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Chapter 1. Congressional, Senatorial, and Representative Districts
Part 1. Districting and Apportionment Commission
5-1-101. Commission to redistrict and reapportion -- number of legislators - 5-1-101. Commission to redistrict and reapportion -- number of legislators....
5-1-102. Composition of commission - 5-1-102. Composition of commission. The majority and minority leaders of...
5-1-103. Vacancy on commission - 5-1-103. Vacancy on commission. (1) If a vacancy occurs on...
5-1-104. Compensation and expenses - 5-1-104. Compensation and expenses. Commissioners are entitled to the same...
5-1-105. Restriction on commissioners seeking election to legislature - 5-1-105. Restriction on commissioners seeking election to legislature. A member...
5-1-106. Legislative services division to provide technical and clerical services - 5-1-106. Legislative services division to provide technical and clerical services....
5-1-107. Assistance of state agencies - 5-1-107. Assistance of state agencies. Upon request state agencies shall...
5-1-108. Public hearing on plans - 5-1-108. Public hearing on plans. (1) Before the commission files...
5-1-109. Submission of plan for legislative redistricting to legislature - 5-1-109. Submission of plan for legislative redistricting to legislature. The...
5-1-110. Recommendations of legislature - 5-1-110. Recommendations of legislature. Within 30 days after the commission...
5-1-111. Final plan -- dissolution of commission - 5-1-111. Final plan -- dissolution of commission. (1) Within 90...
5-1-112. through 5-1-114 reserved - 5-1-112 through 5-1-114 reserved.
5-1-115. Redistricting criteria - 5-1-115. Redistricting criteria. (1) Subject to federal law, legislative and...
5-1-116. Repealed - 5-1-116. Repealed. Sec. 1, Ch. 357, L. 2005. History: En....
Chapter 2. Legislature -- Composition and Organization
Part 1. General
5-2-101. Composition of legislature - 5-2-101. Composition of legislature. The legislature consists of senators and...
5-2-102. Term of office - 5-2-102. Term of office. The term of office of a...
5-2-103. Time and place of meeting - 5-2-103. Time and place of meeting. Each regular session of...
5-2-104. Appointment to or candidacy for other offices - 5-2-104. Appointment to or candidacy for other offices. (1) A...
5-2-105. Facsimile signatures authorized - 5-2-105. Facsimile signatures authorized. (1) As used in this section,...
Part 2. Organization
5-2-201. Presession caucus - 5-2-201. Presession caucus. Not later than December 1 of each...
5-2-202. Presession activity - 5-2-202. Presession activity. (1) Members of the legislature nominated to...
5-2-203. Compensation and expenses -- definition - 5-2-203. Compensation and expenses -- definition. (1) Members of the...
5-2-204. Constituent services stipend and reimbursement - 5-2-204. Constituent services stipend and reimbursement. (1) Each legislator is...
5-2-205. Authority for standing committees to meet during interim - 5-2-205. Authority for standing committees to meet during interim. (1)...
5-2-206. through 5-2-210 reserved - 5-2-206 through 5-2-210 reserved.
5-2-211. Certified rosters - 5-2-211. Certified rosters. The secretary of state shall prepare certified...
5-2-212. Organization of senate - 5-2-212. Organization of senate. At 12 noon on the day...
5-2-213. Organization of house of representatives - 5-2-213. Organization of house of representatives. At the time specified...
5-2-214. Oath to be entered on journals - 5-2-214. Oath to be entered on journals. An entry of...
5-2-215. Election of officers - 5-2-215. Election of officers. In all elections of officers of...
5-2-216. Tie vote - 5-2-216. Tie vote. If there is a tie vote for...
5-2-217. through 5-2-220 reserved - 5-2-217 through 5-2-220 reserved.
5-2-221. Officers and employees of the senate and house of representatives - 5-2-221. Officers and employees of the senate and house of...
5-2-222. Powers and duties of officers - 5-2-222. Powers and duties of officers. The president and president...
Part 3. Compensation and Expenses of Members and Officers
5-2-301. Compensation and expenses for members while in session - 5-2-301. Compensation and expenses for members while in session. (1)...
5-2-302. Compensation and expenses when legislature not in session - 5-2-302. Compensation and expenses when legislature not in session. When...
5-2-303. Participation in state benefits group -- employer contribution made to other plan - 5-2-303. (Subsection (2)(c) effective on occurrence of contingency) Participation in...
5-2-304. Participation in public retirement systems - 5-2-304. Participation in public retirement systems. (1) The purpose of...
Part 4. Vacancies
5-2-401. Definitions - 5-2-401. Definitions. (1) As used in 5-2-406, "term" means the...
5-2-402. Appointment by board of county commissioners -- county central committee role -- timeframes - 5-2-402. Appointment by board of county commissioners -- county central...
5-2-403. Appointee to be of same political party - 5-2-403. Appointee to be of same political party. (1) Whenever...
5-2-404. Procedure upon failure of one candidate to receive majority vote - 5-2-404. Procedure upon failure of one candidate to receive majority...
5-2-405. Term of appointee - 5-2-405. Term of appointee. (1) Whenever a vacancy occurs in...
5-2-406. Elections to fill vacancies in senate - 5-2-406. Elections to fill vacancies in senate. (1) Whenever a...
5-2-407. Anticipated vacancy - 5-2-407. Anticipated vacancy. (1) Whenever it appears that a vacancy...
Part 5. Legislative Branch Consolidation
5-2-501. Declaration of policy and purpose - 5-2-501. Declaration of policy and purpose. It is the public...
5-2-502. Structure of legislative branch - 5-2-502. Structure of legislative branch. The legislature established in Article...
5-2-503. Consolidation of legislative branch entities for specified purposes - 5-2-503. Consolidation of legislative branch entities for specified purposes. (1)...
5-2-504. Legislative branch consolidated - 5-2-504. Legislative branch consolidated. The following legislative branch entities are...
