Nevada Revised Statutes
Chapter 282 - Official Bonds and Oaths
NRS 282.340 - Civil liability on bond of officer or employee: Action for recovery of loss; lien; judgment; execution.

1. If any public officer or employee defaults, misappropriates or otherwise is responsible for loss of funds committed to the officer’s or employee’s care, the officer or employee is civilly liable for the amount thereof in an action to be prosecuted by:
(a) The district attorney in cases of county and township officers and employees.
(b) The city attorney in cases of city officers and employees.
(c) The Attorney General in cases of state officers and irrigation district officers and employees.
2. The State, county, city or irrigation district, as the case may be, has a lien on all real or personal property, not exempt from execution, of any such officer or employee against whom such an action is brought for default, misappropriation, or other violation of the conditions of the officer’s or employee’s surety bond given under the provisions of chapter 193, Statutes of Nevada 1937, as amended, and such lien becomes effective upon the execution of such surety bonds by state, county, township, city and irrigation district officers and employees, and takes precedence over any other unrecorded lien or encumbrance.
3. Upon judgment being entered in favor of the State, county, incorporated city or irrigation district, all property owned, either legally or equitably, by the State, county, township, city or irrigation district officer or employee violating any condition of such bond, not exempt from execution, or so much thereof as may be necessary to cover the amount of the judgment entered, may be sold, as in cases of execution, and the proceeds applied to payment of the judgment rendered to cover the shortage. If there is an insufficiency of such property, or the judgment or any part of it remains unsatisfied, then a deficiency judgment may be entered by the court.
[10:193:1937; 1931 NCL § 4915.30]—(NRS A 1973, 557; 1975, 343)

Structure Nevada Revised Statutes

Nevada Revised Statutes

Chapter 282 - Official Bonds and Oaths

NRS 282.010 - Oaths and official bonds of officers; when term of office begins.

NRS 282.020 - Form of official oath.

NRS 282.030 - No fee to be charged for administering and certifying oath.

NRS 282.040 - Form.

NRS 282.050 - Bond in force during term of office; effect of subsequent law; conditions.

NRS 282.060 - Bond for benefit of injured or aggrieved person; action on bond without assignment.

NRS 282.070 - Defects in bond immaterial.

NRS 282.080 - Approval, filing and recording of official bonds.

NRS 282.090 - Additional bond of county or township officer: Showing of insufficiency; execution and filing; office vacated for failure to execute and file bond.

NRS 282.100 - Insufficiency of State Treasurer’s bond: Procedure for procurement of additional bond.

NRS 282.110 - Additional bond: Force and liabilities.

NRS 282.120 - Number of sureties on official bond.

NRS 282.130 - Subscription to official bond: Manner; liability.

NRS 282.140 - Justification of surety on bond of county or township officer.

NRS 282.150 - Liability of sureties when penal sum exceeds $2,000: Several liability for portions not less than $500.

NRS 282.160 - Liability of sureties for ratable proportion; release of surety on payment of pro rata liability; limitation on amount of judgment.

NRS 282.163 - Blanket bonds.

NRS 282.165 - City employee regularly handling public money required to furnish corporate surety bond; form and approval of bond.

NRS 282.170 - Companies which may execute bond; payment of premiums; acceptance of bond.

NRS 282.180 - Procedure.

NRS 282.190 - Surety’s statement desiring release from liability: Filing and service of notice; publication.

NRS 282.200 - Forfeiture of office or appointment upon failure to file new or additional bond; suspension of functions of office.

NRS 282.210 - Liability of sureties on original and new or additional bond.

NRS 282.220 - Amount or penalty of new or additional bond or undertaking: How determined.

NRS 282.290 - Faith of State pledged; consent of State to suit on bond; restitution.

NRS 282.305 - Secretary of State to ensure compliance by state officers.

NRS 282.315 - Costs of investigations paid from Reserve for Statutory Contingency Account; limitations.

NRS 282.330 - Certain officers to report losses to State Board of Examiners; investigations; procedure for restitution.

NRS 282.340 - Civil liability on bond of officer or employee: Action for recovery of loss; lien; judgment; execution.

NRS 282.350 - Revocation of bond by State Board of Examiners: Grounds.