Nevada Revised Statutes
Chapter 282 - Official Bonds and Oaths
NRS 282.120 - Number of sureties on official bond.

Unless otherwise expressly provided, there shall be at least two sureties upon the official bond of every officer.
[10:135:1865; B § 2926; BH § 1747; C § 1901; RL § 2877; NCL § 4899]

Structure Nevada Revised Statutes

Nevada Revised Statutes

Chapter 282 - Official Bonds and Oaths

NRS 282.010 - Oaths and official bonds of officers; when term of office begins.

NRS 282.020 - Form of official oath.

NRS 282.030 - No fee to be charged for administering and certifying oath.

NRS 282.040 - Form.

NRS 282.050 - Bond in force during term of office; effect of subsequent law; conditions.

NRS 282.060 - Bond for benefit of injured or aggrieved person; action on bond without assignment.

NRS 282.070 - Defects in bond immaterial.

NRS 282.080 - Approval, filing and recording of official bonds.

NRS 282.090 - Additional bond of county or township officer: Showing of insufficiency; execution and filing; office vacated for failure to execute and file bond.

NRS 282.100 - Insufficiency of State Treasurer’s bond: Procedure for procurement of additional bond.

NRS 282.110 - Additional bond: Force and liabilities.

NRS 282.120 - Number of sureties on official bond.

NRS 282.130 - Subscription to official bond: Manner; liability.

NRS 282.140 - Justification of surety on bond of county or township officer.

NRS 282.150 - Liability of sureties when penal sum exceeds $2,000: Several liability for portions not less than $500.

NRS 282.160 - Liability of sureties for ratable proportion; release of surety on payment of pro rata liability; limitation on amount of judgment.

NRS 282.163 - Blanket bonds.

NRS 282.165 - City employee regularly handling public money required to furnish corporate surety bond; form and approval of bond.

NRS 282.170 - Companies which may execute bond; payment of premiums; acceptance of bond.

NRS 282.180 - Procedure.

NRS 282.190 - Surety’s statement desiring release from liability: Filing and service of notice; publication.

NRS 282.200 - Forfeiture of office or appointment upon failure to file new or additional bond; suspension of functions of office.

NRS 282.210 - Liability of sureties on original and new or additional bond.

NRS 282.220 - Amount or penalty of new or additional bond or undertaking: How determined.

NRS 282.290 - Faith of State pledged; consent of State to suit on bond; restitution.

NRS 282.305 - Secretary of State to ensure compliance by state officers.

NRS 282.315 - Costs of investigations paid from Reserve for Statutory Contingency Account; limitations.

NRS 282.330 - Certain officers to report losses to State Board of Examiners; investigations; procedure for restitution.

NRS 282.340 - Civil liability on bond of officer or employee: Action for recovery of loss; lien; judgment; execution.

NRS 282.350 - Revocation of bond by State Board of Examiners: Grounds.