Chapter 3. Special Sessions
Part 1. Call of Special Session
5-3-101. Convening of special session -- limiting subjects -- committee meetings -- compensation - 5-3-101. Convening of special session -- limiting subjects -- committee...
5-3-102. Calling of a future special session when legislature is in session - 5-3-102. Calling of a future special session when legislature is...
5-3-103. and 5-3-104 reserved - 5-3-103 and 5-3-104 reserved.
5-3-105. Request by 10 members to poll legislators - 5-3-105. Request by 10 members to poll legislators. (1) When...
5-3-106. Procedure for polling legislators - 5-3-106. Procedure for polling legislators. (1) Within 5 days after...
5-3-107. Notice of time of approved special session - 5-3-107. Notice of time of approved special session. If a...
5-3-108. Failure to approve special session -- ballots void - 5-3-108. Failure to approve special session -- ballots void. (1)...
Chapter 4. Bills
Part 1. General Provisions
5-4-101. Form of enacting clause - 5-4-101. Form of enacting clause. The enacting clause of every...
5-4-102. Limitation on title of referred legislation - 5-4-102. Limitation on title of referred legislation. All bills referred...
5-4-103. Rulemaking authority - 5-4-103. Rulemaking authority. A statute delegating rulemaking authority to an...
5-4-104. Tax expenditure criteria -- legislation - 5-4-104. Tax expenditure criteria -- legislation. (1) The legislature recognizes...
5-4-105. Predrafting - 5-4-105. Predrafting. (1) Prior to the legislative services division working...
Part 2. Fiscal Notes in Legislative Bills
5-4-201. Requirement of fiscal notes with committee reports - 5-4-201. Requirement of fiscal notes with committee reports. All bills...
5-4-202. Requests for notes by committee, house, or sponsor - 5-4-202. Requests for notes by committee, house, or sponsor. A...
5-4-203. Budget director to prepare note - 5-4-203. Budget director to prepare note. The budget director, in...
5-4-204. Submission of fiscal note -- sponsor's fiscal note rebuttal -- distribution to legislators - 5-4-204. Submission of fiscal note -- sponsor's fiscal note rebuttal...
5-4-205. Contents of notes - 5-4-205. Contents of notes. (1) Fiscal notes must, when possible,...
5-4-206. Background information to legislators on request - 5-4-206. Background information to legislators on request. The budget director...
5-4-207. Repealed - 5-4-207. Repealed. Sec. 2, Ch. 274, L. 1993. History: En....
5-4-208. Report of actual costs for legislation with projected fiscal impact - 5-4-208. (Temporary) Report of actual costs for legislation with projected...
5-4-209. reserved - 5-4-209 reserved.
5-4-210. Estimate of fiscal impact on local government required - 5-4-210. Estimate of fiscal impact on local government required. (1)...
Part 3. Action by Governor on Bills
5-4-301. Bills received by governor -- how endorsed - 5-4-301. Bills received by governor -- how endorsed. Each bill...
5-4-302. Approval of bills - 5-4-302. Approval of bills. When the governor approves a bill,...
5-4-303. Line item veto - 5-4-303. Line item veto. If a bill presented to the...
5-4-304. Amendatory veto - 5-4-304. Amendatory veto. The governor may return any bill to...
5-4-305. Bills returned without approval - 5-4-305. Bills returned without approval. (1) A bill or item...
5-4-306. Return when legislature not in session - 5-4-306. Return when legislature not in session. (1) If, on...
5-4-307. Bills remaining with governor - 5-4-307. Bills remaining with governor. (1) A bill that has...
5-4-308. Transmittal of veto messages to legislative services division - 5-4-308. Transmittal of veto messages to legislative services division. The...
Part 4. Legislative History Act (Repealed)
5-4-401. Repealed - 5-4-401. Repealed. Sec. 4, Ch. 11, L. 1997. History: En....
5-4-402. Repealed - 5-4-402. Repealed. Sec. 4, Ch. 11, L. 1997. History: En....
5-4-403. Repealed - 5-4-403. Repealed. Sec. 4, Ch. 11, L. 1997. History: En....
5-4-404. Repealed - 5-4-404. Repealed. Sec. 4, Ch. 11, L. 1997. History: En....
Part 5. Family Impact Notes for Legislative Bills (Terminated)
5-4-501. Terminated - 5-4-501. Terminated. Sec. 8, Ch. 339, L. 1999. History: En....
5-4-502. Terminated - 5-4-502. Terminated. Sec. 8, Ch. 339, L. 1999. History: En....
5-4-503. Terminated - 5-4-503. Terminated. Sec. 8, Ch. 339, L. 1999. History: En....
5-4-504. Terminated - 5-4-504. Terminated. Sec. 8, Ch. 339, L. 1999. History: En....
5-4-505. Terminated - 5-4-505. Terminated. Sec. 8, Ch. 339, L. 1999. History: En....
Chapter 5. Legislative Procedures
Part 1. Witnesses Before Legislature
5-5-101. Subpoenas - 5-5-101. Subpoenas. (1) A subpoena requiring the attendance of any...
5-5-102. Service of subpoenas - 5-5-102. Service of subpoenas. The subpoena may be served by...
5-5-103. Contempt - 5-5-103. Contempt. If a witness neglects or refuses to obey...
5-5-104. Compelling attendance - 5-5-104. Compelling attendance. Any witness neglecting or refusing to attend...
5-5-105. Immunity of witness - 5-5-105. Immunity of witness. (1) A person sworn and examined...
5-5-106. through 5-5-109 reserved - 5-5-106 through 5-5-109 reserved.
5-5-110. Special counsel -- powers -- appointment -- reporting - 5-5-110. (Temporary) Special counsel -- powers -- appointment -- reporting....
Part 2. Organization -- Interim Committees
5-5-201. Power to administer oaths - 5-5-201. Power to administer oaths. The members of any committee...
