Montana Code Annotated
Part 2. Regulation of Brewers, Beer Importers, and Beer Wholesalers
16-3-213. Brewers or beer importers not to retail beer -- small brewery exceptions

16-3-213. Brewers or beer importers not to retail beer -- small brewery exceptions. (1) Except as provided for small breweries in subsection (2), it is unlawful for any brewer or breweries or beer importer to have or own any permit to sell or retail beer at any place or premises. It is the intention of this section to prohibit brewers and beer importers from engaging in the retail sale of beer. This section does not prohibit breweries from selling and delivering beer manufactured by them, in original packages, at either wholesale or retail.
(2) (a) For the purposes of this section, a "small brewery" is a brewery that has an annual nationwide production of not less than 100 barrels or more than 60,000 barrels, including:
(i) the production of all affiliated manufacturers; and
(ii) beer purchased from any other beer producer to be sold by the brewery.
(b) A small brewery may, at one location for each brewery license and at no more than three locations including affiliated manufacturers, provide samples of beer that were brewed and fermented on the premises in a sample room located on the licensed premises. The samples may be provided with or without charge between the hours of 10 a.m. and 8 p.m. No more than 48 ounces of malt beverage may be sold or given to each individual customer during a business day for consumption on the premises or in prepared servings through curbside pickup, provided that the 48-ounce limit may not in any way limit a small brewery's sales as provided in 16-3-214(1)(a)(iii). No more than 2,000 barrels may be provided annually for on-premises consumption including all affiliated manufacturers.
(3) For the purposes of this section, "affiliated manufacturer" means a manufacturer of beer:
(a) that one or more members of the manufacturing entity have more than a majority share interest in or that controls directly or indirectly another beer manufacturing entity;
(b) for which the business operations conducted between or among entities are interrelated or interdependent to the extent that the net income of one entity cannot reasonably be determined without reference to operations of the other entity; or
(c) of which the brand names, products, recipes, merchandise, trade name, trademarks, labels, or logos are identical or nearly identical.
History: En. Sec. 11, Ch. 106, L. 1933; re-en. Sec. 2815.20, R.C.M. 1935; Sec. 4-315, R.C.M. 1947; redes. 4-3-205 by Sec. 120, Ch. 387, L. 1975; R.C.M. 1947, 4-3-205; amd. Sec. 7, Ch. 19, L. 1985; amd. Sec. 1, Ch. 149, L. 1985; amd. Sec. 1, Ch. 116, L. 1999; amd. Sec. 2, Ch. 271, L. 2017; amd. Sec. 4, Ch. 194, L. 2021.

Structure Montana Code Annotated

Montana Code Annotated

Title 16. Alcohol, Tobacco, and Marijuana

Chapter 3. Control of Liquor, Beer, and Wine

Part 2. Regulation of Brewers, Beer Importers, and Beer Wholesalers

16-3-201. Possession, manufacture, importation, or disposal of beer in manner other than prescribed unlawful -- personal brewing

16-3-202. Beer sale by department prohibited

16-3-203. through 16-3-210 reserved

16-3-211. Monthly report of brewer, beer importer, or retailer -- inspection of books and premises

16-3-212. Brewers' or beer importers' sales to wholesalers lawful

16-3-213. Brewers or beer importers not to retail beer -- small brewery exceptions

16-3-214. Beer sales by brewers -- sample room exception

16-3-215. and 16-3-216 reserved

16-3-217. Purposes

16-3-218. "Distribute" defined

16-3-219. Dock sales restricted -- exceptions

16-3-220. Wholesalers' service obligations -- applicability

16-3-221. Illegal acts by brewers or beer importers

16-3-222. Mandatory provisions of brewer-wholesaler or beer importer-wholesaler contracts, agreements, and franchises

16-3-223. Transfer of wholesaler's interest in business

16-3-224. Contractual or franchise relationship -- existence by actions

16-3-225. Injunction to prevent franchise cancellation

16-3-226. Brewer-wholesaler or beer importer-wholesaler agreements filed with department

16-3-227. through 16-3-229 reserved

16-3-230. Beer required to be shipped to wholesaler

16-3-231. Monthly report of wholesaler

16-3-232. Beer sales by wholesaler

16-3-233. Sales to public by wholesaler unlawful

16-3-234. Consumption of beer on wholesalers' premises unlawful

16-3-235. Carriers' reports of beer transported

16-3-236. through 16-3-240 reserved

16-3-241. Furnishing of fixtures or interior advertising matter to retailers by brewers, beer importers, and wholesalers unlawful -- exceptions

16-3-242. Financial interest in retailers prohibited

16-3-243. Seven-day credit limitation

16-3-244. Beer advertising limitations