Montana Code Annotated
Part 2. Functions of State Banking Board and Department of Administration
32-1-234. Confidentiality -- penalties

32-1-234. Confidentiality -- penalties. (1) (a) Reports and statements under 32-1-211, 32-1-215, 32-1-216, 32-1-221, 32-1-231, 32-1-232, and 32-1-233 are confidential. Except for information made public by the federal deposit insurance corporation or other federal banking authority's publicly accessible website, any information contained in the reports and statements, the source documents from which this information is derived, and communications concerning reports and statements are confidential. Except as provided in subsection (1)(b), confidential information may not be disclosed to persons who are not officially associated with the department and may be used by the department only to further its official duties.
(b) The department may exchange information with federal financial institution regulatory agencies and with the financial regulatory departments of other states. The department may furnish reports of its examination findings under 32-1-211, 32-1-215, and 32-1-216 to a federal home loan bank, as defined in the Federal Home Loan Bank Act of 1932, 12 U.S.C. 1422. The department may furnish information to the legislative auditor for use in pursuit of official duties. A prosecuting official may obtain the information by court order.
(2) Any knowledge or information gained or discovered by the department in pursuance of its powers or duties is confidential information of the department. The information may not, except as provided in subsection (1)(b), be disclosed to any person not officially associated with the department. The information must be used by the department only to further its official duties.
(3) An employee or agent of the department who violates this section or willfully makes a false official report as to the condition of a bank must be removed from office and is also guilty of a felony. Upon conviction, the person shall be fined an amount not exceeding $1,000, imprisoned in a state correctional facility for a term not exceeding 5 years, or both.
History: En. Secs. 65, 85, Ch. 89, L. 1927; re-en. Secs. 6014.69, 6014.96, R.C.M. 1935; amd. Secs. 28, 33, Ch. 431, L. 1975; R.C.M. 1947, 5-705, 5-1012; amd. Sec. 12, Ch. 395, L. 1993; amd. Sec. 4, Ch. 12, L. 2015; amd. Sec. 1, Ch. 68, L. 2019; amd. Sec. 14, Ch. 75, L. 2019.

Structure Montana Code Annotated

Montana Code Annotated

Title 32. Financial Institutions

Chapter 1. Banks and Trust Companies

Part 2. Functions of State Banking Board and Department of Administration

32-1-201. State banking board -- secretary -- meetings -- per diem

32-1-202. Powers and duties of board

32-1-203. Rules adopted by board -- new banks

32-1-204. Hearings -- notice

32-1-205. Board rules for discovery and hearing procedures

32-1-206. Disqualification of board member -- when

32-1-207. through 32-1-210 reserved

32-1-211. Examination and supervision by department -- division of banking and financial institutions -- commissioner -- rulemaking

32-1-212. Conflicts of interest -- definition -- rulemaking

32-1-213. Payments to be made by banks, investment companies, and trust companies

32-1-214. Special examination defined

32-1-215. Special examinations and fees -- report within 120 days

32-1-216. Examination at request of directors

32-1-217. Repealed

32-1-218. Department to make rules

32-1-219. Reliance on order -- limit on liability

32-1-220. Access to holding companies and affiliated entities

32-1-221. Regional banking organizations -- department authority

32-1-222. Loan production office -- rulemaking authority

32-1-223. through 32-1-230 reserved

32-1-231. Reports to department

32-1-232. Report of declaration of dividend

32-1-233. Special reports to department

32-1-234. Confidentiality -- penalties

32-1-235. Repealed

32-1-236. False statements and entries considered felony