Montana Code Annotated
Part 1. Seed Labeling -- Licensing -- Certification
80-5-124. Exemptions

80-5-124. Exemptions. (1) The labeling requirements in 80-5-123 and the prohibitions in 80-5-134 do not apply to:
(a) seed or grain that is not intended for sowing purposes;
(b) seed in storage in or being transported or consigned to a cleaning or processing establishment for cleaning or processing if:
(i) the invoice or labeling accompanying that seed bears the statement "seeds for processing"; and
(ii) any labeling or representation made with respect to the uncleaned or unprocessed seed is subject to this chapter; and
(c) a carrier in respect to seed transported or delivered for transportation in the ordinary course of its business as a carrier, as long as the carrier is not engaged in producing, processing, or marketing seed that is subject to the provisions of this chapter.
(2) A person is not subject to the penalties in 80-5-136 for selling or offering for sale seeds subject to the provisions of this chapter that were incorrectly labeled or represented as to kind, species and subspecies (if appropriate), variety, type, origin, elevation, or year of collection (if required) when the seed cannot be identified by examination, unless the person has failed to obtain an invoice, genuine grower declaration, or other labeling information and has failed to take reasonable precautions to ensure the identity of the seeds. A genuine grower declaration of variety is considered an affirmation that the grower holds records of proof regarding parent seed, such as invoices and labels.
History: En. Sec. 14, Ch. 345, L. 1999.

Structure Montana Code Annotated

Montana Code Annotated

Title 80. Agriculture

Chapter 5. Agricultural Seed and Patented Plant Material

Part 1. Seed Labeling -- Licensing -- Certification

80-5-101. Repealed

80-5-102. Repealed

80-5-103. Renumbered 80-5-125

80-5-104. Repealed

80-5-105. Renumbered 80-5-134

80-5-106. Repealed

80-5-107. Repealed

80-5-108. Renumbered 80-5-126

80-5-109. Renumbered 80-5-127

80-5-110. Renumbered 80-5-128

80-5-111. Renumbered 80-5-129

80-5-112. Repealed

80-5-113. Repealed

80-5-114. through 80-5-119 reserved

80-5-120. Definitions

80-5-121. Renumbered 80-5-133

80-5-122. Renumbered 80-5-138

80-5-123. Label requirements for agricultural, vegetable, flower, and indigenous seeds

80-5-124. Exemptions

80-5-125. Exchange of seed between labelers

80-5-126. Analysis by seed laboratory -- reports

80-5-127. Testing of submitted samples

80-5-128. Laboratory testing of samples -- fees

80-5-129. Certificate of test presumptive evidence

80-5-130. Licensing -- application -- fee

80-5-131. Assessment on sales into Montana -- reporting -- rulemaking

80-5-132. Deposit of funds -- seed account

80-5-133. Inspection

80-5-134. Prohibitions

80-5-135. Screenings -- restrictions on movements

80-5-136. Administration -- stop sale order -- violation -- cancellation of license -- enforcement

80-5-137. Cooperation and agreements

80-5-138. Publication of reports

80-5-139. Rules -- promulgated by department

80-5-140. Application of sections

80-5-141. Rules by Montana state university-Bozeman -- certification agencies

80-5-142. Certification work on self-supporting basis

80-5-143. Withholding certification

80-5-144. Unlawful use of certification -- penalty