Montana Code Annotated
Part 2. Administrative Enforcement of Support
40-5-253. Administrative findings and order -- administrative remedies -- judicial review

40-5-253. Administrative findings and order -- administrative remedies -- judicial review. (1) It is the intent of this part that administrative findings and orders be subject to judicial review, but administrative remedies must be exhausted prior to judicial review. The administrative procedures described in this part are subject to review in the appropriate district court. Except as provided in subsections (3) through (5), the review must be conducted pursuant to the Montana Administrative Procedure Act. Upon a showing by the department that administrative remedies have not been exhausted, the district court shall refuse review until the remedies are exhausted.
(2) This part may not be construed to abridge or in any way affect the obligor's right to counsel during any and all judicial or administrative proceedings pursuant to this part.
(3) A petition for judicial review is an original action and may not be filed under a preexisting cause number or joined with any other action.
(4) A summons must be issued and served under Rule 4, Montana Rules of Civil Procedure, upon the child support enforcement division of the department and each party, along with the petition for judicial review. The division may be served through any of its employees. The district court does not obtain jurisdiction unless the petition for judicial review is served on all parties within 30 days after the petition is filed with the district court.
(5) The district court shall set a briefing schedule for a petition for judicial review. A reference in a brief to the administrative record must be to a particular part of the record, suitably designated, and to specific pages of that part of the record. Intelligible abbreviations may be used. A reference to an exhibit must be to the pages of the transcript on which the exhibit is identified, offered in evidence, and received or rejected. After briefs have been filed and upon motion of a party, the district court may order oral argument.
History: En. Sec. 25, Ch. 612, L. 1979; amd. Sec. 23, Ch. 549, L. 1989; amd. Sec. 9, Ch. 482, L. 1997; amd. Sec. 9, Ch. 579, L. 1999.

Structure Montana Code Annotated

Montana Code Annotated

Title 40. Family Law

Chapter 5. Enforcement of Support

Part 2. Administrative Enforcement of Support

40-5-201. Definitions

40-5-202. Department of public health and human services -- powers and duties regarding collection of support debt

40-5-203. Child support enforcement services

40-5-204. Cooperation by obligee

40-5-205. Payment of support money collected to department -- notice

40-5-206. Central unit for information and administration -- cooperation enjoined -- availability of records

40-5-207. Department authorized to enforce maintenance awards

40-5-208. Medical support -- obligation enforcement

40-5-209. Child support guidelines -- periodic review

40-5-210. Standardized fee schedule -- rules

40-5-211. Repealed

40-5-212. Repealed

40-5-213. Financial statements by obligor -- penalty

40-5-214. Scale of suggested minimum contributions

40-5-215. through 40-5-220 reserved

40-5-221. Debt to state by obligor -- limitations

40-5-222. Support debt based upon support order -- notice -- contents -- action to collect

40-5-223. Repealed

40-5-224. Finding of support liability based upon payment of public assistance -- support lien -- bond to release warrant -- action to collect

40-5-225. Notice of financial responsibility -- temporary and final support obligations -- administrative procedure

40-5-226. Administrative hearing -- nature -- place -- time -- determinations -- failure to appear -- entry of final decision and order

40-5-227. Filing and docketing of final orders -- orders effective as district court decrees

40-5-228. through 40-5-230 reserved

40-5-231. Jurisdiction and venue

40-5-232. Establishment of paternity -- notice of parental responsibility -- contents

40-5-233. Establishment of paternity -- administrative hearing -- subpoena -- compulsory paternity genetic testing

40-5-234. Paternity genetic tests -- use of expert's affidavit -- effect of test results -- records -- presumption

40-5-235. Effect of order establishing paternity -- birth records -- relief from order

40-5-236. Referral of paternity issue to district court -- record -- parties -- exclusion of other matters -- fees

40-5-237. District court paternity proceedings -- objection to tests -- additional tests -- expert's report -- admissibility of evidence

40-5-238. Confidentiality of paternity hearings and records of proceedings

40-5-239. and 40-5-240 reserved

40-5-241. Repealed

40-5-242. Notice of support lien -- civil liability upon failure to honor support lien or to comply with warrant for distraint

40-5-243. Release of excess to obligor

40-5-244. Repealed

40-5-245. Repealed

40-5-246. Repealed

40-5-247. Warrant for distraint -- effect -- satisfaction of support lien -- redemption

40-5-248. Lien against real and personal property -- effect of lien -- interest -- warrant for distraint

40-5-249. and 40-5-250 reserved

40-5-251. Debt payment schedule

40-5-252. Interest on debts due -- waiver

40-5-253. Administrative findings and order -- administrative remedies -- judicial review

40-5-254. Statutory limitations

40-5-255. Charging off child support debts as uncollectible -- sale of support debts

40-5-256. Employee debtor rights protected -- limitation

40-5-257. Assignment of earnings to be honored -- effect

40-5-258. through 40-5-260 reserved

40-5-261. Procedures for making information available to consumer reporting agencies

40-5-262. Rules

40-5-263. Central clearinghouse -- enforcement services -- powers and duties of the department

40-5-264. Cooperative agreements

40-5-265. through 40-5-270 reserved

40-5-271. Registration of support orders

40-5-272. Application for review of child support orders

40-5-273. Notice of review of child support orders -- order for production of information

40-5-274. Renumbered 40-5-290

40-5-275. Renumbered 40-5-291

40-5-276. Repealed

40-5-277. Administrative review hearing -- final order -- court approval of order

40-5-278. Limited review of support order

40-5-279. through 40-5-289 reserved

40-5-290. Child support payments to follow child

40-5-291. Order to seek employment