.800 - Establishment and maintenance of system; access to data within system.
NRS 385A.840 - Collection and reporting of data on discipline of pupils.