Montana Code Annotated
Part 4. Hazardous Waste Management
75-10-408. Variances -- renewals

75-10-408. Variances -- renewals. (1) A person who is a generator or transporter of hazardous wastes or who owns or operates a hazardous waste management facility may apply to the board for a variance or partial variance from the application of or compliance with any requirement of this part or any rule adopted under this part. The board may grant a variance or partial variance if it finds that:
(a) the applicant's actions or proposed actions regarding generation, transportation, treatment, storage, or disposal of hazardous wastes do not constitute a danger to public health or safety or cause substantially adverse environmental effects; and
(b) the application of or compliance with the requirement or rule would produce unreasonable hardship without equal or greater benefits to the public.
(2) No variance or partial variance may be granted except after public hearing on due notice and until the board has considered the relative interests of the applicant, other persons specifically affected, and the general public.
(3) No variance or partial variance may be granted for a period to exceed 1 year, but the variance or partial variance may be renewed for like periods if no complaint is made to the board because of it or if, after the complaint has been made and duly considered at a public hearing held by the board on due notice, the board finds that renewal is justified. No renewal may be granted except on application therefor. An application for renewal shall be made in the manner and upon such notice as specified in rules promulgated under this part. A renewal pursuant to this subsection shall be on the same grounds and subject to the same limitations and requirements as provided in subsection (1).
(4) A variance, partial variance, or renewal thereof is not a right of the applicant or holder thereof but shall be granted at the discretion of the board. However, a person adversely affected by a variance, partial variance, or renewal granted by the board may obtain judicial review thereof as provided by the judicial review of contested case provisions of the Montana Administrative Procedure Act.
(5) Nothing in this section and no variance, partial variance, or renewal granted pursuant to this section may be construed to prevent or limit the application of the emergency provisions and procedures of 75-10-415.
(6) Under no conditions may a variance be granted by the board that would result in a less stringent requirement or degree of control than would be imposed by the applicable federal regulations adopted under the federal Resource Conservation and Recovery Act.
History: En. Sec. 15, Ch. 358, L. 1981.

Structure Montana Code Annotated

Montana Code Annotated

Title 75. Environmental Protection

Chapter 10. Waste and Litter Control

Part 4. Hazardous Waste Management

75-10-401. Short title

75-10-402. Intent, findings, and purpose

75-10-403. Definitions

75-10-404. Powers of department

75-10-405. Administrative rules

75-10-406. Permits

75-10-407. Concurrent permit and major facility siting decisions

75-10-408. Variances -- renewals

75-10-409. Compliance monitoring and reporting

75-10-410. Inspections -- sampling

75-10-411. Hazardous waste site inventory

75-10-412. State hazardous waste management facilities

75-10-413. Administrative enforcement

75-10-414. Injunctions

75-10-415. Imminent hazard

75-10-416. Cleanup orders

75-10-417. Civil penalties

75-10-418. Criminal penalties

75-10-419. Department designated agency for federal program participation -- interstate cooperation

75-10-420. Venue for legal actions

75-10-421. Construction in event of conflict -- remedies cumulative

75-10-422. Unlawful disposal

75-10-423. Renumbered 75-11-525

75-10-424. Administrative penalty

75-10-425. Corrective action orders -- judicial action

75-10-426. Disclosure statement required

75-10-427. Denial or modification of permit -- mitigating factors

75-10-428. Liability -- defense and exclusions

75-10-429. and 75-10-430 reserved

75-10-431. Definitions

75-10-432. Hazardous waste management facility filing and review fees

75-10-433. Hazardous waste management fees

75-10-434. Deposit of hazardous waste management fees

75-10-435. through 75-10-440 reserved

75-10-441. Hazardous waste site -- public hearing required before operation

75-10-442. Moratorium on certain hazardous waste facility permits

75-10-443. through 75-10-446 reserved

75-10-447. Renumbered 75-11-526

75-10-448. through 75-10-450 reserved

75-10-451. Halogenated solvents -- sale restricted -- proof of registration required -- procedure