Missouri Revised Statutes
Chapter 95 - Financial Administration and Indebtedness
Section 95.537 - Officers and employees, salaries paid biweekly (St. Louis City).

Effective - 28 Aug 1963
95.537. Officers and employees, salaries paid biweekly (St. Louis City). — All salaries fixed by statute for public officers, elective or appointive, or their deputies, assistants and employees, in any city now having or which may hereafter acquire a population of seven hundred thousand inhabitants or more, and which are payable by the treasurer of the city, shall be paid biweekly.
(L. 1963 p. 155 § 1)

Structure Missouri Revised Statutes

Missouri Revised Statutes

Title VII - Cities, Towns and Villages

Chapter 95 - Financial Administration and Indebtedness

Section 95.115 - Cities and towns may incur indebtedness, how.

Section 95.120 - Additional indebtedness of cities by special vote.

Section 95.123 - Indebtedness to establish revolving improvement fund, purposes, procedure.

Section 95.125 - Indebtedness for street improvements.

Section 95.130 - Indebtedness for waterworks, electric or other light plants.

Section 95.135 - Annual tax to pay principal and interest — indebtedness to be retired in twenty years.

Section 95.145 - Election.

Section 95.150 - Form of ballot.

Section 95.155 - Bonds issued, when, terms.

Section 95.160 - Provisions of sections 95.115 to 95.155, scope of.

Section 95.165 - Treasurer or other officer to register bonds when requested.

Section 95.170 - Form of bonds.

Section 95.280 - Depositary for city funds, how selected.

Section 95.285 - Depositary to deposit securities — contract term for depositaries, certain cities (Maryville).

Section 95.320 - Bonds to issue, when — rate of interest.

Section 95.325 - Not to increase indebtedness.

Section 95.330 - Sinking and interest funds to be provided for.

Section 95.335 - Bonds to be negotiable.

Section 95.340 - Bonds not to be registered with state auditor.

Section 95.345 - May issue bonds for certain purposes.

Section 95.350 - Bonded debt and interest, power to levy tax for — funding outstanding debts.

Section 95.355 - City depositary.

Section 95.360 - Collector to settle monthly with treasury.

Section 95.370 - Bonds may be issued to pay judgments, when — procedure.

Section 95.375 - Indebtedness of city not to be increased — proceeds from sale of bonds, how applied.

Section 95.380 - Tax to be levied for payment of bonds and interest.

Section 95.385 - Election to be held.

Section 95.390 - Form of ballot.

Section 95.395 - Bonds to be registered.

Section 95.400 - Construction of law.

Section 95.405 - Bonds may be issued.

Section 95.410 - Board may levy tax to pay interest on bonds — may issue bonds.

Section 95.415 - May issue bonds for payment of judgment — how sold.

Section 95.420 - Amounts — time to run — rate of interest — where paid.

Section 95.425 - Net income from water and light plants, how applied.

Section 95.430 - Bonds, how sold — proceeds, how applied.

Section 95.435 - Sinking fund to be provided.

Section 95.440 - Question to be submitted to voters.

Section 95.445 - Form of ballot.

Section 95.450 - Bonds issued, when — procedure, limits.

Section 95.455 - Bonds to be registered.

Section 95.460 - Effect of sections 95.415 to 95.455.

Section 95.465 - Mayor and two houses of legislation defined (cities over 100,000).

Section 95.470 - Certain cities may issue bonds to pay judgment debts — form, conditions of bonds (cities over 100,000).

Section 95.475 - Proceeds from sale of bonds used to pay judgment (cities over 100,000).

Section 95.480 - Sinking fund — annual tax (cities over 100,000).

Section 95.485 - Debt arising from purchase of waterworks, income applied, how (cities over 100,000).

Section 95.490 - Bonds presumed to have been regularly authorized and issued — negotiability (cities over 100,000).

Section 95.495 - Need not be registered with state auditor (cities over 100,000).

Section 95.500 - Certain laws not repealed — this law not to be impaired (cities over 100,000).

Section 95.505 - Certain municipal officers to pay fees to treasurer (cities over 200,000).

Section 95.510 - Board of aldermen to call bond election for national park or plaza (cities over 400,000).

Section 95.515 - Questions to be submitted — amount of bonds to be voted (cities over 400,000).

Section 95.520 - Bonds issued, when (cities over 400,000).

Section 95.525 - United States granted authority to establish parks in state (cities over 400,000).

Section 95.527 - Additional bonds authorized for national park or plaza — election (cities over 400,000).

Section 95.530 - Funds committee — membership — chairman — selection of depositary — duties of chairman — financial institutions, agencies and officials to report — bonds and securities — may invest funds, when, how (certain cities).

Section 95.535 - All fees to be deposited in treasury — duty of comptroller (St. Louis City).

Section 95.537 - Officers and employees, salaries paid biweekly (St. Louis City).

Section 95.540 - City may establish pension system for officers, employees and dependents — costs for utility, library, museum and zoo employees, how paid (cities over 450,000).

Section 95.545 - City may provide medical, health and life insurance for certain employees (St. Louis City).

Section 95.547 - Employees who may be covered (St. Louis City).

Section 95.549 - Program, how financed — services covered (St. Louis City).

Section 95.551 - Employee defined (St. Louis City).

Section 95.553 - Independent board employees, how handled (St. Louis City).

Section 95.555 - City authorized to contract with insurers — rules and regulations authorized (St. Louis City).

Section 95.556 - Officers to administer — membership and benefits as compensation.