Nevada Revised Statutes
Chapter 240 - Notaries Public and Commissioned Abstracters
NRS 240.030 - Application for appointment; oath and bond; fingerprints; additional requirements for resident of adjoining state; commencement of term; fee for original, duplicate or amended certificate of appointment.

1. Each person applying for appointment as a notary public must:
(a) At the time the applicant submits his or her application, pay to the Secretary of State $35.
(b) Take and subscribe to the oath set forth in Section 2 of Article 15 of the Constitution of the State of Nevada as if the applicant were a public officer.
(c) Submit to the Secretary of State proof satisfactory to the Secretary of State that the applicant has enrolled in and successfully completed a course of study provided pursuant to NRS 240.018.
(d) Enter into a bond to the State of Nevada in the sum of $10,000, to be filed with the clerk of the county in which the applicant resides or, if the applicant is a resident of an adjoining state, with the clerk of the county in this State in which the applicant maintains a place of business or is employed. The applicant must submit to the Secretary of State a certificate issued by the appropriate county clerk which indicates that the applicant filed the bond required pursuant to this paragraph.
(e) Submit to the Secretary of State a declaration under penalty of perjury stating that the applicant has not had an appointment as a notary public revoked or suspended in this State or any other state or territory of the United States.
(f) If required by the Secretary of State, submit:
(1) A complete set of the fingerprints of the applicant and written permission authorizing the Secretary of State to forward the fingerprints to the Central Repository for Nevada Records of Criminal History for submission to the Federal Bureau of Investigation for its report; and
(2) A fee established by regulation of the Secretary of State which must not exceed the sum of the amounts charged by the Central Repository for Nevada Records of Criminal History and the Federal Bureau of Investigation for processing the fingerprints.
2. In addition to the requirements set forth in subsection 1, an applicant for appointment as a notary public who resides in an adjoining state must submit to the Secretary of State with the application:
(a) An affidavit setting forth the adjoining state in which the applicant resides, the applicant’s mailing address and the address of the applicant’s place of business or employment that is located within the State of Nevada;
(b) A copy of the applicant’s state business license issued pursuant to chapter 76 of NRS and any business license required by the local government where the business is located, if the applicant is self-employed; and
(c) Unless the applicant is self-employed, a copy of the state business license of the applicant’s employer, a copy of any business license of the applicant’s employer that is required by the local government where the business is located and an affidavit from the applicant’s employer setting forth the facts which show that the employer regularly employs the applicant at an office, business or facility which is located within the State of Nevada.
3. In completing an application, bond, oath or other document necessary to apply for appointment as a notary public, an applicant must not be required to disclose his or her residential address or telephone number on any such document which will become available to the public.
4. The bond, together with the oath, must be filed and recorded in the office of the county clerk of the county in which the applicant resides when the applicant applies for the appointment or, if the applicant is a resident of an adjoining state, with the clerk of the county in this State in which the applicant maintains a place of business or is employed. On a form provided by the Secretary of State, the county clerk shall immediately certify to the Secretary of State that the required bond and oath have been filed and recorded. Upon receipt of the application, fee and certification that the required bond and oath have been filed and recorded, the Secretary of State shall issue a certificate of appointment as a notary public to the applicant.
5. The term of a notary public commences on the effective date of the bond required pursuant to paragraph (d) of subsection 1. A notary public shall not perform a notarial act after the effective date of the bond unless the notary public has been issued a certificate of appointment.
6. Except as otherwise provided in this subsection, the Secretary of State shall charge a fee of $10 for each duplicate or amended certificate of appointment which is issued to a notary. If the notary public does not receive an original certificate of appointment, the Secretary of State shall provide a duplicate certificate of appointment without charge if the notary public requests such a duplicate within 60 days after the date on which the original certificate was issued.
[2:39:1864; A 1865, 407; 1883, 82; 1949, 69; 1943 NCL § 4715] + [3:39:1864; A 1911, 361; RL § 2746; NCL § 4716]—(NRS A 1973, 386; 1979, 77; 1981, 325; 1983, 706; 1985, 1205; 1987, 1113; 1989, 148; 1995, 191, 1595; 1997, 931; 1999, 74; 2001, 652; 2007, 44, 1099; 2009, 3028; 2011, 1608; 2015, 2616)

Structure Nevada Revised Statutes

Nevada Revised Statutes

Chapter 240 - Notaries Public and Commissioned Abstracters

NRS 240.001 - Definitions.

