Missouri Revised Statutes
Chapter 92 - Taxation in St. Louis, Kansas City, and Certain Other Cities
Section 92.130 - Income exempt from earnings tax.

Effective - 28 Aug 1973
92.130. Income exempt from earnings tax. — 1. The income received by any
(1) Labor, agricultural or horticultural organizations;
(2) Mutual savings bank not having a capital stock represented by shares;
(3) Fraternal-beneficiary society, order or association, operating under the lodge system or for the exclusive benefit of the members of a fraternity itself operating under the lodge system, and providing for the payment of life, sick, accident or other benefits to the members of such society, order, or association or their dependents;
(4) Domestic building and loan associations and credit unions without capital stock organized and operated for mutual purposes and without profit;
(5) Cemetery company owned and operated exclusively for the benefit of its members, unless said cemetery is operated for profit;
(6) Corporation or association organized and operated exclusively for religious, charitable, scientific or educational purposes, no part of the net income of which inures to the benefit of any private stockholder or individual;
(7) Business league, chamber of commerce or board of trade not organized for profit and no part of the net income of which inures to the benefit of any private stockholder or individual;
(8) Civic league or organization not organized for profit but operated exclusively for the promotion of social welfare;
(9) Club organized and operated exclusively for pleasure, recreation and other nonprofitable purposes, no part of the net income of which inures to the benefit of any private stockholder or member;
(10) Farmers or other mutual hail, cyclone or fire insurance company, mutual ditch or irrigation company, mutual or cooperative telephone company, or like organization, the income of which consists solely of assessments, dues and fees collected from members for the sole purpose of meeting its expenses;
(11) Farmers, fruit growers or like association, organized and operated as a sales agent for the purpose of marketing the products of its members and turning back to them the proceeds of sales, less the necessary selling expenses, on the basis of the quantity of produce furnished by them;
(12) Corporation or association organized for the exclusive purpose of holding title to property, collecting income therefrom, and turning over the entire amount thereof, less expenses, to an organization which itself is exempt from the tax imposed by chapter 143;
(13) Federal land banks and national farm loan associations, as provided in section 26 of an act of congress approved July 17, 1916, entitled "An act to provide capital for agricultural development, to create standard forms of investment based upon farm mortgage, to equalize rates of interest upon farm loans, to furnish a market for United States bonds, to create government depositaries and financial agents for the United States, and for other purposes";
(14) Joint stock land banks as to income derived from bonds or debentures or other joint stock land banks or any federal land bank belonging to such joint stock land bank;
(15) Express companies which now pay an annual tax on their gross receipts in this state and insurance companies which pay an annual tax on their gross premium receipts in this state;
(16) Trusts created by an employer and employees as part of a stock bonus, pension or profit-sharing plan, for the exclusive benefit of employees, to which contributions are made by such employer or employees, or both, for the purpose of distributing to such employees the earnings and principal of the fund accumulated by the trust in accordance with such plan, or a trust consisting solely of one or more restricted retirement funds created for one or more self-employed persons as part of a retirement plan for the exclusive benefit of such self-employed person or persons, to which contributions are made by such self-employed person or persons, for the purpose of distributing to such self-employed person or persons the earnings and principal of the fund accumulated by the trust in accordance with such plan and the amount actually distributed, or made available to any distributee; shall not be taxable under any tax ordinance enacted pursuant to the provisions of sections 92.110 to 92.200.
2. The following income shall be exempt, regardless of who receives it, from such tax:
(1) The proceeds of life insurance policies paid to the individual beneficiaries upon the death of the insured;
(2) The amount received by the insured as a return of premium or premiums paid by him under life insurance or endowment contracts, either during the term or at the maturity of the term mentioned in the contract or upon the surrender of the contract;
(3) Any amount received under workers' compensation acts, as compensation for personal injuries or sickness, plus the amount of any damages received whether by suit or agreement on account of such injuries or sickness, or through the war risk insurance act or any law for the benefit or relief of injured or disabled members of the military or naval forces of the United States;
(4) The value of property acquired by gift, bequest, devise or descent, but the income from such property shall be included as income;
(5) Interest upon the obligations of this state or of any political subdivision thereof, or upon the obligations of the United States or its possessions;
(6) Any income derived from any public utility performing functions of national government or those incident to the state or any political subdivision thereof, or from the exercise of any essential government function accruing to any state, territory or the District of Columbia; provided, that whenever any state, territory or the District of Columbia, or any political subdivision of a state or territory has, prior to the passage of chapter 143, entered in good faith into a contract with any person or corporation the object and purpose of which is to acquire, construct, operate or maintain a public utility, no tax shall be levied under the provisions of chapter 143 upon the income derived from the operation of such public utility, so far as the payment thereof will impose a loss or burden upon such state, territory or the District of Columbia, or a political subdivision of this state; but this provision is not intended to confer upon such person or corporation any financial gain or exemption or to relieve such person or corporation from the payment of a tax as provided for in chapter 143 upon the part or portion of said income to which such person or corporation shall be entitled under such contract.
(Reenacted L. 1953 2d Ex. Sess. p. 14 § 6, A.L. 1973 S.B. 25)

