Nevada Revised Statutes
Chapter 200 - Crimes Against the Person
NRS 200.481 - Battery: Definitions; penalties.

1. As used in this section:
(a) "Battery" means any willful and unlawful use of force or violence upon the person of another.
(b) "Child" means a person less than 18 years of age.
(c) "Fire-fighting agency" has the meaning ascribed to it in NRS 239B.020.
(d) "Officer" means:
(1) A person who possesses some or all of the powers of a peace officer;
(2) A person employed in a full-time salaried occupation of fire fighting for the benefit or safety of the public;
(3) A member of a volunteer fire department;
(4) A jailer, guard, matron or other correctional officer of a city or county jail or detention facility;
(5) A prosecuting attorney of an agency or political subdivision of the United States or of this State;
(6) A justice of the Supreme Court, judge of the Court of Appeals, district judge, justice of the peace, municipal judge, magistrate, court commissioner, master or referee, including, without limitation, a person acting pro tempore in a capacity listed in this subparagraph;
(7) An employee of this State or a political subdivision of this State whose official duties require the employee to make home visits;
(8) A civilian employee or a volunteer of a law enforcement agency whose official duties require the employee or volunteer to:
(I) Interact with the public;
(II) Perform tasks related to law enforcement; and
(III) Wear identification, clothing or a uniform that identifies the employee or volunteer as working or volunteering for the law enforcement agency;
(9) A civilian employee or a volunteer of a fire-fighting agency whose official duties require the employee or volunteer to:
(I) Interact with the public;
(II) Perform tasks related to fire fighting or fire prevention; and
(III) Wear identification, clothing or a uniform that identifies the employee or volunteer as working or volunteering for the fire-fighting agency; or
(10) A civilian employee or volunteer of this State or a political subdivision of this State whose official duties require the employee or volunteer to:
(I) Interact with the public;
(II) Perform tasks related to code enforcement; and
(III) Wear identification, clothing or a uniform that identifies the employee or volunteer as working or volunteering for this State or a political subdivision of this State.
(e) "Provider of health care" has the meaning ascribed to it in NRS 200.471.
(f) "School employee" means a licensed or unlicensed person employed by a board of trustees of a school district pursuant to NRS 391.100 or 391.281.
(g) "Sporting event" has the meaning ascribed to it in NRS 41.630.
(h) "Sports official" has the meaning ascribed to it in NRS 41.630.
(i) "Strangulation" means intentionally impeding the normal breathing or circulation of the blood by applying pressure on the throat or neck or by blocking the nose or mouth of another person in a manner that creates a risk of death or substantial bodily harm.
(j) "Taxicab" has the meaning ascribed to it in NRS 706.8816.
(k) "Taxicab driver" means a person who operates a taxicab.
(l) "Transit operator" means a person who operates a bus or other vehicle as part of a public mass transportation system.
2. Except as otherwise provided in NRS 200.485, a person convicted of a battery, other than a battery committed by an adult upon a child which constitutes child abuse, shall be punished:
(a) If the battery is not committed with a deadly weapon, and no substantial bodily harm to the victim results, except under circumstances where a greater penalty is provided in this section or NRS 197.090, for a misdemeanor.
(b) If the battery is not committed with a deadly weapon, and either substantial bodily harm to the victim results or the battery is committed by strangulation, for a category C felony as provided in NRS 193.130.
(c) If:
(1) The battery is committed upon an officer, provider of health care, school employee, taxicab driver or transit operator who was performing his or her duty or upon a sports official based on the performance of his or her duties at a sporting event;
(2) The officer, provider of health care, school employee, taxicab driver, transit operator or sports official suffers substantial bodily harm or the battery is committed by strangulation; and
(3) The person charged knew or should have known that the victim was an officer, provider of health care, school employee, taxicab driver, transit operator or sports official,
for a category B felony by imprisonment in the state prison for a minimum term of not less than 2 years and a maximum term of not more than 10 years, or by a fine of not more than $10,000, or by both fine and imprisonment.
(d) If the battery is committed upon an officer, provider of health care, school employee, taxicab driver or transit operator who is performing his or her duty or upon a sports official based on the performance of his or her duties at a sporting event and the person charged knew or should have known that the victim was an officer, provider of health care, school employee, taxicab driver, transit operator or sports official, for a gross misdemeanor, except under circumstances where a greater penalty is provided in this section.
(e) If the battery is committed with the use of a deadly weapon, and:
(1) No substantial bodily harm to the victim results, for a category B felony by imprisonment in the state prison for a minimum term of not less than 2 years and a maximum term of not more than 10 years, and may be further punished by a fine of not more than $10,000.
(2) Substantial bodily harm to the victim results or the battery is committed by strangulation, for a category B felony by imprisonment in the state prison for a minimum term of not less than 2 years and a maximum term of not more than 15 years, and may be further punished by a fine of not more than $10,000.
(f) If the battery is committed by a probationer, a prisoner who is in lawful custody or confinement or a parolee, without the use of a deadly weapon, whether or not substantial bodily harm results and whether or not the battery is committed by strangulation, for a category B felony by imprisonment in the state prison for a minimum term of not less than 1 year and a maximum term of not more than 6 years.
(g) If the battery is committed by a probationer, a prisoner who is in lawful custody or confinement or a parolee, with the use of a deadly weapon, and:
(1) No substantial bodily harm to the victim results, for a category B felony by imprisonment in the state prison for a minimum term of not less than 2 years and a maximum term of not more than 10 years.
(2) Substantial bodily harm to the victim results or the battery is committed by strangulation, for a category B felony by imprisonment in the state prison for a minimum term of not less than 2 years and a maximum term of not more than 15 years.
(Added to NRS by 1971, 1385; A 1973, 1444; 1975, 1063; 1977, 736; 1979, 213, 1427; 1981, 12, 614; 1983, 673; 1985, 248, 2171; 1987, 515; 1989, 1178; 1991, 154, 774; 1995, 22, 903, 1191, 1321, 1335; 1997, 435, 1180, 1813; 1999, 141; 2001, 381; 2003, 355; 2005, 178; 2009, 87; 2013, 1764; 2017, 228; 2019, 1812)