NRS 240.002 - "Acknowledgment" defined.

NRS 240.0025 - "Credible witness" defined.

NRS 240.0028 - "Domestic partners" defined.

NRS 240.003 - "In a representative capacity" defined.

NRS 240.0035 - "Jurat" defined.

NRS 240.004 - "Notarial act" defined.

NRS 240.005 - "Notarial officer" defined.

NRS 240.0055 - "Notarial record" defined.

NRS 240.0063 - "Notary public" defined.

NRS 240.0065 - "Person" defined.

NRS 240.0067 - "State" defined.

NRS 240.007 - Information and documents filed with or obtained by Secretary of State: Public examination; confidentiality; disclosure.

NRS 240.010 - Appointment by Secretary of State; cancellation of appointment; unlawful acts; injunctive relief.

NRS 240.015 - General qualifications; conditions for appointment of resident of adjoining state.

NRS 240.0155 - Prohibition on collecting social security numbers or alternative personally identifying number from notary public or applicant for appointment as notary public.

NRS 240.017 - Regulations of Secretary of State.

NRS 240.018 - Courses of study for mandatory training of notaries public; fees; persons required to enroll in and successfully complete course of study; Notary Public Training Account; disposition of excess fees.

NRS 240.020 - Powers limited to areas within this State; term of office.

NRS 240.030 - Application for appointment; oath and bond; fingerprints; additional requirements for resident of adjoining state; commencement of term; fee for original, duplicate or amended certificate of appointment.

NRS 240.031 - Annual submission of copy of business license by resident of adjoining state.

NRS 240.033 - Requirements for bond; notification of exhaustion of penal sum; release of surety; suspension of appointment; reinstatement of appointment.

NRS 240.036 - Amended certificate of appointment: Required for certain changes in information; suspension for failure to obtain; fee; issuance.

NRS 240.040 - Use of stamp; embossed notarial seal not required; requirements of stamp; storage of stamp.

NRS 240.045 - Replacement of lost or inoperable stamp; prerequisite to production of stamp.

NRS 240.051 - Actions required upon resignation or death of notary public.

NRS 240.060 - Powers of notary public.

NRS 240.061 - Performance of authorized notarial acts; restricted notarial acts.

NRS 240.062 - Personal knowledge of identity.

NRS 240.063 - Evidentiary effect of signature; limitations on evidentiary effect of certification of documents.

NRS 240.065 - Restrictions on powers of notary public; exceptions.

NRS 240.075 - Prohibited acts.

NRS 240.085 - Advertisements in language other than English to contain notice if notary public is not an attorney; use of certain non-English terms in advertisements prohibited; penalties.

NRS 240.100 - Fees for services; additional fees for travel expenses; notarial acts performed within and outside scope of employment.

NRS 240.110 - Posting of table of fees.

NRS 240.120 - Journal of notarial acts: Duty to maintain; contents; verification based upon credible witness; copy of entry; storage; period of retention; report of loss or theft; exceptions.

NRS 240.130 - Only authorized fees to be charged.

NRS 240.143 - Unlawful possession of certain personal property of notary public.

NRS 240.145 - Unlawful reproduction or use of completed notarial certificate; penalty.

NRS 240.147 - Unlawful destruction, defacement or concealment of notarial record.

NRS 240.150 - Liability for misconduct or neglect; liability of employer; penalties for willful violation or neglect of duty; procedure upon revocation or suspension.

NRS 240.155 - Notarization of signature of person not in presence of notary public unlawful; penalty.

NRS 240.161 - Short title; uniformity of application and construction.

NRS 240.1635 - Notarial acts in this State.

NRS 240.164 - Notarial acts in other jurisdictions of United States.

