Missouri Revised Statutes
Chapter 95 - Financial Administration and Indebtedness
Section 95.410 - Board may levy tax to pay interest on bonds — may issue bonds.

Effective - 28 Aug 1990
95.410. Board may levy tax to pay interest on bonds — may issue bonds. — The board of aldermen shall have the power to levy, annually, taxes upon all taxable property within the city in addition to other taxes, and in sufficient amount for the purpose of paying the interest and principal as may become due on all bonds now issued and outstanding, and such taxes shall be collected in the same manner and time as other taxes. The mayor and board of aldermen shall also have power, by ordinance, to issue bonds payable in one year, to an amount not exceeding half the current revenue for the fiscal year, and also to issue bonds in renewal of other bonds of the city maturing for the requisite amount and which the city has no fund to pay. Such renewal bonds shall not bear a greater average rate of interest than did the original bonds, and shall not run for a longer time than ten years. The mayor and board of aldermen shall also have power, by ordinance, to issue bonds for the purpose of funding the floating indebtedness of the city existing at the time of its incorporation as a city of the fourth class. The mayor and board of aldermen shall have power, by ordinance, to issue bonds for the purpose of extinguishing or paying off any indebtedness against any such city of the fourth class; provided, such indebtedness has been contracted by and with the consent of the constitutionally required percentage of the voters voting in favor of the question and declared by any court of competent jurisdiction to be a legal and valid indebtedness, and which has or may hereafter become a judgment against such city. The aggregate amount of such judgment and existing indebtedness shall not exceed the constitutional limit of such city, and such bonds shall not bear any greater rate of interest than the rate per annum permitted by law, and shall not run for a longer time than twenty years.
(RSMo 1939 § 7152, A. 1949 H.B. 2043, A.L. 1978 H.B. 971, A.L. 1990 H.B. 1621)
Prior revisions: 1929 § 7002; 1919 § 8453; 1909 § 9355

Structure Missouri Revised Statutes

Missouri Revised Statutes

Title VII - Cities, Towns and Villages

Chapter 95 - Financial Administration and Indebtedness

Section 95.115 - Cities and towns may incur indebtedness, how.

Section 95.120 - Additional indebtedness of cities by special vote.

Section 95.123 - Indebtedness to establish revolving improvement fund, purposes, procedure.

Section 95.125 - Indebtedness for street improvements.

Section 95.130 - Indebtedness for waterworks, electric or other light plants.

Section 95.135 - Annual tax to pay principal and interest — indebtedness to be retired in twenty years.

Section 95.145 - Election.

Section 95.150 - Form of ballot.

Section 95.155 - Bonds issued, when, terms.

Section 95.160 - Provisions of sections 95.115 to 95.155, scope of.

Section 95.165 - Treasurer or other officer to register bonds when requested.

Section 95.170 - Form of bonds.

Section 95.280 - Depositary for city funds, how selected.

Section 95.285 - Depositary to deposit securities — contract term for depositaries, certain cities (Maryville).

Section 95.320 - Bonds to issue, when — rate of interest.

Section 95.325 - Not to increase indebtedness.

Section 95.330 - Sinking and interest funds to be provided for.

Section 95.335 - Bonds to be negotiable.

Section 95.340 - Bonds not to be registered with state auditor.

Section 95.345 - May issue bonds for certain purposes.

Section 95.350 - Bonded debt and interest, power to levy tax for — funding outstanding debts.

Section 95.355 - City depositary.

Section 95.360 - Collector to settle monthly with treasury.

Section 95.370 - Bonds may be issued to pay judgments, when — procedure.

Section 95.375 - Indebtedness of city not to be increased — proceeds from sale of bonds, how applied.

Section 95.380 - Tax to be levied for payment of bonds and interest.

Section 95.385 - Election to be held.

Section 95.390 - Form of ballot.

Section 95.395 - Bonds to be registered.

Section 95.400 - Construction of law.

Section 95.405 - Bonds may be issued.

Section 95.410 - Board may levy tax to pay interest on bonds — may issue bonds.

Section 95.415 - May issue bonds for payment of judgment — how sold.

Section 95.420 - Amounts — time to run — rate of interest — where paid.

Section 95.425 - Net income from water and light plants, how applied.

Section 95.430 - Bonds, how sold — proceeds, how applied.

Section 95.435 - Sinking fund to be provided.

Section 95.440 - Question to be submitted to voters.

Section 95.445 - Form of ballot.

Section 95.450 - Bonds issued, when — procedure, limits.

Section 95.455 - Bonds to be registered.

Section 95.460 - Effect of sections 95.415 to 95.455.

Section 95.465 - Mayor and two houses of legislation defined (cities over 100,000).

Section 95.470 - Certain cities may issue bonds to pay judgment debts — form, conditions of bonds (cities over 100,000).

Section 95.475 - Proceeds from sale of bonds used to pay judgment (cities over 100,000).

Section 95.480 - Sinking fund — annual tax (cities over 100,000).

Section 95.485 - Debt arising from purchase of waterworks, income applied, how (cities over 100,000).

Section 95.490 - Bonds presumed to have been regularly authorized and issued — negotiability (cities over 100,000).

Section 95.495 - Need not be registered with state auditor (cities over 100,000).

Section 95.500 - Certain laws not repealed — this law not to be impaired (cities over 100,000).

Section 95.505 - Certain municipal officers to pay fees to treasurer (cities over 200,000).

Section 95.510 - Board of aldermen to call bond election for national park or plaza (cities over 400,000).

Section 95.515 - Questions to be submitted — amount of bonds to be voted (cities over 400,000).

Section 95.520 - Bonds issued, when (cities over 400,000).

Section 95.525 - United States granted authority to establish parks in state (cities over 400,000).

Section 95.527 - Additional bonds authorized for national park or plaza — election (cities over 400,000).

Section 95.530 - Funds committee — membership — chairman — selection of depositary — duties of chairman — financial institutions, agencies and officials to report — bonds and securities — may invest funds, when, how (certain cities).

Section 95.535 - All fees to be deposited in treasury — duty of comptroller (St. Louis City).

Section 95.537 - Officers and employees, salaries paid biweekly (St. Louis City).

Section 95.540 - City may establish pension system for officers, employees and dependents — costs for utility, library, museum and zoo employees, how paid (cities over 450,000).

Section 95.545 - City may provide medical, health and life insurance for certain employees (St. Louis City).

Section 95.547 - Employees who may be covered (St. Louis City).

Section 95.549 - Program, how financed — services covered (St. Louis City).

Section 95.551 - Employee defined (St. Louis City).

Section 95.553 - Independent board employees, how handled (St. Louis City).

Section 95.555 - City authorized to contract with insurers — rules and regulations authorized (St. Louis City).

Section 95.556 - Officers to administer — membership and benefits as compensation.