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10-3-1301. Short title - 10-3-1301. Short title. This part may be cited as the...
10-3-1302. Purpose - 10-3-1302. Purpose. The purpose of this part is to enhance...
10-3-1303. Definitions - 10-3-1303. Definitions. As used in this part, the following definitions...
10-3-1304. Radioactive waste transportation monitoring, emergency response, and training account -- purpose -- disbursement - 10-3-1304. Radioactive waste transportation monitoring, emergency response, and training account...
10-3-1305. Responsibilities of owner - 10-3-1305. Responsibilities of owner. (1) Prior to shipping high-level radioactive...
10-3-1306. Transportation of radioactive waste through state -- notification -- responsibilities of division - 10-3-1306. Transportation of radioactive waste through state -- notification --...
10-3-1307. Responsibilities of department of transportation -- assessment and collection of fees -- issuance of permits -- inspection of motor carriers - 10-3-1307. Responsibilities of department of transportation -- assessment and collection...
10-3-1308. Responsibilities of highway patrol -- monitoring of motor carriers -- billing - 10-3-1308. Responsibilities of highway patrol -- monitoring of motor carriers...
10-3-1309. Responsibilities of public service commission -- inspection of rails and trains -- agreements with neighboring states and provinces -- rulemaking - 10-3-1309. Responsibilities of public service commission -- inspection of rails...
10-3-1310. Penalty - 10-3-1310. Penalty. An owner found to be in violation of...