NRS 240.1645 - Notarial acts under federal authority.

NRS 240.165 - Foreign notarial acts.

NRS 240.1655 - Notarial acts.

NRS 240.1657 - Authentication of signature of notarial officer by Secretary of State; limitation on actions brought against Secretary of State; prohibited acts; penalties; regulations.

NRS 240.166 - Short form for acknowledgment in individual capacity.

NRS 240.1663 - Short form for administering oath or affirmation of office.

NRS 240.1665 - Short form for acknowledgment in representative capacity.

NRS 240.1667 - Short form for acknowledgment containing power of attorney.

NRS 240.167 - Short form for execution of jurat.

NRS 240.168 - Short form for certifying copy of document.

NRS 240.1685 - Short form for jurat of subscribing witness.

NRS 240.169 - Short form for acknowledgment of credible witness.

NRS 240.175 - Criminal penalties.

NRS 240.181 - Short title.

NRS 240.182 - Definitions.

NRS 240.1821 - "Audio-video communication" defined.

NRS 240.1823 - "Credential" defined.

NRS 240.1825 - "Dynamic knowledge-based authentication assessment" defined.

NRS 240.183 - "Electronic" defined.

NRS 240.184 - "Electronic document" defined.

NRS 240.185 - "Electronic notarial act" defined.

NRS 240.186 - "Electronic notary public" defined.

NRS 240.187 - "Electronic seal" defined.

NRS 240.188 - "Electronic signature" defined.

NRS 240.1882 - "In the presence of" or "appear before" defined.

NRS 240.189 - Applicability.

NRS 240.191 - Unlawful acts; injunctive relief.

NRS 240.192 - Registration; oath and bond; fee; electronic notary public.

NRS 240.194 - Period of registration; suspension of registration by operation of law; changes of information.

NRS 240.1943 - Course of study for registration.

NRS 240.195 - Courses of study required; persons required to successfully complete course of study; fees; regulations.

NRS 240.196 - Powers of electronic notary public.

NRS 240.197 - Fees for services; additional fees for travel expenses; electronic notarial acts performed within and outside scope of employment; exceptions.

NRS 240.198 - Notarization of signature of person not in presence of notary public unlawful; penalty; powers limited to areas within this State; certain notarial acts deemed performed within this State.

NRS 240.199 - Evidence of electronic notarial act; electronic document to be tamper-evident.

NRS 240.19902 - Short form for certifying copy of electronic document.

NRS 240.1991 - Requirements for use of audio-video communication: Technology.

NRS 240.1993 - Requirements for use of audio-video communication: Location.

NRS 240.1995 - Duty to record electronic notarial acts performed using audio-video communication; identification by personal knowledge or credible witness; period of retention.

NRS 240.1997 - Electronic notarial acts using audio-video communication: Confirmation of identity.

NRS 240.1999 - Recording certain electronic documents relating to real property.

NRS 240.201 - Duty to keep electronic journal of electronic notarial acts; suspension of registration for failure to produce electronic journal entry; period of retention of notarial records upon surrender, revocation or expiration of registration.

NRS 240.202 - Use of electronic signature and electronic seal; safeguarding of electronic signature, electronic seal and notarial records; maintenance of technology or device used to create electronic signature.

NRS 240.203 - Notice to Secretary of State of death of electronic notary public or surrender, revocation or expiration of registration; duty to erase, delete, destroy or otherwise render ineffective notary’s electronic signature technology or device.

NRS 240.204 - Unlawful acts.

NRS 240.205 - Authentication of signature of electronic notary public by Secretary of State; penalty; regulations.

NRS 240.206 - Regulations.

NRS 240.240 - Creation of office.

NRS 240.250 - Appointment and commission.

NRS 240.260 - Term of office.

NRS 240.270 - Fee for commission; oath and bond.

NRS 240.280 - Seal.

NRS 240.290 - Acts may be performed anywhere in State.

NRS 240.300 - Powers.

NRS 240.310 - Fees.

NRS 240.320 - Revocation of commission.

NRS 240.330 - Penalties.