Effective - 25 Jun 1996
640.730. Facility to have containment structure. — 1. The owner or operator of every facility, with a flush system animal waste wet handling facility that poses a risk as determined by the department to any public drinking water supply or any aquatic life, or lies within a drainage basin and is within three hundred feet of any adjacent landowner, shall have a failsafe containment structure or earthen dam that will contain, in the event of an unauthorized discharge, a minimum volume equal to the maximum capacity of flushing in any twenty-four-hour period from all gravity outfall lines, recycle pump station and* recycle force mains.
2. Construction of such structure or dam, as provided in subsection 1 of this section, shall commence within ninety days of June 25, 1996.
(L. 1996 H.B. 1207)
Effective 6-25-96
*Word "and" does not appear in original rolls.
Structure Missouri Revised Statutes
Title XL - Additional Executive Departments
Chapter 640 - Department of Natural Resources
Section 640.030 - Interagency plan, department of natural resources and department of conservation.
Section 640.033 - Department may not adopt certain rules.
Section 640.040 - Cleanup of controlled substance laboratories — rules — fund.
Section 640.065 - Revolving services fund created, use of moneys.
Section 640.075 - Brochures on Thomas Hart Benton murals and capitol art work, publication.
Section 640.090 - Implementation impact report, submitted to whom — criteria.
Section 640.095 - Penalties, imposition of — department duties, procedure.
Section 640.099 - Nonseverability of act.
Section 640.102 - Definitions.
Section 640.110 - Fund established — deposits, disbursements — unexpended balance not transferred.
Section 640.130 - Emergencies — actions to be taken — water systems in violation, penalties.
Section 640.131 - Administrative penalties.
Section 640.135 - Fluoride rules prohibited.
Section 640.136 - Fluoridation modification, notification to department and customers, when.
Section 640.141 - Citation of law — definition of public water system.
Section 640.145 - Report, contents — inapplicability, when.
Section 640.153 - Home energy audits — definitions — certification process.
Section 640.155 - Energy information, defined — confidentiality — penalty for disclosure.
Section 640.157 - Energy center to serve as coordinator of energy sustainability activities, duties.
Section 640.160 - Energy futures fund created, use of moneys.
Section 640.236 - Punitive and exemplary damages, exempt from, when.
Section 640.400 - Citation of law.
Section 640.403 - Definitions.
Section 640.409 - Surface and ground water monitoring program, duties of department, purpose.
Section 640.412 - Inventory to be maintained on ground and surface water uses, quantity and users.
Section 640.418 - Special water protection area, procedure to establish.
Section 640.423 - Designation as protection area removed, when.
Section 640.426 - Report by department annually, content.
Section 640.430 - Interagency task force established, members, meetings.
Section 640.600 - Grants in aid to certain public water supply sewer systems.
Section 640.605 - Purpose of grants.
Section 640.620 - Limitation on grants — exceptions.
Section 640.651 - Definitions.
Section 640.657 - Annual computation of actual energy cost savings.
Section 640.660 - Loan repayment.
Section 640.663 - Record-keeping requirements for borrowers.
Section 640.665 - Energy set-aside program fund.
Section 640.668 - Transfer of funds from industrial/commercial energy conservation loan fund.
Section 640.670 - Transfer of funds from local government energy conservation loan fund.
Section 640.674 - Rulemaking authority, procedure.
Section 640.676 - Public and private partnership agreements.
Section 640.678 - Administration of fund.
Section 640.680 - Administration of program moneys from sources other than appropriations.
Section 640.682 - Revenue bonds, purpose.
Section 640.686 - Form, details and incidents of revenue bonds.
Section 640.700 - Certain sections to apply only to facilities with a flush system.
Section 640.703 - Definitions.
Section 640.710 - Department to regulate facilities — rules — setback — exemption.
Section 640.730 - Facility to have containment structure.
Section 640.735 - Discharge to be reported, when, to whom.
Section 640.747 - Closure, funds to be returned, when.
Section 640.750 - Department to inspect, when.
Section 640.755 - Rulemaking, procedure — clean water commission to administer.
Section 640.758 - Does not apply to livestock markets.
Section 640.760 - Liquified manure, surface applied, required setback.