Structure Missouri Revised Statutes

Missouri Revised Statutes

Title VII - Cities, Towns and Villages

Chapter 92 - Taxation in St. Louis, Kansas City, and Certain Other Cities

Section 92.010 - Maximum rate of levy for general purposes — method of increase (St. Louis).

Section 92.012 - Sewer lateral lines connected to public lines, fee added to general tax levy bill (St. Louis).

Section 92.020 - Additional levy for library, hospital, recreational purposes authorized.

Section 92.030 - Maximum rate of levy for municipal purposes (Kansas City).

Section 92.031 - Annual tax for debt service, rate — (Kansas City).

Section 92.035 - Additional levy for museum purposes — admission to be free, when (Kansas City).

Section 92.036 - Residency requirements for officers and board members of museum (Kansas City).

Section 92.040 - Taxation and licensing of merchants and manufacturers by certain cities, exemptions.

Section 92.041 - Certain property of merchants and manufacturers classified for tax purposes (St. Louis City).

Section 92.043 - Lower tax levy authorized on certain property of merchants and manufacturers (St. Louis City).

Section 92.045 - Certain cities may license, tax and regulate manufacturers, and other merchants, businesses and avocations — local legislative body may grant rulemaking power to tax official — copies of rules, where available (St. Louis City).

Section 92.047 - Inconsistent laws repealed — certain laws declared not inconsistent (St. Louis City).

Section 92.050 - Back tax books.

Section 92.060 - Back taxes, how collected.

Section 92.070 - Informality not to affect validity of books.

Section 92.073 - Gross receipts tax — collection, cost — delinquencies — refunds (St. Louis City).

Section 92.074 - Title of law.

Section 92.077 - Definitions.

Section 92.080 - Municipalities prohibited from imposing certain taxes on telecommunications companies.

Section 92.083 - Terms used in ordinances to have statutory meaning, when — existing ordinances not repealed.

Section 92.086 - List of municipalities with business license tax ordinances to be published — revenue director to collect tax, when — basis for tax — rulemaking authority — intent of general assembly — review of revenue collected — audit authority.

Section 92.089 - Findings of general assembly — immunity for telecommunications companies, when.

Section 92.092 - Nonseverability clause.

Section 92.095 - Severability clause.

Section 92.105 - Intent clause.

Section 92.111 - Limitation on imposition of earnings tax — definitions.

Section 92.113 - Definition of salaries, wages, commissions and other compensation.

Section 92.115 - Constitutional charter cities — requirements — ballot language.

Section 92.120 - Tax rate limits.

Section 92.125 - Reduction of earnings tax, when, amount.

Section 92.130 - Income exempt from earnings tax.

Section 92.140 - Exemptions and deductions from tax may be authorized by city.

Section 92.150 - Net profits, how ascertained.

Section 92.160 - Tax ordinance to contain formulae for taxing profits of nonresidents.

Section 92.170 - Employers may collect tax, and allowance may be authorized.

Section 92.180 - Wage brackets may be established.

Section 92.190 - Tax ordinance not to require copies of federal or state income tax returns.

Section 92.200 - Amendment of charter required — present ordinance to continue.

Section 92.325 - Definitions.

Section 92.327 - Convention and tourism tax, submitted to voters — rate of tax, deposit in convention tourism fund, purpose.

Section 92.329 - Voter approval of tax required.

Section 92.331 - Ballot form.

Section 92.332 - Majority vote required.

Section 92.334 - Gross receipts tax on certain businesses prohibited, when.

Section 92.336 - Revenue received from tax, distribution, requirements — neighborhood tourist development fund established, purpose.

