Montana Code Annotated
Part 1. Financing of Housing
90-6-128. through 90-6-130 reserved

90-6-128 through 90-6-130 reserved.

Structure Montana Code Annotated

Montana Code Annotated

Title 90. Planning, Research, and Development

Chapter 6. Community Impact -- Planning and Abatement

Part 1. Financing of Housing

90-6-101. Short title

90-6-102. Legislative declaration

90-6-103. Definitions

90-6-104. General powers of the board

90-6-105. Meetings and acts of the board

90-6-106. Adoption of rules

90-6-107. Deposit and expenditure of funds

90-6-108. Financing programs of the board

90-6-109. Procedure prior to financing of housing developments

90-6-110. Supervision of housing sponsors

90-6-111. Bonds and notes

90-6-112. Provision of bond resolutions

90-6-113. Validity of pledge

90-6-114. Personal liability

90-6-115. Purchase of notes and bonds -- cancellation

90-6-116. Trust indenture

90-6-117. Negotiability of bonds

90-6-118. Signatures of board members

90-6-119. Reserve funds and appropriations

90-6-120. Maintenance of capital reserve account

90-6-121. Refunding obligations -- issuance

90-6-122. Refunding obligations -- sale

90-6-123. Credit of state not pledged

90-6-124. Annual audit

90-6-125. Tax exemption of bonds

90-6-126. Pledge of the state

90-6-127. Allocation of state limit

90-6-128. through 90-6-130 reserved

90-6-131. Legislative declaration

90-6-132. Definitions

90-6-133. Housing Montana fund -- administration

90-6-134. Housing Montana fund -- loan capital restricted to interest on principal -- eligible applicants

90-6-135. Coordination with other programs

90-6-136. Administrative rules

90-6-137. Alternate funding source for housing loans -- use of coal tax trust fund money