5-5-202. Interim committees - 5-5-202. Interim committees. (1) During an interim when the legislature...
5-5-203. through 5-5-210 reserved - 5-5-203 through 5-5-210 reserved.
5-5-211. Appointment and composition of interim committees - 5-5-211. Appointment and composition of interim committees. (1) Senate interim...
5-5-212. Implied resignation of member -- vacancies - 5-5-212. Implied resignation of member -- vacancies. If an interim...
5-5-213. Officers of interim committees - 5-5-213. Officers of interim committees. Each interim committee shall elect...
5-5-214. Interim activity - 5-5-214. Interim activity. The interim committees shall perform their functions...
5-5-215. Duties of interim committees - 5-5-215. Duties of interim committees. (1) Each interim committee shall:...
5-5-216. Recommendations of committees - 5-5-216. Recommendations of committees. An interim committee or a statutory...
5-5-217. Selection and assignment of interim studies - 5-5-217. Selection and assignment of interim studies. (1) Immediately following...
5-5-218. through 5-5-220 reserved - 5-5-218 through 5-5-220 reserved.
5-5-221. Repealed - 5-5-221. Repealed. Sec. 5, Ch. 596, L. 1979. History: En....
5-5-222. Repealed - 5-5-222. Repealed. Sec. 5, Ch. 596, L. 1979. History: En....
5-5-223. Economic affairs interim committee - 5-5-223. Economic affairs interim committee. (1) The economic affairs interim...
5-5-224. Education interim committee - 5-5-224. Education interim committee. The education interim committee has administrative...
5-5-225. Children, families, health, and human services interim committee - 5-5-225. Children, families, health, and human services interim committee. The...
5-5-226. Law and justice interim committee - 5-5-226. Law and justice interim committee. The law and justice...
5-5-227. Revenue interim committee -- powers and duties -- revenue estimating and use of estimates - 5-5-227. Revenue interim committee -- powers and duties -- revenue...
5-5-228. State administration and veterans' affairs interim committee - 5-5-228. State administration and veterans' affairs interim committee. (1) The...
5-5-229. State-tribal relations committee - 5-5-229. State-tribal relations committee. There is a state-tribal relations committee....
5-5-230. Energy and telecommunications interim committee - 5-5-230. Energy and telecommunications interim committee. The energy and telecommunications...
5-5-231. Water policy interim committee - 5-5-231. Water policy interim committee. (1) There is a water...
5-5-232. Local government interim committee - 5-5-232. Local government interim committee. There is a local government...
5-5-233. Transportation interim committee - 5-5-233. Transportation interim committee. The transportation interim committee has administrative...
5-5-234. Appointments - 5-5-234. Appointments. (1) (a) Whenever a legislative appointing authority is...
Part 3. Appointments by Governor
5-5-301. Governor to transmit list of appointments to legislature - 5-5-301. Governor to transmit list of appointments to legislature. Within...
5-5-302. Nominations to senate to be in writing - 5-5-302. Nominations to senate to be in writing. Nominations made...
5-5-303. Resolution of concurrence - 5-5-303. Resolution of concurrence. Whenever the senate concurs in a...
Part 4. Impeachment
5-5-401. Officers liable to impeachment - 5-5-401. Officers liable to impeachment. The governor, executive officers, heads...
5-5-402. Sole power of impeachment - 5-5-402. Sole power of impeachment. The sole power of impeachment...
5-5-403. Trial of impeachments - 5-5-403. Trial of impeachments. (1) Impeachment shall be tried by...
5-5-404. Officers of the court - 5-5-404. Officers of the court. (1) The officers of the...
5-5-405. through 5-5-410 reserved - 5-5-405 through 5-5-410 reserved.
5-5-411. Articles of impeachment - 5-5-411. Articles of impeachment. (1) All impeachments must be by...
5-5-412. Delivery of articles to senate - 5-5-412. Delivery of articles to senate. When an officer is...
5-5-413. Suspension pending trial -- filling vacancy - 5-5-413. Suspension pending trial -- filling vacancy. (1) Whenever articles...
5-5-414. Time of hearing -- service of defendant - 5-5-414. Time of hearing -- service of defendant. (1) The...
5-5-415. Service -- how made - 5-5-415. Service -- how made. The service must be made...
5-5-416. Senate to be sworn - 5-5-416. Senate to be sworn. (1) At the time and...
5-5-417. Proceedings on failure to appear - 5-5-417. Proceedings on failure to appear. If the defendant does...
5-5-418. Counsel may be appointed - 5-5-418. Counsel may be appointed. (1) If the defendant appears...
5-5-419. Defendant's objection or answer - 5-5-419. Defendant's objection or answer. When the defendant appears, the...
5-5-420. Overrule of objection -- defendant's plea - 5-5-420. Overrule of objection -- defendant's plea. If the objection...
5-5-421. Two-thirds vote necessary to conviction - 5-5-421. Two-thirds vote necessary to conviction. The defendant cannot be...
5-5-422. Judgment on conviction -- how pronounced - 5-5-422. Judgment on conviction -- how pronounced. After conviction the...
5-5-423. Judgment on conviction -- how finalized - 5-5-423. Judgment on conviction -- how finalized. On the adoption...
5-5-424. through 5-5-430 reserved - 5-5-424 through 5-5-430 reserved.
5-5-431. Nature of judgment - 5-5-431. Nature of judgment. The judgment in the impeachment may...
5-5-432. Effect of judgment of suspension - 5-5-432. Effect of judgment of suspension. If judgment of suspension...
5-5-433. Criminal prosecution not barred - 5-5-433. Criminal prosecution not barred. If the offense for which...
Chapter 6. Legislative Interns (Repealed)
Part 1. Legislative Intern Program (Repealed)
5-6-101. Repealed - 5-6-101. Repealed. Sec. 1, Ch. 133, L. 2013. History: En....
