Nevada Revised Statutes
Chapter 327 - Nevada Coordinate System; Geographic Names
NRS 327.140 - Nevada State Board on Geographic Names: Powers and duties.

1. The Board shall:
(a) Receive and evaluate all proposals for changes in or additions to names of geographic features and places in the State to determine the most appropriate and acceptable names for use in maps and official documents of all levels of government.
(b) Make official recommendations on behalf of the State with respect to each proposal.
(c) Assist and cooperate with the United States Board on Geographic Names in matters relating to names of geographic features and places in Nevada.
(d) Maintain a list of advisers who have special knowledge of or expertise in Nevada history, geography or culture and consult with those advisers on a regular basis in the course of its work.
(e) Recommend to change the name of any geographic feature or place in this State that is racially discriminatory or contains racially discriminatory language or imagery.
(f) Report annually on any recommendation to change the name of a geographic feature or place pursuant to paragraph (e) and submit the report to the Director of the Legislative Counsel Bureau for transmittal to the Legislature or, if the Legislature is not in session, to the Legislative Commission.
2. The Board may:
(a) Adopt regulations to assist in carrying out the functions and duties assigned to it by law.
(b) Initiate proposals for changes in or additions to geographic names in the State. Any proposal initiated by the Board must be evaluated in accordance with the same procedures prescribed for the consideration of other proposals.
(Added to NRS by 1985, 588; A 2021, 2074)