Structure Nevada Revised Statutes

Nevada Revised Statutes

Chapter 200 - Crimes Against the Person

NRS 200.010 - "Murder" defined.

NRS 200.020 - Malice: Express and implied defined.

NRS 200.030 - Degrees of murder; penalties.

NRS 200.033 - Circumstances aggravating first degree murder.

NRS 200.035 - Circumstances mitigating first degree murder.

NRS 200.040 - "Manslaughter" defined.

NRS 200.050 - "Voluntary manslaughter" defined.

NRS 200.060 - When killing punished as murder.

NRS 200.070 - "Involuntary manslaughter" defined.

NRS 200.080 - Punishment for voluntary manslaughter.

NRS 200.090 - Punishment for involuntary manslaughter.

NRS 200.110 - Place of trial for homicide.

NRS 200.120 - "Justifiable homicide" defined; no duty to retreat under certain circumstances.

NRS 200.130 - Bare fear insufficient to justify killing; reasonable fear required; rebuttable presumption under certain circumstances.

NRS 200.140 - Justifiable homicide by peace officer.

NRS 200.150 - Justifiable or excusable homicide.

NRS 200.160 - Additional cases of justifiable homicide.

NRS 200.170 - Burden of proving circumstances of mitigation or justifiable or excusable homicide.

NRS 200.180 - Excusable homicide by misadventure.

NRS 200.190 - Justifiable or excusable homicide not punishable.

NRS 200.200 - Killing in self-defense.

NRS 200.210 - Killing of unborn quick child; penalty.

NRS 200.220 - Taking drugs to terminate pregnancy; penalty.

NRS 200.230 - Death resulting from overloading of passenger vessel; penalties.

NRS 200.240 - Owner of animal that kills human being guilty of manslaughter under certain circumstances; penalty.

NRS 200.260 - Death resulting from unlawful manufacture or storage of explosives; penalty.

NRS 200.275 - Justifiable infliction or threat of bodily injury not punishable.

NRS 200.278 - Information required to be provided to school district of person in secondary school who causes serious bodily injury.

NRS 200.280 - Definition; penalty.

NRS 200.290 - Instrument or manner of inflicting injury immaterial.

NRS 200.300 - Injury not resulting in permanent injury; defendant may be convicted of assault.

NRS 200.310 - Degrees.

NRS 200.320 - Kidnapping in first degree: Penalties.

NRS 200.330 - Kidnapping in second degree: Penalties.

NRS 200.340 - Penalty for aiding or abetting.

NRS 200.350 - Where proceedings may be instituted; consent is not defense.

NRS 200.357 - Law enforcement officer required to take child into protective custody if child in danger of being removed from jurisdiction.

NRS 200.359 - Detention, concealment or removal of child from person having lawful custody or from jurisdiction of court and relocation of child by parent without written consent of other parent or court permission: Penalties; limitation on issuance...

NRS 200.364 - Definitions.

NRS 200.366 - Sexual assault: Definition; penalties; exclusions.

NRS 200.368 - Statutory sexual seduction: Penalties.