5-6-102. Repealed - 5-6-102. Repealed. Sec. 1, Ch. 133, L. 2013. History: En....
5-6-103. Repealed - 5-6-103. Repealed. Sec. 1, Ch. 133, L. 2013. History: En....
5-6-104. Repealed - 5-6-104. Repealed. Sec. 1, Ch. 133, L. 2013. History: En....
5-6-105. Repealed - 5-6-105. Repealed. Sec. 1, Ch. 133, L. 2013. History: En....
5-6-106. Repealed - 5-6-106. Repealed. Sec. 1, Ch. 133, L. 2013. History: En....
5-6-107. Repealed - 5-6-107. Repealed. Sec. 1, Ch. 133, L. 2013. History: En....
5-6-108. Repealed - 5-6-108. Repealed. Sec. 1, Ch. 133, L. 2013. History: En....
5-6-109. Repealed - 5-6-109. Repealed. Sec. 1, Ch. 133, L. 2013. History: En....
5-6-110. Repealed - 5-6-110. Repealed. Sec. 1, Ch. 133, L. 2013. History: En....
5-6-111. Repealed - 5-6-111. Repealed. Sec. 1, Ch. 133, L. 2013. History: En....
Chapter 7. Lobbying
Part 1. General Provisions -- Licenses
5-7-101. Purposes of chapter -- applicability - 5-7-101. Purposes of chapter -- applicability. (1) The purposes of...
5-7-102. Definitions - 5-7-102. Definitions. The following definitions apply in this chapter: (1)...
5-7-103. Licenses -- fees -- eligibility -- waiver - 5-7-103. Licenses -- fees -- eligibility -- waiver. (1) Any...
5-7-104. Repealed - 5-7-104. Repealed. Sec. 20, Initiative No. 85, 1980. History: En....
5-7-105. Suspension of lobbying privileges - 5-7-105. Suspension of lobbying privileges. A lobbyist whose license has...
5-7-106. and 5-7-107 reserved - 5-7-106 and 5-7-107 reserved.
5-7-108. Inspection of applications and reports -- order of noncompliance -- notification - 5-7-108. Inspection of applications and reports -- order of noncompliance...
5-7-109. and 5-7-110 reserved - 5-7-109 and 5-7-110 reserved.
5-7-111. Commissioner to make rules - 5-7-111. Commissioner to make rules. (1) The commissioner shall promulgate...
5-7-112. Payment threshold -- inflation adjustment - 5-7-112. Payment threshold -- inflation adjustment. For calendar year 2004,...
5-7-113. through 5-7-119 reserved - 5-7-113 through 5-7-119 reserved.
5-7-120. Full disclosure of public expenditures on federal lobbying - 5-7-120. Full disclosure of public expenditures on federal lobbying. (1)...
Part 2. Registration and Reports
5-7-201. Docket -- contents - 5-7-201. Docket -- contents. The commissioner shall make available to...
5-7-202. Docket -- public record - 5-7-202. Docket -- public record. Such docket shall be a...
5-7-203. Principal -- name of lobbyist on docket - 5-7-203. Principal -- name of lobbyist on docket. Each principal...
5-7-204. Updating docket - 5-7-204. Updating docket. Any principal employing any lobbyist shall, when...
5-7-205. Repealed - 5-7-205. Repealed. Sec. 20, Initiative No. 85, 1980. History: En....
5-7-206. Repealed - 5-7-206. Repealed. Sec. 20, Initiative No. 85, 1980. History: En....
5-7-207. Report to legislature - 5-7-207. Report to legislature. Beginning with the first Tuesday following...
5-7-208. Principals to file report - 5-7-208. Principals to file report. (1) A principal subject to...
5-7-209. Payments prohibited unless reported -- penalty for late filing, failure to report, or false statement - 5-7-209. Payments prohibited unless reported -- penalty for late filing,...
5-7-210. Reimbursement - 5-7-210. Reimbursement. Whenever a lobbyist invites a legislator to attend...
5-7-211. Governmental responses not lobbying payments - 5-7-211. Governmental responses not lobbying payments. Budget preparation or response...
5-7-212. Audit of lobbying reports - 5-7-212. Audit of lobbying reports. (1) The commissioner may audit...
5-7-213. Renumbered 2-2-106 - 5-7-213. Renumbered 2-2-106. Code Commissioner, 1995.
Part 3. Prohibitions -- Enforcement
5-7-301. Prohibition of practice without license and registration - 5-7-301. Prohibition of practice without license and registration. (1) An...
5-7-302. Unprofessional conduct - 5-7-302. Unprofessional conduct. No lobbyist or principal shall engage in...
5-7-303. Repealed - 5-7-303. Repealed. Sec. 20, Initiative No. 85, 1980. History: En....
5-7-304. Repealed - 5-7-304. Repealed. Sec. 20, Initiative No. 85, 1980. History: En....
5-7-305. Penalties and enforcement - 5-7-305. Penalties and enforcement. (1) A person who violates any...
5-7-306. Civil penalties for delays in filing -- option for hearing -- suspension of penalty - 5-7-306. Civil penalties for delays in filing -- option for...
5-7-307. through 5-7-309 reserved - 5-7-307 through 5-7-309 reserved.
5-7-310. Prohibition of lobbying by former government personnel - 5-7-310. Prohibition of lobbying by former government personnel. (1) An...
Chapter 11. Legislative Council and Publication of Laws
Part 1. Composition -- Powers and Duties -- Personnel
5-11-101. Appointment and composition of council - 5-11-101. Appointment and composition of council. (1) There is a...
5-11-102. Term - 5-11-102. Term. Membership on the council is for 2 years...
5-11-103. Vacancies - 5-11-103. Vacancies. A vacancy on the legislative council must be...
5-11-104. Officers -- rules of procedure -- records - 5-11-104. Officers -- rules of procedure -- records. The legislative...
