Montana Code Annotated
Part 13. Montana High-Level Radioactive Waste and Transuranic Waste Transportation Act
10-3-1303. Definitions

10-3-1303. Definitions. As used in this part, the following definitions apply:
(1) "High-level radioactive waste" means:
(a) the highly radioactive material resulting from the reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel, including liquid waste produced directly in reprocessing and any solid material derived from the liquid waste that contains fission products in sufficient concentrations;
(b) irradiated reactor fuel; or
(c) other highly radioactive waste material that the U.S. nuclear regulatory commission has determined by rule requires permanent isolation.
(2) "Spent nuclear fuel" means fuel that has been withdrawn from a nuclear reactor following irradiation, the constituent elements of which have not been separated by reprocessing.
(3) "Transuranic waste" means material contaminated with elements that have an atomic number greater than 92, including neptunium, plutonium, americium, and curium, and that are in concentrations greater than 10 nanocuries per gram or in other concentrations that the U.S. nuclear regulatory commission may prescribe.
History: En. Sec. 3, Ch. 560, L. 2003.