Section 92.338 - Provisions, exemptions and confidentiality of state sales tax to apply — exemption certificates, form — collection of tax, deduction allowed for collection — refunds and penalties.

Section 92.340 - Refund or absorption of tax, prohibited.

Section 92.350 - State and political subdivisions to deduct earnings tax — compensation for collecting.

Section 92.400 - Definitions.

Section 92.402 - Tax, how imposed — rate of tax — boundary changes, procedure, effect of.

Section 92.410 - Deposit of collections — public mass transportation sales tax trust fund — state to retain collection cost.

Section 92.412 - Distribution to city, when — abolition of tax — account, how closed.

Section 92.418 - Proceeds of tax, how spent — minority businesses to be given consideration for contracts — when.

Section 92.420 - Other payments by city to transportation authority permitted.

Section 92.421 - Distribution of tax to transportation authority — use of funds.

Section 92.500 - Sales tax for the operation of public safety departments — ballot submission — use of moneys — repeal of tax, ballot language.

Section 92.700 - Provisions, how adopted.

Section 92.705 - Short title.

Section 92.710 - Definitions.

Section 92.715 - Collectors to act — redemption, interest and costs — compromise of judgment — errors, correction of.

Section 92.720 - Unredeemed lands, how proceeded against, lists — limitation on actions — vacant land, enforcement of lien, when.

Section 92.725 - Lists, contents of.

Section 92.730 - Consolidation of pending suits — costs to be lien — defenses preserved.

Section 92.735 - Joinder of parcels, how numbered, fee.

Section 92.740 - Petition, form, contents.

Section 92.745 - Action in rem, pleadings, failure to answer, effect of.

Section 92.750 - Redemption by interested party, certificate — foreclosure sale, effect of — improved nonhomestead parcels, redeeming prior to foreclosure.

Section 92.755 - Notice of foreclosure, how given, form.

Section 92.760 - Notice of filing, how made, form of.

Section 92.765 - Records of actions taken, where filed — affidavit of compliance for sheriff's sale, filing with court.

Section 92.770 - Attorneys, employment authorized, compensation.

Section 92.775 - Trial, evidence, judgment — severances — jury not authorized — precedence of action.

Section 92.800 - Equity rules of procedure required, exception.

Section 92.805 - Judgment, findings, effect.

Section 92.810 - Waiting period after final judgment — title abstract — notice of sale, provided when — failure to redeem, transfer, purpose, reimbursement.

Section 92.815 - Redemption contracts, installment payments.

Section 92.817 - Foreclosure sale stayed, when — procedure.

Section 92.820 - Sale, where held — notice, form — occupancy permit required, when.

Section 92.825 - Sale, how conducted — interest conveyed — costs, how advanced — eligibility to bid, requirements — purchase price, payable when, amount.

Section 92.830 - Sale, insufficient bid, effect.

Section 92.835 - Title, how held by reutilization authority — title, how taken by others.

Section 92.840 - Confirmation of sales, when, procedure — proceeds of sale, how applied — occupancy permit, defined, when required, effect, failure to obtain, result — penalty for sale not confirmed, when, amount — set aside action, payment of redemp...

Section 92.845 - Appeals.

Section 92.850 - Deputy sheriff, authority.

Section 92.852 - Recording fee, sheriff's deed given pursuant to municipal land reutilization law, assessed when — recorded, when.

Section 92.855 - Sheriff's deed, effect of.

Section 92.860 - Fees allowable.

Section 92.863 - Costs, how apportioned — collector's fees.

Section 92.865 - Amended petition, when allowed.

Section 92.870 - Applicable provisions of general law to apply.

Section 92.875 - Land reutilization authority created, purpose.

Section 92.880 - Beneficiaries of authority — interest, how determined.

Section 92.885 - Members, appointment — vacancy, how filled.

Section 92.890 - Commissioners, organization, bond, oath.

Section 92.895 - Authority's seal, powers.

Section 92.900 - Duties of authority.

Section 92.905 - Director and employees, appointment — funds, how obtained, deposit of, audits — expenditures, how made.

Section 92.910 - Inventory of real estate required.

Section 92.915 - Accounts, how kept — expenditures, priority of.

Section 92.916 - Duties of collector — compensation (St. Louis City).

Section 92.920 - Members and employees prohibited from profiting from operations of authority, exception — penalty.

Section 92.930 - Sale of lands subject to covenants and easements.