5-11-105. Powers and duties of council - 5-11-105. Powers and duties of council. (1) The legislative council...
5-11-106. Authority to investigate and examine - 5-11-106. Authority to investigate and examine. The legislative services division,...
5-11-107. Powers relating to hearings - 5-11-107. Powers relating to hearings. (1) In the discharge of...
5-11-108. through 5-11-110 reserved - 5-11-108 through 5-11-110 reserved.
5-11-111. Legislative services division - 5-11-111. Legislative services division. There is a legislative services division...
5-11-112. Functional organization and responsibilities - 5-11-112. Functional organization and responsibilities. (1) The legislative council may...
5-11-113. and 5-11-114 reserved - 5-11-113 and 5-11-114 reserved.
5-11-115. Renumbered 2-17-805 - 5-11-115. Renumbered 2-17-805. Sec. 9, Ch. 476, L. 1997.
5-11-116. Renumbered 2-17-825 - 5-11-116. Renumbered 2-17-825. Sec. 9, Ch. 476, L. 1997.
5-11-117. through 5-11-119 reserved - 5-11-117 through 5-11-119 reserved.
5-11-120. Legislative branch retirement termination reserve account - 5-11-120. Legislative branch retirement termination reserve account. (1) There is...
Part 2. Dissemination of Laws and Proceedings
5-11-201. Journals -- how authenticated -- filing - 5-11-201. Journals -- how authenticated -- filing. The journal of...
5-11-202. Printing of session laws - 5-11-202. Printing of session laws. The legislative services division shall...
5-11-203. Distribution of session laws -- examination of journals - 5-11-203. Distribution of session laws -- examination of journals. (1)...
5-11-204. Secretary of state to assign chapter numbers to new laws - 5-11-204. Secretary of state to assign chapter numbers to new...
5-11-205. Publication of laws -- format - 5-11-205. Publication of laws -- format. (1) The legislative services...
5-11-206. Index -- list - 5-11-206. Index -- list. (1) The legislative services division shall...
5-11-207. Description of county boundaries included in session laws - 5-11-207. Description of county boundaries included in session laws. The...
5-11-208. Expenses - 5-11-208. Expenses. The expenses incurred by the legislative services division...
5-11-209. Codes -- availability to legislators -- reserved for use by legislative committees - 5-11-209. Codes -- availability to legislators -- reserved for use...
5-11-210. Clearinghouse for reports to legislature - 5-11-210. Clearinghouse for reports to legislature. (1) (a) Except as...
5-11-211. Definitions - 5-11-211. Definitions. For the purposes of this part, the following...
5-11-212. Fees for proceedings - 5-11-212. Fees for proceedings. (1) A complete set of the...
5-11-213. Exclusions - 5-11-213. Exclusions. Each general circulation newspaper published in Montana and...
5-11-214. Exemptions from fees - 5-11-214. Exemptions from fees. All elected state officials, state department...
5-11-215. through 5-11-220 reserved - 5-11-215 through 5-11-220 reserved.
5-11-221. Repealed - 5-11-221. Repealed. Sec. 48, Ch. 19, L. 2011. History: En....
5-11-222. Reports to legislature - 5-11-222. Reports to legislature. (1) (a) Except as provided in...
Part 3. Interstate, International, and Intergovernmental Cooperation
5-11-301. Repealed - 5-11-301. Repealed. Sec. 5, Ch. 232, L. 2003. History: En....
5-11-302. Repealed - 5-11-302. Repealed. Sec. 49, Ch. 19, L. 1999. History: En....
5-11-303. Definitions - 5-11-303. Definitions. For the purposes of this part, the following...
5-11-304. Legislative council's role in interstate, international, and intergovernmental cooperation - 5-11-304. Legislative council's role in interstate, international, and intergovernmental cooperation....
5-11-305. Legislative council appointments to interstate, international, and intergovernmental entities - 5-11-305. Legislative council appointments to interstate, international, and intergovernmental entities....
Part 4. Information Technology Planning
5-11-401. Purpose - 5-11-401. Purpose. It is the purpose of this part to...
5-11-402. Legislative branch information technology planning council - 5-11-402. Legislative branch information technology planning council. There is a...
5-11-403. Duties of legislative branch information technology planning council - 5-11-403. Duties of legislative branch information technology planning council. The...
5-11-404. Technical support - 5-11-404. Technical support. (1) The executive director of the legislative...
5-11-405. Legislative branch information technology plan -- adoption - 5-11-405. Legislative branch information technology plan -- adoption. The legislative...
5-11-406. Legislative branch systems -- conformity to standards - 5-11-406. Legislative branch systems -- conformity to standards. Information technology...
5-11-407. Legislative branch reserve account - 5-11-407. Legislative branch reserve account. (1) There is a legislative...
Part 7. Pacific Northwest Economic Region
5-11-701. Repealed - 5-11-701. Repealed. Sec. 49, Ch. 19, L. 1999. History: En....
5-11-702. Repealed - 5-11-702. Repealed. Sec. 49, Ch. 19, L. 1999. History: En....
5-11-703. Repealed - 5-11-703. Repealed. Sec. 49, Ch. 19, L. 1999. History: En....
5-11-704. Repealed - 5-11-704. Repealed. Sec. 49, Ch. 19, L. 1999. History: En....
5-11-705. Legislative findings - 5-11-705. Legislative findings. (1) The legislature finds that there is...
5-11-706. Participation in Pacific Northwest economic region - 5-11-706. Participation in Pacific Northwest economic region. The Pacific Northwest...
5-11-707. Appointment to Pacific Northwest economic region -- vacancy - 5-11-707. Appointment to Pacific Northwest economic region -- vacancy. (1)...
5-11-708. Compensation of certain appointees to Pacific Northwest economic region - 5-11-708. Compensation of certain appointees to Pacific Northwest economic region....