NRS 200.373 - Sexual assault of spouse by spouse.

NRS 200.377 - Victims of certain sexual offenses: Legislative findings and declarations.

NRS 200.3771 - Victims of certain sexual offenses: Confidentiality of records and reports that reveal identity; when disclosure permitted; penalty.

NRS 200.3772 - Victims of certain sexual offenses: Procedure for substituting pseudonym for name on files, records and reports; actual identity confidential; when disclosure required; immunity for unintentional disclosure.

NRS 200.3773 - Victims of certain sexual offenses: Public officer or employee prohibited from disclosing identity; exceptions; penalty.

NRS 200.3774 - Victims of certain sexual offenses: Effect of waiver of confidentiality.

NRS 200.378 - Court may impose temporary or extended order to restrict conduct of alleged perpetrator, defendant or convicted person; penalty for violation of order; dissemination of order; notice provided in order.

NRS 200.3781 - Petitioner for order: Deferment of costs and fees; free information concerning order; no fee for serving order.

NRS 200.3782 - Duration of orders; dissolution or modification of orders.

NRS 200.3783 - Order to be transmitted to law enforcement agencies; enforcement.

NRS 200.37835 - Duty to transmit information concerning temporary or extended order to Central Repository.

NRS 200.3784 - Victim to be given certain information and documents concerning case; clerk to keep record of order or condition restricting conduct of defendant.

NRS 200.3786 - Sexual assault forensic evidence kits: Duties of medical provider, law enforcement agency and forensic laboratory.

NRS 200.3788 - Statewide program to track sexual assault forensic evidence kits: Requirements; annual report; participation; immunity from civil liability.

NRS 200.380 - Definition; penalty.

NRS 200.390 - Administration of poison: Penalty.

NRS 200.400 - Definition; penalties.

NRS 200.405 - Administration of drug to aid commission of felony: Penalty.

NRS 200.408 - Administration of controlled substance to aid commission of crime of violence: Penalty; definitions.

NRS 200.410 - Death resulting from duel; penalty.

NRS 200.430 - Incriminating testimony; witness’s privilege.

NRS 200.440 - Posting for not fighting; use of contemptuous language.

NRS 200.450 - Challenges to fight; penalties.

NRS 200.460 - Definition; penalties.

NRS 200.463 - Involuntary servitude; penalties.

NRS 200.4631 - Involuntary servitude of minors; penalties.

NRS 200.464 - Recruiting, enticing, harboring, transporting, providing or obtaining another person to be held in involuntary servitude; benefiting from another person being held in involuntary servitude; penalty.

NRS 200.465 - Assuming rights of ownership over another person; purchase or sale of person; penalty.

NRS 200.466 - Power of court to order restitution for violation of NRS 200.463, 200.464 or 200.465.

NRS 200.467 - Trafficking in persons for financial gain; penalties.

NRS 200.468 - Trafficking in persons for illegal purposes; penalty.

NRS 200.4685 - Trafficking in children; penalty.

NRS 200.469 - Power of court to order restitution for violation of NRS 200.467, 200.468 or 200.4685.

NRS 200.471 - Assault: Definitions; penalties. [Effective through December 31, 2021.] Assault: Definitions; penalties. [Effective January 1, 2022.]

NRS 200.481 - Battery: Definitions; penalties.

NRS 200.485 - Battery which constitutes domestic violence: Penalties; referring child for counseling; restriction against dismissal, probation and suspension; notice of prohibition against owning or possessing firearm; order to surrender, sell or tra...

NRS 200.490 - Provoking assault: Penalty.

NRS 200.495 - Definitions; penalties.

NRS 200.508 - Abuse, neglect or endangerment of child: Penalties; definitions.

NRS 200.5081 - District attorney may refer person suspected of violating NRS 200.508 for treatment or counseling.

NRS 200.5083 - Mutilation of genitalia of female child: Penalties; definitions.

NRS 200.5085 - Use of nonmedical remedial treatment.

NRS 200.5091 - Policy of State.

NRS 200.5092 - Definitions.

NRS 200.50925 - "Reasonable cause to believe" and "as soon as reasonably practicable" defined.

NRS 200.5093 - Report of abuse, neglect, exploitation, isolation or abandonment of older person or vulnerable person; voluntary and mandatory reports; investigation; penalty. [Effective through December 31, 2021.] Report of abuse, neglect, exploitati...

NRS 200.5094 - Reports: Manner of making; contents.

NRS 200.5095 - Reports and records confidential; permissible or required disclosure; penalty. [Effective until the date on which the Nevada Certification Board, or its successor organization, ceases certifying peer recovery support specialists or pee...

