Nevada Revised Statutes
Chapter 327 - Nevada Coordinate System; Geographic Names
NRS 327.150 - Changes in or additions of geographic names: Submission of proposal; preliminary consideration; final action and notice.

1. Any person, group or agency of federal, state or local government may propose a change in or the addition of any geographic name within the State by submitting it to the Board for evaluation and recommendation.
2. Upon receipt of any such proposal, together with sufficient supporting information, the Board shall:
(a) Place the proposal on the agenda for preliminary consideration at its next meeting.
(b) Give appropriate notice to persons and groups who are affected by the proposal or might have an interest in it.
(c) Provide opportunities for public comment.
(d) Conduct such research and field investigations as it deems necessary.
3. The Board may not take final action on any proposal until it has been given preliminary consideration at one or more previous meetings.
4. Whenever the Board takes final action on a proposal, it shall notify the person, group or agency who submitted the proposal and shall transmit the official recommendation to the United States Board on Geographic Names.
(Added to NRS by 1985, 589)