Nevada Revised Statutes
Chapter 239B - Disclosure of Personal Information to Governmental Agencies
NRS 239B.022 - Request by governmental agency for certain information related to sexual orientation or gender identity or expression: Legislative declaration.

The Legislature finds and declares that:
1. It is the intent of the Legislature that, in collecting information, governmental agencies must gather accurate information in order for the State and local governments to be able to enhance and improve public services to people in this State.
2. Various governmental agencies collect information on race and ethnicity but there is limited collection by governmental agencies of information related to sexual orientation and gender identity or expression.
3. Compared to the broader community, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning persons experience disparities in their health and welfare and disproportionately high rates of poverty, suicide, homelessness, isolation, substance use disorders and violence. These problems are more prevalent for youth and seniors, communities of color and immigrants.
4. It is in the best interests of the State to respect, embrace and understand the full diversity of residents by collecting accurate information to effectively implement and deliver critical services and programs.
(Added to NRS by 2021, 3166)

Structure Nevada Revised Statutes

Nevada Revised Statutes

Chapter 239B - Disclosure of Personal Information to Governmental Agencies

NRS 239B.010 - Request by agency of State or political subdivision for information on certain persons from Federal Bureau of Investigation.

NRS 239B.020 - Request by public safety agency for certain information on applicant for position of firefighter or peace officer from employer or former employer of applicant; use of information; confidentiality.

NRS 239B.022 - Request by governmental agency for certain information related to sexual orientation or gender identity or expression: Legislative declaration.

NRS 239B.024 - Request by governmental agency for certain information related to sexual orientation or gender identity or expression: "Governmental agency" defined.

NRS 239B.026 - Request by governmental agency for certain information related to sexual orientation or gender identity or expression: Confidentiality of information; provision of information optional; denial of services prohibited; limitation on use...

NRS 239B.030 - Recorded, filed or otherwise submitted documents.

NRS 239B.040 - Databases containing electronic mail addresses or telephone numbers of certain persons; use of information; confidentiality.

NRS 239B.050 - Websites.

NRS 239B.060 - Immunity of officer, employee or member of governmental agency or public body from damages resulting from certain acts and omissions in carrying out the provisions of NRS 239B.030 and 239B.050.