NRS 200.50955 - Law enforcement agency: Required to act promptly in obtaining certain warrants.

NRS 200.5096 - Immunity from civil or criminal liability for reporting, investigating or submitting information; exception.

NRS 200.5097 - Admissibility of evidence.

NRS 200.5098 - Duties of Aging and Disability Services Division of Department of Health and Human Services regarding older persons or vulnerable persons; organization and operation of teams for provision of assistance.

NRS 200.50981 - Sheriff to designate point of contact for Aging and Disability Services Division of Department of Health and Human Services.

NRS 200.50982 - Disclosure of information concerning reports and investigations to other agencies or legal representative of older person or vulnerable person; disclosure of information concerning suspect in investigation of abuse, neglect, exploitat...

NRS 200.50984 - Inspection of records pertaining to older person or vulnerable person on whose behalf investigation is conducted.

NRS 200.50986 - Petition for removal of guardian of older person or vulnerable person.

NRS 200.5099 - Penalties.

NRS 200.50995 - Penalties for conspiracy.

NRS 200.510 - Definition; penalties; truth may be given in evidence; jury to determine law and fact.

NRS 200.520 - Publication defined.

NRS 200.530 - Liability of editor or publisher.

NRS 200.540 - Criminal proceedings: Venue.

NRS 200.550 - Furnishing libelous information: Penalty.

NRS 200.560 - Threatening to publish libel: Penalty.

NRS 200.571 - Harassment: Definition; penalties.

NRS 200.575 - Stalking: Definitions; penalties; entry of finding in judgment of conviction or admonishment of rights.

NRS 200.581 - Where offense committed.

NRS 200.591 - Court may impose temporary or extended order to restrict conduct of alleged perpetrator, defendant or convicted person; penalty for violation of order; dissemination of order; notice provided in order.

NRS 200.592 - Petitioner for order: Deferment of costs and fees; free information concerning order; no fee for serving order.

NRS 200.594 - Duration of orders; dissolution or modification of orders.

NRS 200.597 - Order to be transmitted to law enforcement agencies; enforcement.

NRS 200.599 - Duty to transmit information concerning temporary or extended order to Central Repository.

NRS 200.601 - Victim to be given certain information and documents concerning case; clerk to keep record of order or condition restricting conduct of defendant.

NRS 200.603 - Peering, peeping or spying through window, door or other opening of dwelling of another; penalties.

NRS 200.604 - Capturing image of private area of another person; distributing, disclosing, displaying, transmitting or publishing image of private area of another person; penalties; exceptions; confidentiality of image.

NRS 200.605 - Penalties; definition.

NRS 200.610 - Definitions.

NRS 200.620 - Interception and attempted interception of wire communication prohibited; exceptions.

NRS 200.630 - Disclosure of existence, content or substance of wire or radio communication prohibited; exceptions.

NRS 200.640 - Unauthorized connection with facilities prohibited.

NRS 200.650 - Unauthorized, surreptitious intrusion of privacy by listening device prohibited.

NRS 200.690 - Penalties.

NRS 200.700 - Definitions.

NRS 200.710 - Unlawful to use minor in producing pornography or as subject of sexual portrayal in performance.

NRS 200.720 - Promotion of sexual performance of minor unlawful.

NRS 200.725 - Preparing, advertising or distributing materials depicting pornography involving minor unlawful; penalty.

NRS 200.727 - Use of Internet to control visual presentation depicting sexual conduct of person under 16 years of age; penalties.

NRS 200.730 - Possession of visual presentation depicting sexual conduct of person under 16 years of age unlawful; penalties.

NRS 200.735 - Exemption for purposes of law enforcement.

NRS 200.737 - Use of electronic communication device by minor to possess, transmit or distribute sexual images of minor; penalties.

NRS 200.740 - Determination by court or jury of whether person was minor.

NRS 200.750 - Penalties.

NRS 200.760 - Forfeiture.

NRS 200.765 - Definitions.

NRS 200.770 - "Intimate image" defined.

NRS 200.775 - "Sexual conduct" defined.

NRS 200.780 - Unlawful dissemination of intimate image; exceptions; penalty.

NRS 200.785 - Demands in exchange for removal of intimate image; penalty.

NRS 200.790 - Liability of interactive computer service.

NRS 200.800 - Definitions.

NRS 200.810 - "Health care procedure" defined.

NRS 200.820 - "Surgical procedure" defined.

NRS 200.830 - Performance of health care procedure without license; penalties.

NRS 200.840 - Performance of surgical procedure without license; penalties.

NRS 200.870 - Penalty; definitions.

NRS 200.900 - Penalties; definitions.