Part 11. Broadcasting Services
5-11-1101. Legislative findings and purpose - 5-11-1101. Legislative findings and purpose. The legislature finds and declares...
5-11-1102. Definitions - 5-11-1102. Definitions. As used in this part, unless the context...
5-11-1103. through 5-11-1110 reserved - 5-11-1103 through 5-11-1110 reserved.
5-11-1111. State government broadcasting -- structure and governance - 5-11-1111. State government broadcasting -- structure and governance. (1) There...
5-11-1112. Repealed - 5-11-1112. Repealed. Sec. 2, Ch. 26, L. 2021. History: En....
Chapter 12. Legislative Finance Act
5-12-101. Title and purpose of chapter - 5-12-101. Title and purpose of chapter. (1) This chapter may...
5-12-102. Definitions - 5-12-102. Definitions. In this chapter, the following definitions apply: (1)...
Part 2. Legislative Finance Committee
5-12-201. Legislative finance committee - 5-12-201. Legislative finance committee. There is a legislative finance committee...
5-12-202. Appointment of members - 5-12-202. Appointment of members. (1) The legislative finance committee consists...
5-12-203. Term -- officers -- compensation - 5-12-203. Term -- officers -- compensation. (1) Appointments are for...
5-12-204. Vacancies - 5-12-204. Vacancies. If a vacancy occurs on the committee when...
5-12-205. Powers and duties of committee - 5-12-205. Powers and duties of committee. The committee: (1) may...
5-12-206. and 5-12-207 reserved - 5-12-206 and 5-12-207 reserved.
5-12-208. Grant information to be provided to legislative finance committee -- internet link required - 5-12-208. Grant information to be provided to legislative finance committee...
Part 3. Legislative Fiscal Analyst
5-12-301. Legislative fiscal division - 5-12-301. Legislative fiscal division. There is a legislative fiscal division....
5-12-302. Fiscal analyst's duties - 5-12-302. Fiscal analyst's duties. The legislative fiscal analyst shall: (1)...
5-12-303. Fiscal analysis information from state agencies - 5-12-303. Fiscal analysis information from state agencies. (1) The legislative...
5-12-304. Employees and consultants - 5-12-304. Employees and consultants. The legislative fiscal analyst may engage...
Part 4. Budget Amendments
5-12-401. Submission of budget amendments to committee - 5-12-401. Submission of budget amendments to committee. All budget amendments...
5-12-402. Repealed - 5-12-402. Repealed. Sec. 82, Ch. 545, L. 1995. History: En....
Part 5. Interim Budget Committees
5-12-501. Interim budget committees - 5-12-501. (Temporary) Interim budget committees. (1) During an interim when...
5-12-502. Composition of interim budget committees -- compensation - 5-12-502. (Temporary) Composition of interim budget committees -- compensation. (1)...
5-12-503. Officers of interim budget committees -- vacancies - 5-12-503. (Temporary) Officers of interim budget committees -- vacancies. (1)...
5-12-504. Duties of interim budget committees - 5-12-504. (Temporary) Duties of interim budget committees. (1) Each interim...
Chapter 13. Legislative Audit Act
5-13-101. Title and purpose of chapter - 5-13-101. Title and purpose of chapter. (1) This chapter may...
5-13-102. Definitions - 5-13-102. Definitions. In this chapter: (1) "committee" means the legislative...
Part 2. Legislative Audit Committee
5-13-201. Legislative audit committee - 5-13-201. Legislative audit committee. There is a legislative audit committee...
5-13-202. Appointment and term of members -- officers -- vacancies - 5-13-202. Appointment and term of members -- officers -- vacancies....
5-13-203. Meetings -- compensation - 5-13-203. Meetings -- compensation. (1) The committee shall meet: (a)...
Part 3. Legislative Auditor
5-13-301. Legislative audit division - 5-13-301. Legislative audit division. There is a legislative audit division....
5-13-302. Appointment and qualifications - 5-13-302. Appointment and qualifications. (1) (a) The committee shall appoint...
5-13-303. Term and removal - 5-13-303. Term and removal. (1) The legislative auditor is responsible...
5-13-304. Powers and duties - 5-13-304. Powers and duties. The legislative auditor shall: (1) conduct...
5-13-305. Employees, consultants, and legal counsel -- background checks -- cure for impairment - 5-13-305. Employees, consultants, and legal counsel -- background checks --...
5-13-306. Legislative auditor to assist legislature during sessions - 5-13-306. Legislative auditor to assist legislature during sessions. During sessions...
5-13-307. Recommendations of legislative auditor -- implementation costs - 5-13-307. Recommendations of legislative auditor -- implementation costs. (1) The...
5-13-308. Audit standards and objectives - 5-13-308. Audit standards and objectives. The objectives of financial compliance,...
5-13-309. Information from state agencies - 5-13-309. Information from state agencies. (1) All state agencies shall...
5-13-310. Prosecution -- discipline of professionals - 5-13-310. Prosecution -- discipline of professionals. (1) The attorney general...
5-13-311. Legislative auditor to establish and maintain toll-free number for reporting fraud, waste, and abuse -- procedures - 5-13-311. Legislative auditor to establish and maintain toll-free number for...
5-13-312. Deposit of money recovered - 5-13-312. Deposit of money recovered. Unless otherwise provided by law,...
5-13-313. Audit selection based on risk - 5-13-313. Audit selection based on risk. (1) In selecting and...
5-13-314. Employment protection - 5-13-314. Employment protection. An employee of the state of Montana...
5-13-315. through 5-13-320 reserved - 5-13-315 through 5-13-320 reserved.
5-13-321. Joint audits - 5-13-321. Joint audits. (1) The legislative auditor may participate with...
Part 4. Audit Costs and Contracts
5-13-401. Definitions - 5-13-401. Definitions. As used in this part, the following definitions...
5-13-402. Audit costs - 5-13-402. Audit costs. (1) Prior to July 1 of the...
