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7-12-4201. Use of bonds and warrants - 7-12-4201. Use of bonds and warrants. All costs and expenses...
7-12-4202. Repealed - 7-12-4202. Repealed. Sec. 16, Ch. 449, L. 1989. History: En....
7-12-4203. Details relating to special improvement district bonds and warrants - 7-12-4203. Details relating to special improvement district bonds and warrants....
7-12-4204. Procedure to issue bonds and warrants - 7-12-4204. Procedure to issue bonds and warrants. (1) Subject to...
7-12-4205. Disposition of bond or warrant proceeds - 7-12-4205. Disposition of bond or warrant proceeds. (1) The city...
7-12-4206. Redemption of bonds and warrants - 7-12-4206. Redemption of bonds and warrants. (1) Special improvement district...
7-12-4207. Investment of interest and sinking fund money - 7-12-4207. Investment of interest and sinking fund money. (1) The...
7-12-4208. through 7-12-4220 reserved - 7-12-4208 through 7-12-4220 reserved.
7-12-4221. Creation of special improvement district revolving fund - 7-12-4221. Creation of special improvement district revolving fund. The council...
7-12-4222. Sources of money for revolving fund - 7-12-4222. Sources of money for revolving fund. (1) For the...
7-12-4223. Loans from revolving fund to meet payments on bonds and warrants - 7-12-4223. Loans from revolving fund to meet payments on bonds...
7-12-4224. Lien arising due to loan from revolving fund - 7-12-4224. Lien arising due to loan from revolving fund. Whenever...
7-12-4225. Covenants to use revolving fund -- duration of revolving fund obligation -- factors to be considered - 7-12-4225. Covenants to use revolving fund -- duration of revolving...
7-12-4226. Investment of surplus reserves - 7-12-4226. Investment of surplus reserves. Surplus reserves not needed for...
7-12-4227. Utilization of excess money in revolving fund - 7-12-4227. Utilization of excess money in revolving fund. Whenever there...
7-12-4228. Disposition of tax certificates and tax lien sale property - 7-12-4228. Disposition of tax certificates and tax lien sale property....
7-12-4229. Disposal of funds deposited in revolving fund - 7-12-4229. Disposal of funds deposited in revolving fund. Any funds...
7-12-4230. through 7-12-4240 reserved - 7-12-4230 through 7-12-4240 reserved.
7-12-4241. Creation of supplemental revolving fund from parking meter revenue - 7-12-4241. Creation of supplemental revolving fund from parking meter revenue....
7-12-4242. Application of provisions relating to supplemental revolving fund - 7-12-4242. Application of provisions relating to supplemental revolving fund. The...
7-12-4243. Procedure to create and maintain supplemental revolving fund -- election required -- qualified electors defined - 7-12-4243. Procedure to create and maintain supplemental revolving fund --...
7-12-4244. Issuance of bonds based upon supplemental revolving fund -- election - 7-12-4244. Issuance of bonds based upon supplemental revolving fund --...
7-12-4245. Resolution for issuance of bonds - 7-12-4245. Resolution for issuance of bonds. (1) Whenever the council...
7-12-4246. Determination of cost of improvements - 7-12-4246. Determination of cost of improvements. The governing body of...
7-12-4247. Details relating to bonds - 7-12-4247. Details relating to bonds. (1) The bonds may mature...
7-12-4248. Operation and use of supplemental revolving fund - 7-12-4248. Operation and use of supplemental revolving fund. (1) Money...
7-12-4249. Meaning of term deficiency - 7-12-4249. Meaning of term deficiency. A deficiency shall exist in...
7-12-4250. Obligations of municipalities to bondholders - 7-12-4250. Obligations of municipalities to bondholders. All agreements, conditions, covenants,...
7-12-4251. Enforcement of bondholders' rights - 7-12-4251. Enforcement of bondholders' rights. The provisions of 7-12-4241 through...
7-12-4252. Judicial determination of validity of proceedings -- petition - 7-12-4252. Judicial determination of validity of proceedings -- petition. (1)...
7-12-4253. Nature of court proceedings - 7-12-4253. Nature of court proceedings. The action provided for in...
7-12-4254. Hearing on petition -- notice - 7-12-4254. Hearing on petition -- notice. (1) Upon the filing...
7-12-4255. Contents of notice of hearing -- protest - 7-12-4255. Contents of notice of hearing -- protest. (1) The...
7-12-4256. Decision of district court - 7-12-4256. Decision of district court. (1) If upon the hearing...
7-12-4257. Appeal from district court to supreme court - 7-12-4257. Appeal from district court to supreme court. From any...
7-12-4258. Cost of court proceedings - 7-12-4258. Cost of court proceedings. The cost of the court...