Montana Code Annotated
Part 42. Special Improvement Districts Continued
7-12-4241. Creation of supplemental revolving fund from parking meter revenue

7-12-4241. Creation of supplemental revolving fund from parking meter revenue. Subject to the provisions of 7-12-4242, a city or town may create, establish, and maintain a supplemental revolving fund out of the net revenues of parking meters to secure prompt payment of principal of and interest on special improvement district bonds issued under the provisions of 7-12-4241 through 7-12-4258 for improvements undertaken pursuant to this part and part 41 for the following purposes: for paving, repaving, macadamizing, remacadamizing, surfacing, resurfacing, oiling, reoiling, graveling, regraveling, piling, repiling, capping, recapping, grading, or regrading one or more streets, alleys, avenues, or other public places or ways in said city or town and/or constructing therein curbs or gutters or for the opening or widening of any street, avenue, alley, or other public way.
History: En. Sec. 1, Ch. 260, L. 1947; R.C.M. 1947, 11-2274(part).

Structure Montana Code Annotated

Montana Code Annotated

Title 7. Local Government

Chapter 12. Improvement Districts

Part 42. Special Improvement Districts Continued

7-12-4201. Use of bonds and warrants

7-12-4202. Repealed

7-12-4203. Details relating to special improvement district bonds and warrants

7-12-4204. Procedure to issue bonds and warrants

7-12-4205. Disposition of bond or warrant proceeds

7-12-4206. Redemption of bonds and warrants

7-12-4207. Investment of interest and sinking fund money

7-12-4208. through 7-12-4220 reserved

7-12-4221. Creation of special improvement district revolving fund

7-12-4222. Sources of money for revolving fund

7-12-4223. Loans from revolving fund to meet payments on bonds and warrants

7-12-4224. Lien arising due to loan from revolving fund

7-12-4225. Covenants to use revolving fund -- duration of revolving fund obligation -- factors to be considered

7-12-4226. Investment of surplus reserves

7-12-4227. Utilization of excess money in revolving fund

7-12-4228. Disposition of tax certificates and tax lien sale property

7-12-4229. Disposal of funds deposited in revolving fund

7-12-4230. through 7-12-4240 reserved

7-12-4241. Creation of supplemental revolving fund from parking meter revenue

7-12-4242. Application of provisions relating to supplemental revolving fund

7-12-4243. Procedure to create and maintain supplemental revolving fund -- election required -- qualified electors defined

7-12-4244. Issuance of bonds based upon supplemental revolving fund -- election

7-12-4245. Resolution for issuance of bonds

7-12-4246. Determination of cost of improvements

7-12-4247. Details relating to bonds

7-12-4248. Operation and use of supplemental revolving fund

7-12-4249. Meaning of term deficiency

7-12-4250. Obligations of municipalities to bondholders

7-12-4251. Enforcement of bondholders' rights

7-12-4252. Judicial determination of validity of proceedings -- petition

7-12-4253. Nature of court proceedings

7-12-4254. Hearing on petition -- notice

7-12-4255. Contents of notice of hearing -- protest

7-12-4256. Decision of district court

7-12-4257. Appeal from district court to supreme court

7-12-4258. Cost of court proceedings