5-13-403. Audit account -- appropriation and expenditures - 5-13-403. Audit account -- appropriation and expenditures. All money for...
5-13-404. Legislative audit specialist services reserve account - 5-13-404. Legislative audit specialist services reserve account. (1) There is...
5-13-405. through 5-13-410 reserved - 5-13-405 through 5-13-410 reserved.
5-13-411. Legislative auditor to approve contracts for audit services - 5-13-411. Legislative auditor to approve contracts for audit services. No...
Chapter 14. Administrative Code Committee (Repealed)
Part 1. Composition, Terms, and Officers (Repealed)
5-14-101. Repealed - 5-14-101. Repealed. Sec. 49, Ch. 19, L. 1999. History: En....
5-14-102. Repealed - 5-14-102. Repealed. Sec. 49, Ch. 19, L. 1999. History: En....
5-14-103. Repealed - 5-14-103. Repealed. Sec. 49, Ch. 19, L. 1999. History: En....
5-14-104. Repealed - 5-14-104. Repealed. Sec. 49, Ch. 19, L. 1999. History: En....
Chapter 15. Legislative Consumer Committee Consumer Counsel
Part 1. Legislative Consumer Committee
5-15-101. Legislative consumer committee -- appointment and composition - 5-15-101. Legislative consumer committee -- appointment and composition. (1) There...
5-15-102. Ineligibility for appointment - 5-15-102. Ineligibility for appointment. A person who is an employee,...
5-15-103. Term of office - 5-15-103. Term of office. A member shall serve until the...
5-15-104. Vacancies - 5-15-104. Vacancies. A vacancy on the committee occurring when the...
5-15-105. Officers - 5-15-105. Officers. The committee shall elect one of its members...
Part 2. Consumer Counsel
5-15-201. Consumer counsel -- appointment and qualifications - 5-15-201. Consumer counsel -- appointment and qualifications. The committee shall...
Chapter 16. Environmental Quality Council
Part 1. Composition, Terms, and Officers
5-16-101. Appointment and composition - 5-16-101. Appointment and composition. The environmental quality council consists of...
5-16-102. Qualifications - 5-16-102. Qualifications. (1) In considering the appointments under 5-16-101(2) and...
5-16-103. Term of office - 5-16-103. Term of office. The terms of office of all...
5-16-104. Vacancies - 5-16-104. Vacancies. (1) A vacancy on the council of a...
5-16-105. Officers - 5-16-105. Officers. The council shall elect one of its members...
Chapter 17. Capitol Building and Planning -- Restoration (Renumbered and Repealed)
Part 1. Capitol Building and Planning Committee (Renumbered and Repealed)
5-17-101. Repealed - 5-17-101. Repealed. Sec. 6, Ch. 7, L. 1993. History: En....
5-17-102. Renumbered 5-11-115 - 5-17-102. Renumbered 5-11-115. Code Commissioner, 1993.
5-17-103. Renumbered 5-11-116 - 5-17-103. Renumbered 5-11-116. Code Commissioner, 1993.
5-17-104. Repealed - 5-17-104. Repealed. Sec. 6, Ch. 7, L. 1993. History: En....
Part 2. Capitol Restoration Commission (Repealed)
5-17-201. Repealed - 5-17-201. Repealed. Sec. 1, Ch. 16, L. 2005. History: En....
5-17-202. Repealed - 5-17-202. Repealed. Sec. 1, Ch. 16, L. 2005. History: En....
5-17-203. Repealed - 5-17-203. Repealed. Sec. 1, Ch. 16, L. 2005. History: En....
5-17-204. Repealed - 5-17-204. Repealed. Sec. 1, Ch. 16, L. 2005. History: En....
5-17-205. Repealed - 5-17-205. Repealed. Sec. 1, Ch. 16, L. 2005. History: En....
5-17-206. Repealed - 5-17-206. Repealed. Sec. 1, Ch. 16, L. 2005. History: En....
5-17-207. Repealed - 5-17-207. Repealed. Sec. 1, Ch. 16, L. 2005. History: En....
Part 3. Pearl Harbor Memorial Committee (Repealed)
5-17-301. Repealed - 5-17-301. Repealed. Sec. 5, Ch. 25, L. 2005. History: En....
5-17-302. Repealed - 5-17-302. Repealed. Sec. 5, Ch. 25, L. 2005. History: En....
5-17-303. Repealed - 5-17-303. Repealed. Sec. 5, Ch. 25, L. 2005. History: En....
Chapter 18. Revenue and Transportation Interim Committee (Repealed)
Part 1. Powers and Duties (Repealed)
5-18-101. Repealed - 5-18-101. Repealed. Sec. 49, Ch. 19, L. 1999. History: En....
5-18-102. Repealed - 5-18-102. Repealed. Sec. 49, Ch. 19, L. 1999. History: En....
5-18-103. Repealed - 5-18-103. Repealed. Sec. 49, Ch. 19, L. 1999. History: En....
5-18-104. Repealed - 5-18-104. Repealed. Sec. 49, Ch. 19, L. 1999. History: En....
5-18-105. Repealed - 5-18-105. Repealed. Sec. 49, Ch. 19, L. 1999. History: En....
5-18-106. Repealed - 5-18-106. Repealed. Sec. 49, Ch. 19, L. 1999. History: En....
5-18-107. Repealed - 5-18-107. Repealed. Sec. 137, Ch. 114, L. 2003. History: En....
5-18-108. Repealed - 5-18-108. Repealed. Sec. 49, Ch. 19, L. 1999. History: En....
5-18-109. Repealed - 5-18-109. Repealed. Sec. 49, Ch. 19, L. 1999. History: En....
5-18-110. Repealed - 5-18-110. Repealed. Sec. 49, Ch. 19, L. 1999. History: En....
5-18-111. through 5-18-114 reserved - 5-18-111 through 5-18-114 reserved.
5-18-115. Repealed - 5-18-115. Repealed. Sec. 49, Ch. 19, L. 1999. History: En....
Part 2. Coal Tax Oversight Subcommittee (Repealed)
5-18-201. Repealed - 5-18-201. Repealed. Sec. 3, Ch. 40, L. 1993. History: En....
5-18-202. Repealed - 5-18-202. Repealed. Sec. 3, Ch. 40, L. 1993. History: En....
5-18-203. Repealed - 5-18-203. Repealed. Sec. 3, Ch. 40, L. 1993. History: En....
Chapter 19. Committee on Indian Affairs (Repealed)
Part 1. General Provisions (Repealed)
5-19-101. Repealed - 5-19-101. Repealed. Sec. 49, Ch. 19, L. 1999. History: En....
5-19-102. Repealed - 5-19-102. Repealed. Sec. 49, Ch. 19, L. 1999. History: En....
5-19-103. Repealed - 5-19-103. Repealed. Sec. 49, Ch. 19, L. 1999. History: En....
5-19-104. Repealed - 5-19-104. Repealed. Sec. 49, Ch. 19, L. 1999. History: En....
5-19-105. Repealed - 5-19-105. Repealed. Sec. 49, Ch. 19, L. 1999. History: En....
5-19-106. Repealed - 5-19-106. Repealed. Sec. 49, Ch. 19, L. 1999. History: En....
5-19-107. Repealed - 5-19-107. Repealed. Sec. 49, Ch. 19, L. 1999. History: En....
5-19-108. Repealed - 5-19-108. Repealed. Sec. 49, Ch. 19, L. 1999. History: En....
Chapter 20. Educational Committees
Part 1. Committee on Educational Accountability and Quality (Terminated)
5-20-101. Terminated - 5-20-101. Terminated. Sec. 7, Ch. 3, Sp. L. June 1989....
5-20-102. Terminated - 5-20-102. Terminated. Sec. 7, Ch. 3, Sp. L. June 1989....
5-20-103. Terminated - 5-20-103. Terminated. Sec. 7, Ch. 3, Sp. L. June 1989....
5-20-104. Terminated - 5-20-104. Terminated. Sec. 7, Ch. 3, Sp. L. June 1989....
5-20-105. Terminated - 5-20-105. Terminated. Sec. 7, Ch. 3, Sp. L. June 1989....
5-20-106. Terminated - 5-20-106. Terminated. Sec. 7, Ch. 3, Sp. L. June 1989....
Part 2. Joint Committee on Postsecondary Education Policy and Budget (Repealed)
5-20-201. Repealed - 5-20-201. Repealed. Sec. 49, Ch. 19, L. 1999. History: En....
5-20-202. Repealed - 5-20-202. Repealed. Sec. 49, Ch. 19, L. 1999. History: En....
5-20-203. Repealed - 5-20-203. Repealed. Sec. 49, Ch. 19, L. 1999. History: En....
5-20-204. Repealed - 5-20-204. Repealed. Sec. 49, Ch. 19, L. 1999. History: En....
5-20-205. Repealed - 5-20-205. Repealed. Sec. 49, Ch. 19, L. 1999. History: En....
5-20-206. Repealed - 5-20-206. Repealed. Sec. 49, Ch. 19, L. 1999. History: En....
5-20-207. Repealed - 5-20-207. Repealed. Sec. 49, Ch. 19, L. 1999. History: En....
5-20-208. Repealed - 5-20-208. Repealed. Sec. 49, Ch. 19, L. 1999. History: En....
Part 3. School Funding Interim Commission
5-20-301. School funding interim commission - 5-20-301. School funding interim commission. (1) There is a school...
Chapter 21. Committee on Public Employee Retirement Systems (Repealed)
5-21-101. Repealed - 5-21-101. Repealed. Sec. 49, Ch. 19, L. 1999. History: En....
5-21-102. Repealed - 5-21-102. Repealed. Sec. 49, Ch. 19, L. 1999. History: En....
5-21-103. Repealed - 5-21-103. Repealed. Sec. 49, Ch. 19, L. 1999. History: En....
5-21-104. Repealed - 5-21-104. Repealed. Sec. 49, Ch. 19, L. 1999. History: En....
5-21-105. Repealed - 5-21-105. Repealed. Sec. 49, Ch. 19, L. 1999. History: En....
Chapter 22. Committee on Children and Families (Repealed)
5-22-101. Repealed - 5-22-101. Repealed. Sec. 49, Ch. 19, L. 1999. History: En....
5-22-102. Repealed - 5-22-102. Repealed. Sec. 49, Ch. 19, L. 1999. History: En....
Chapter 23. Committee on State Management Systems (Repealed)
Part 1. Composition -- Powers and Duties -- Reports (Repealed)
5-23-101. Repealed - 5-23-101. Repealed. Sec. 49, Ch. 19, L. 1999. History: En....
5-23-102. Repealed - 5-23-102. Repealed. Sec. 49, Ch. 19, L. 1999. History: En....
5-23-103. Repealed - 5-23-103. Repealed. Sec. 49, Ch. 19, L. 1999. History: En....
5-23-104. Repealed - 5-23-104. Repealed. Sec. 49, Ch. 19, L. 1999. History: En....
5-23-105. Repealed - 5-23-105. Repealed. Sec. 49, Ch. 19, L. 1999. History: En....
5-23-106. Repealed - 5-23-106. Repealed. Sec. 49, Ch. 19, L. 1999. History: En....
5-23-107. Repealed - 5-23-107. Repealed. Sec. 49, Ch. 19, L. 1999. History: En....
5-23-108. Repealed - 5-23-108. Repealed. Sec. 49, Ch. 19, L. 1999. History: En....
5-23-109. Repealed - 5-23-109. Repealed. Sec. 49, Ch. 19, L. 1999. History: En....